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Author Topic: New Version Online  (Read 3212 times)


RE: New Version Online
« Reply #60 on: May 17, 2005, 06:58:00 pm »
As of 7:00PM Pacific May 17. 2005. Thanks to Ice for her refashioned/rebuilt plot npcs and I guess a thanks to Leanthar for all his area updates.  You folks know he does a lot of this stuff don't you? Hmm :D  Hope you enjoy.  

    • added help message to correct ox pack disappearing problem
    • fixed all door levers
    • fixed some typos
    • fixed water bucket to not fill with canteens, only fills in water tubs
    • fixed pc quests to remove the player from party first
    • fixed bolt/arrow xp levels
    • fixed garent's quest
    • fixed huge griffon's drop
    • added remembering orb to be a default item
    • creatures
      • updated plot npcs

      • west area updates  
        • plains of caltin  
        • iriand mountains  
        • bloody gate outskirts  
        • berhagen mountains  

        • central area updates  
          • the great rift  
          • kingdom of roldem forest  
          • ruins of roldem  

          • east area updates  
            • arabel  
            • landaise plains  
            • lake malisus  
            • wildlands  



RE: New Version Online
« Reply #61 on: June 03, 2005, 07:59:00 pm »
Here for your perusal now, I'll update with more of a message shortly.  

    • added scripting to check for acceptable stats
    • added check to ensure player has a gem of rememberance on each login
    • added a few quest npcs/areas
    • added more varying weight increases
    • added/updated descriptions for some subrace feats
    • added more skyboxes
    • added more item looks
    • added more clothing/armor looks
    • added more weapon looks
    • added dwarven halls tileset
    • added more creature appearances
    • added more portraits
    • added three new subraces, gonna keep which types a surprise for quests
    • updated crippling feat description
    • updated polymorph/shapeshift/transformations to try and fix a lingering bug
    • updated some staff appearances
    • updated housing code to support more placeables
    • updated bartenders in Lar to sell some good stuff
    • updated pecan pie appearance
    • updated xp charts for levels 21+
    • updated creator palette
    • updated some item appearances
    • updated some creature appearances
    • updated some portraits
    • fixed some pelt weights
    • fixed subrace application to heal HP for those that lose CON
    • fixed many texture issues
    • fixed default bindstone issues and getting stuck in the void
    • fixed vorax summons feats
    • fixed yew clubs only giving +2
    • fixed griffon not respawning for Borden's quest
    • fixed custom music to not cut out
    • fixed various typos
    • fixed cloud of bewilderment recipe
    • removed work request npcs
    • creatures
      • new
        • Androsphinx
        • Animated Book
        • Animated Chest
        • Animated Flying Chest
        • Animated Table
        • Animated Wheel
        • Antelope
        • Ant Larvae
        • Assassin Vines
        • Babirusa
        • Barghest
        • Bear Rakshasa
        • Bladeling
        • Blue Crab
        • Bone Bat
        • Brown Pudding
        • Cornugon
        • Cutter
        • Doppelganger
        • Dun Pudding
        • Eagle
        • Elite Orc (Uruk)
        • Ferret
        • Fine Beetles
        • Fisher
        • Flies
        • Flying Eye
        • Gazelle
        • Gem Golems
        • Giant Blue Crab
        • Giant Panda
        • Giant Wasp
        • Goat Trollocs
        • Greater Visage
        • Green Snakes
        • Gynosphinx
        • Half-fiends
        • Hellwasp Swarm
        • Hieracosphinx
        • Hive Queen Ant
        • Hooded Wraiths
        • Huge Beetles
        • Ice Ghoul
        • Ice Spider
        • Lupinals
        • Mechanized Spider
        • Mice
        • Mink
        • Minogon
        • Mosquito Swarm
        • Mustard Jelly
        • Ogre Skeleton
        • Olive Slime
        • Osyluth
        • Otter
        • Peccary
        • Pig
        • Pixie
        • Planetars
        • Ponies
        • Potbelly Pig
        • Queen Ant
        • Raccoon
        • Red Panda
        • Red Scorpion
        • Redback Spider
        • Salamanders
        • Shrieker
        • Skeletal Doll
        • Skeletal Dwarf
        • Skeletal Ogre
        • Slimy Scorpion
        • Slithering Tracker
        • Sloth Bear
        • Snow Leopard
        • Spectacled Bear
        • Spiderfiends
        • Spiderlings
        • Spiker
        • Spotted Hyena
        • Striped Hyena
        • Sun Bear
        • Thorny Riders
        • Twig Blights
        • Vampires
        • Vampiric Mist
        • Vegepygmy
        • Visage
        • Vorlan Demon
        • Water Buffalo
        • Weasel
        • Wendigo
        • Werebat
        • White Pudding
        • White Tiger
        • Wolf Rakshasa
        • Wolverine
        • Undead Pirates
        • Yeti

        • updated
          • Adamantine Golem
          • Cows
          • Drakes
          • Erinyes
          • Giants
          • Illithids
          • Mariliths
          • Manticores
          • Satyrs
          • Small Spiders
          • Summoned Doom Knight
          • Tigers
          • Treants

          • area updates  
            • Way too many to list. Rediscover your world.  



