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Author Topic: Essrantor's Veil: Deafening Silence  (Read 106 times)


Essrantor's Veil: Deafening Silence
« on: May 05, 2008, 12:52:34 pm »
This may start a little late as I need to go to the doc with my wife beforehand.  If the doc visit runs overtime (with hope not the whole kit and kaboodle today), I apologize in advance for the late start.
 Go ahead and plan on doing your own thing until I portal you to the Runic Anvil.  If you all want to make your own way there and RP on the quest until I get there - great.  But feel no obligation.
 And for the folks who were dead tired last night as we ran pretty long... I'll do my best to keep these Group A sessions a bit shorter.


Re: Essrantor's Veil: Deafening Silence
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2008, 02:16:11 pm »
Alright, no baby today at least.  Quest should start pretty close to on time.
 Runic Anvil or I'll port you.