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Author Topic: A Tale of Form: Part II (IC Posting)  (Read 312 times)

Lalaith Va'lash

A Tale of Form: Part II (IC Posting)
« on: January 03, 2008, 09:34:08 pm »
After a long night of tale and drink Fryyr finally indicates on the map that Abi holds where the valley he discovered was.  Oddly enough it is in the same spot as one of the x's marked by Cauldil's quill, with a small note indicating that he waited in the valley for three days, and three nights, but after the sun set on the third night there was still nothing to be found in the darkness.

Those of perceptive eyes would notice in the maps cartography that there are many valleys however, and that Cauldil carefully indicated with his X's that he visited many of them, all for three days and three nights. Some of you stay behind discussing the map, the tale, and if anything might come of this.


////Please discuss here anything that the group wishes to. This is currently only for those that were on Part I of The Tale of Form quest. It is up to you to decide where you go from here. This is not a time bubbled event so others can still currently RP into it with permission.

If you wish to make any skill rolls or other sorts of checks post here as well along with your stats and I'll make the rolls.

Part II is on the calander and will be run next Tuesday at the same time.  5:30 PM EST/ /10:30pm GMT ////





Re: A Tale of Form: Part II (IC Posting)
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2008, 10:00:28 pm »
*Barion looks over the map and then looks around*

We now have two options ,

One , we go and try to find this spot and sit there until something happens .

Two , we go and search the relatives of the eight and try to find out if any has left behind something that could give an idea on how and when and why this gate appears ...taken into account that the story is true .

*he looks to the others for what their thoughts are*

Script Wrecked

Re: A Tale of Form: Part II (IC Posting)
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2008, 02:56:46 am »
"Argali iz thinking the elven barrd iz spending the many yearrs trravelling, doing the researrch, and finding the inforrmation. It iz possible therre might be some morre of the facts to be found, but not without the long time looking, no?"


Re: A Tale of Form: Part II (IC Posting)
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2008, 04:09:24 am »
From the story we heard it appears that the eight took off without much word and most likely not telling anyone of their plans. It seems this tale originated from somewhere, my guess is one of the eight made it out alive, or came back and that's where we should start searching. so I agree with Barions second sugestion to search out the families and see what we can dig up. If one of the eight made it out he had to of kept a journal or something behind to clue us in.


Re: A Tale of Form: Part II (IC Posting)
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2008, 05:57:38 am »
ABi went Point Dart seeking the school.

Abi has gone to point dart with a  small group of friends. Omer, Randi Tyne, Berak, Ellis Kyudo and Bartholmew trent (?) (hes the dwarf) accompanied her on the journey.

They discovered a small path leading into the mountains. The main path that once ran thru the mountains had been destroyed by landslides and misuse (another mini-quest from 'west of point dart' gave me direction on this, Ill let the gms haggle it out ;) ).

After making their way thru the moutains they came upon the small seaside town of Point Dart. The port was still active.

After having asked around the village in regards to the story of the 8 spellswords, none seemed to know of it. It was then that Abi and her friends met an old man around 70 or 80 winters that knew the story. His name was Viktor. Though his version was slightly different. He said the 3 who led the academy left in the night quietly, after saying goodbye to their families.

The academy stayed open for awhile after they left, but was closed about 100 years ago. The building was demolished some 20 years ago.

THru their conversation, it was learned that one of the spellswords did have a wife and children. Viktor also pointed them towards a hall of records in the southern part of the guild district.

Soon after it became clear, that abi and her friends needed abit more help in the search so the decided to return and gather what help they could from those who were at the bards telling.


Re: A Tale of Form: Part II (IC Posting)
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2008, 07:50:04 pm »

Script Wrecked

Recounting The Tale Of Cauldil Goldleaf
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2008, 12:10:15 am »
Cauldil Goldleaf blinks a bit clearing his throat as he adjusts the collar about his neck.

"Good evening Ladies and gentleman..."

He smiles a little nervously as he realizes that all the eyes are turning onto him.

"Sit back. Relax, buy a drink... or two or three!"

He touches his lip briefly. "I'll tell you a tale... a little chaos, a little bloodshed, and always with a touch of destiny."

He draws out his words a bit.

In a dark voice which booms above the crowd and chatter, "THE YEAR IS 1123!"