RE: New Version Online
« Reply #62 on: June 03, 2005, 08:16:00 pm »
absolutely mindbogglingly outdoing yourselves on a regular basis.



RE: New Version Online
« Reply #63 on: June 03, 2005, 11:59:00 pm »
>>added three new subraces, gonna keep which types a surprise for quests <<
    *ears prick up* :)

Harlas Ravelkione

RE: New Version Online
« Reply #64 on: June 04, 2005, 12:25:00 am »
I am speachless.


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RE: New Version Online
« Reply #65 on: June 04, 2005, 04:39:00 am »
I was going to comment, but i believe that a single WOW! basically sums it up... Great job guys! :) :)


RE: New Version Online
« Reply #66 on: June 04, 2005, 05:05:00 am »
PC Rakashas!? (SP?)

I want an anthro PC heheh Make it a druid kitty.

Awsome work guys even if there is not furry/anthro PCs


RE: New Version Online
« Reply #67 on: June 05, 2005, 09:40:00 am »
Okay well with the dust settled, I'd like to address just exactly went into this update from the Human Resources side.  Oddly enough this massive update had less hands in it then most of my smaller ones.  The development team is not quite as strong as what it once was for varying reasons.  People leaving, people being banned, apathy, my want to not have to teach more etc.  To be quite frank, I'm looking for more support and recognition for the hands that went into this update.  I get saddened when there are more bug reports then notes of thanks for all the efforts.

Talan helped with the music fixes.
Pankoki made the new Vampires, a couple of areas and helped me test and debug a number of issues.
Leanthar fixed a few areas and added a couple.
Guardian built the temple for Folian.
Icey did a ton of creatures (monsters and NPCS), clothing/armor and items.
I did the rest.

This update began in the middle of April, just to give you an idea of where it all began.  I'm not aware of how much time the others spent, but Nicky spent at least 75 hours on it (that's not counting all the hours she spent supporting me, there were a few times frustration was going to have me abandon it all).  Personally I must have spent 200 hours doing it all.  Many of it menial tasks that I could not give to anyone else to protect the uniqueness of Layonara.  (I can't go handing out our modules to anyone, you don't wanna see another Layonara popping up eh?) Imagine updating the portraits for every creature/placeable in Layonara (as you can tell from the Bug Reports I missed some) Imagine going through every single file in our hak paks to find missing models and textures.  The scale of this update was massive.  I really hope this post gets that across.

Your support drives us.  Thanks to everyone who already has shown it.

Harlas Ravelkione

RE: New Version Online
« Reply #68 on: June 05, 2005, 10:00:00 am »
Again. Thanks to everyone doing such massive work to keep Layonara the best NWN server out there. If it wasn't for you guys, I would get a lot more tanned, and watch hours and hours of TV (which I hardly ever do these days). This place is truly addictive... and that is a good thing. :)



RE: New Version Online
« Reply #69 on: June 05, 2005, 12:58:00 pm »
orth and everyone guys always have my respect and admiration.

I have worked on many projects where a seemingly small change or accomodating a "minor" request represents days worth of work and hundreds of lines of code.  And of course, the only response is usually, "Oh...thanks"...though sometimes it's "Oh...finally" *sighs*

So on that note...once again, a job well done!


Talan Va'lash

RE: New Version Online
« Reply #70 on: June 05, 2005, 01:54:00 pm »
I hope the bug reports don't make you feel like we dont appreciate the update and the work that went into it.

Personally, I go looking for bugs and keep a list while I'm playing.  I think of it as a way I can contribute to the effort of updating and improving layonara (and I can play at the same time hehehehe)

Once again, if you have anything you need done that you are able to pass off to someone else, I would be willing to help with it.



RE: New Version Online
« Reply #71 on: June 05, 2005, 04:07:00 pm »
Orth and every one else, you guys are da bomb!

