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Author Topic: Paladin Primer Bug.. maybe  (Read 145 times)


Paladin Primer Bug.. maybe
« on: May 17, 2006, 09:49:03 am »
Last night Maev was slaying undead -- as usual -- and her own bless weapon spell wore off while she was surrounded by specters.  Needing a boost to get out, she cast bless weapon from her primer and for some reason it didn't use a vial of holy water.  She donated the unused one to the temple of Roferien, but how can you bless a weapon without a vial of holy water? thanks, redhawk

Talan Va'lash

Re: Paladin Primer Bug.. maybe
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2006, 08:59:26 pm »
Casting a spell from a scroll, wand or item does not use a component.

iirc its the same way in PnP though you need the components at the point when you craft the scroll/wand/item.  The logic being whatever power the component provides is incorporated into the item on creation so you don't need it when you use it.

