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Author Topic: Masterjack's Layonara team application  (Read 470 times)


Masterjack's Layonara team application
« on: March 08, 2010, 11:36:58 am »
This is being posted as per post # 15 from this thread.

1. What position are you applying for?


2. How long have you been a member of Layonara?

Since April 2006

3. Why do you want to be a GM or LORE team member in Layonara?

I love Layo and what everyone has done to it to make it so interesting. My current work position has given me a lot of free time away from my family.  So why not help out my Layo family when I can.

Secondly I find myself wanting to bring more of Layo to life then just my character. I think being a GM is the best way for me to do that.

Thirdly, I miss making adventures. My son and I have been working together to keep a campaign going for his friends for about two years now. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Sadly my son went off to college.

4. What characteristics make you well suited to the position of GM/LORE team member?

I'm patient, tolerant and work well with others. I also have an over active imagination.

5. Please read through the GM/LORE team duties and qualifications, if you have not already. In light of these obligations, what other responsibilities (either Layonara-related or real life) could affect your Team performance and how would you balance these?

I work for the Canadian military, that alone is a big responsibility. I can be called away at a moments notice to go any where to do almost anything. My current posting makes that extremely unlikely thought not impossible. Usually I get plenty of notice before I have to go somewhere so I should be able work around it or take a small sabbatical.

The second responsibility would be my family. I'm currently posted away from them till at least summer 2011, so that should not be a problem. Also my children are in college.

6. Are you a member of any other Layonara teams? If so and you are accepted as a GM/LORE team member, how do you plan to balance your new role and your current role?


7. Please describe any DM/GM experience, including any NWN GMing experience. Please note that GMing experience is not required for an application to be considered.

I have GM'd / DM'd plenty of games since the early 80s. To be honest most of them pale in comparison to Layo standards. Most of my experience comes from helping my son create an on going campaign for his friends for the last 2 years. I have not DM'd using NWN.

8. Are you applying as a part time or full time quest GM? (Please note the GMing time commitments as specified under GM duties.)

For the first year I can to do it full time but would have to go to part time after that. So I'll just apply for part time and do more then expected.

9. I'll PM my quest summary with in a day or so.
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Re: Masterjack's Layonara team application
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2010, 01:05:00 pm »
Hi Masterjack,

Thank you for your application. We will be contacting you shortly to set up an interview.



Re: Masterjack's Layonara team application
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2010, 03:37:03 pm »
Quest Summary sent