I really do get excited about updates and I must say the cows really look like cows now :)


RE: New Version Online
« Reply #72 on: June 05, 2005, 10:46:00 pm »
YES!, finally saw some of the changes IG was too busy crafting to really see any so far...first full moon with a star filled sky in Hope t'was great, fighting the undeads in Broken as gotten more fun with their new voice set and saw 4 of the new animals.  Can't wait to find every big and little thing that changed with this new update :D
Thanks for it all, yer a great team ;)


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RE: New Version Online
« Reply #73 on: June 06, 2005, 12:42:00 am »
Wow...I leave for a month or few come back and have all kinds of goodies.  It's like frickin christmas I tell ya!  CHRISTMAS!  Nah seriously though, great work as always, I know what kinda work goes into these kinds of things (Well almost) and just wow.

Short of sending you guys fruit baskets I don't know what else to say, so yeah.  Keep it up.


RE: New Version Online
« Reply #74 on: June 20, 2005, 07:43:00 pm »
Will post more here shortly.  

    • upgraded to bioware patch 1.66
    • added ability to change house locks (renders existing keys useless)
    • added custom goblin appearance (goblin pcs just need to ask)
    • added brownies
    • updated gm area for better quest/npc staging and more productivity
    • updated loot drops
    • updated some ring appearances
    • removed time stop from scribing recipe
    • removed stables
    • reverted invisible sphere to bioware default
    • fixed many portrait issues
    • fixed remembering orb to be identified
    • fixed pack creatures appearances
    • fixed fish fillet sustenance
    • fixed woodcrafting stave appearances
    • fixed some infusing staff recipes
    • fixed multiple quantity quest npcs to display what they want correct
    • fixed in game clock stopping
    • fixed elven chain mail appearance
    • fixed some more death bugs
    • fixed neutral elf mage near hurm
    • fixed generic captains to accept boat tickets

    • creatures
      • fixed and upgraded many portraits

      • west area updates  
        • berhagen mountains  
        • krandor outskirts  
        • greypeak mountains  
        • plains of caltin  
        • sielwood forest  
        • the high moors  

        • central area updates  
          • hurm outskirts  

          • east area updates  
            • underdark  



RE: New Version Online
« Reply #75 on: July 09, 2005, 03:07:00 am »
As of 3:15AM PST.  Thanks go out to Pankoki for all his help on this update, you'll make a great replacement *smirks* Also for keeping my mind busy in those hours when Icey was coming to visit.  Thanks to IceDragonDuvessa for all your work too hun.  

    • added sea elves
    • added wemics
    • added tool to remove light from items. it's found in a seedy temple or two, no hints
    • added permanent passes to voltrex
    • added emergency exit to card game
    • added runes to dispell all buff spells and/or invisibility on self
    • added trashcans to furniture vendor
    • added levers to inn in lar
    • added ability to forage for wood instead of chopping trees for druids and rangers
    • added white tiger pelt
    • updated greater sanctuary spell
    • updated brownie confusion spell
    • updated demon cards to latest version
    • moved sawdust from timbers to misc
    • fixed damage reduction bug
    • fixed ancient dire bear leather armour crafting
    • fixed Port Hampshire instrument bench
    • fixed mage spawn outside hurm
    • fixed mahogany crafting xp
    • fixed issue with several creatures rewarding no xp
    • fixed house key issues (if you're still having issued try changing the locks please)
    • fixed tags in drift lands cave
    • fixed hp loss to negative CON subraces

    • creatures
      • fixed and upgraded many portraits
      • fixed golem drops
      • updated hoary hunter to spawn mounted
      • updated assassin vines

      • west area updates  
        • krandor outskirts  
        • flaming twins inn, lar  
        • port hampshire hall of reconstruction  

        • central area updates  
          • hurm outskirts  
          • anuroch desert and caves  



RE: New Version Online
« Reply #76 on: July 09, 2005, 09:06:00 am »
Cool, CoOl, CoOL, COOL! Thanks Santa Orth and his elves :p

A round of applauses for the team ;)


RE: New Version Online
« Reply #77 on: July 09, 2005, 09:31:00 am »
Orth if I may ask ... what was updated about Greater Sanctuary?


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RE: New Version Online
« Reply #78 on: July 09, 2005, 09:49:00 am »

You and your team (can forget them) are simply amazing!

You provide better technical support and upgrades than any company whose software I own!




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RE: New Version Online
« Reply #79 on: July 09, 2005, 11:55:00 am »
You make me happy in ways I'd rather not describe publicly orth...

All kidding aside, grab yourself a beer and go lay out in the hammock, you've earned it.  Another GREAT patch.