He draws his sword and points to the heavens. "Chaos is rained down... The continent of Dregar has a certain doom."

He turns to the crowd now with a slight chuckle. "Well, you'd not expect for it to be any other way really. With the fall of their leader."

Returning to his story teller air, "Armies! ENEMY battalions march forth across the lands, like ants over their hills."

He swings his sword stepping forward as if advancing on some unseen foe. "Towns were pillaged and plundered, children were kidnapped and killed. Men, were tortured, or worse!"

He stumbles back a little. "And I will not even begin to tell you of the perils of the woman folk."

He offers a sheepish grin. "Yes, yes, it was a terrible time for the continent of Dregar, terrible indeed."

He tucks his sword away as he draws into speaking his story more, this time with a more knowledgeable tone. "The town of Point Dart held a meeting. You know the kind, where men and woman, the adults, all met. Except that they left their pitchforks at home."

"All of the children," he sways back and forth slightly, "were left snug in their bed, with the eldest of child watching over them safely."

He gestures with an index finger as he speaks, "The elders were to discuss the fate of the town. Plenty of yelling as debate after debate ensued..."

"The military, if you could call it that, wasn't near strong enough to defend the town against a strike. Writing letters to the officials of the Kingdom of Boyer, the Bougermisters, the Boyer, or the sovereigns of neigboring towns had proved of little use. But, that was to be expected considering that for the last six centuries or so all those titles held little value, well, with the Diamoniar line in power, that is. Political strife, military strife. If left unchecked, chaos would be allowed to rule Dregar. Oh, and it did for some time.

"Minutes passed, hours past, until the townsfolk's voices were nothing but a hoarse whisper in the night as they crawled home, wearily to crawl into their beds. This sort of thing continued for days, weeks on end, and it wasn't in only this town either... No, not this town, AND not just the Kingdom of Boyer either, but much, or most... even all. Yes, yes, ALL of Dregar suffered in some way from the fall of this great line.

"But what was to be done besides defend or fall prey? This town, like many others could not defend itself, and falling prey wasn't a viable option. But, I'm afraid the answer is quite simple, really. For... they did nothing.

"In the later years, the Kingdom's Boyer returned and the political leaders eventually sorted things out. But," he shakes his head with a gleam in his eyes, "that wouldn't make for a very good story, now would it? No," he chuckles, "I didn't think so neither, good dwarf. But, it is because of this chaos, that you are all here tonight. It is because of this chaos, that a story was born."

"The story of eight spellswords from the town, who had decided to take matters into their own hands. Trying to right the wrong. Trying to set things right," he gestures, "and all that."

"I suppose I forgot to mention that this town wasn't like every other town on the coast of Dregar. There was something special about it. There was born an academy. An academy that performed some of the greatest feats in their day. Where fighters, much like some of you, were taught to wield blades enchanted with the Weave.

"These eight, three of them brothers and the other five friends were said to have worked with the Kings of the time, to teach the youngest brightest, to work to keep the land in order. But when the line fell, and chaos ensued... Something happened to them. These eight, with all there talents formed a secret group. They called themselves the Covenant of Form.

"Years have been told a tale of the Blackfeather Mountains, a legend of something deep within these mountains. Magics, dark magics like no other. Something that could grant you whatever it was you wished..." he smirks a little, "Or so they say."

"This group of Spellswords marched off to find just that. To help set things right. To help to end the chaos, the pain, the plundering and the pillaging.

He takes a deep breath, "Kissing their wives and kids goodbye, they left. To never be heard from again."

"So what happened to these brave few? Could it have been them that helped to end the chaos and despair? Not many believe that. But their fate is tied to whatever lies in the Blackfeather Mountains.  

"I scoured and searched the lands of Layonara, and even visited these mountains myself. I've heard many of tales what happened to this group," he gestures, "but they are just tales afterall. In all the tales there is a bit that rings in common each time."

"They say that the eight made it into the mountains and waited for what was three days time. Watching the great glowing volatile orb in the sky pass over the mountains three times, until, at last, something happened. As moonlight lit the sky, and the darkness twinkled with the light of a thousand tiny stars...  A gate appeared, and they entered.

"Each of the eight working towards the same goal, or so they thought. They took the path beyond the gate slowly. Whether it was tricked or trapped is hard to say. But then something terrible happened within... as if the very fates against them!

"They all went a little mad, and started to turn on each other. Fighting amongst one another, they'd never see the end of the path, and what it was they had to face.

He shrugs a little, "But others will claim to you that is not the truth. No, no, they say, they DID reach the end... and it was merely not what they had expected, and traded their lives for what it was they sought."

"Still, many forsake this righteousness and tell a bitter tale, that they protect the end of the path, from keeping others from reaching what it is they themselves could not find. Guarding this path, this valley, this mountain in their spirit form.

"Aye, but your too old to believe in ghost stories. Aren't you?"

A slight smirk plays across his lips and he bows slightly.


Cauldil Goldleaf holds up the amulet, letting the dark feathers slip through his fingertips. "Reckon you're thinking of the legend of the Blackfeather Mountains. I've heard parts of it... I never counted it related to the Covenant though. Just a story about a bunch of crows. They say that many crows used to make their home in the eastern part of the forests on Dregar... And that the Broken Glade giants drove the whole flock of them away."

He laughs, "And they landed on that there mountain range, and thats how it got its name. They tell of the paths being slippery with crow feathers, and then things like this..." he holds up the amulet, "were created. They hold some magic... But... who can really tell..."


"The names of the eight?  Yes, of course... Lets see... There was Remden Moltav, the youngest of the three brothers. Gregory, Shayne, I think were the other two..." Cauldil Goldleaf thinks a moment, considering.

"Shayne was the oldest... or was it Gregory... Hmm, yes, Gregory, I'm sure. Those were the three whom were actually from Point Dart. Their father worked with the line of Kings to start the academy.

"The other five, one was named Peter, another Jacob. They were from towns in the southern part of Boyer Kingdom, but I couldn't find anything about those two... No, though I did search for a time."

He taps his lips. "There was Lurrual from Willows Weep."

He counts on his fingers, repeating the names silently to see who he is missing. "The last two were from a northern town in Dregar, in the northern most part of the Kingdom of Boyer, if you follow up the River of Shards. I'm not even sure the town is on the map or not. They were Lucus and Alloewisous. It was Lucus, they say, who had an agenda of his own, if any of them did."

Lalaith Va'lash

Re: A Tale of Form: Part II (IC Posting)
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2008, 11:43:38 am »
With the memory of the words of Cauldil, Fryyr, and Shayne Moltav's granddaughter running through your minds, the party camps in a small rocky part of the Blackfeather Mountains. Having to initially head west to head north and east some of you feel a little directionally challenged and maybe unsure of the proper location.  At least one of you is convinced of your place on the map, and the rest merely hunker down, setting up camp, and preparing to wait out this dark storm.

The deluge of rain continues to soak your equipment and clothes as you wait.

The day passes into night and no stars or moon can be seen through the thick blanket of deep grey storm clouds.  

You continue to wait...


Re: A Tale of Form: Part II (IC Posting)
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2008, 04:51:42 pm »
*Barion organises the camp set up , spare cloaks are used to make a rude roof , held up by rocks from the mountains on one side and large weapons on the other so people who aren't on watch can sit in a dry place .This provides a dry ( ? ) place to look over the map and book they have found and discuss about it . Two guards are on watch and will be relieved every three hours so every one can get into the discussion and get some rest while they wait *

Black Cat

Re: A Tale of Form: Part II (IC Posting)
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2008, 12:25:59 pm »
*after his turn at the Watch, Grohin steps into the shelter, looks closely at the book one more time, checking the pictures and memorizing them as best he can and making sure the book hasn't sustain too much damage from the rain.

He then wraps it carefully into an oiled skin and puts it in a bag, well away from dampness and rain.

Then after a prayer to Vorax, he find a place to rest, putting his backpack down and using it as a pillow, keeping his axe and shield close, ready to be put to use if need be.

Loud snores can be heard a few min after Grohin set down to sleep.*


Re: A Tale of Form: Part II (IC Posting)
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2008, 12:14:29 pm »
*A grumble is heard along with some footsteps as Storold makes his way towards the camp. He waves a little as he sees the two guards approaching slowly meaning no harm. He tells the group that he had to visit Molly and the children at home before he could travel with them, but now he is ready for whatever this journey might have in store for them*

//If someone can log in a bit before the quest to explain what happened so far or post it here I would greatly appreciate it :)