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Author Topic: perma death  (Read 4564 times)

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perma death
« on: February 03, 2005, 07:53:00 am »
Well, as i recall a month ago we didn't have perma death and now that we do going out and hunting is very risky, i mean you can crash and get a token( :( ) or lag badly and end up dead...

The normal lose for death is pretty hard as it is, now with death tokens its really annoying:/
can you change it so that insted of a perma death you get sent to one of the nine hells/seven heavens and then have to do some long weird npc quest to get out?:p  or at least make it so you can remove those tokens with a cost... people that work months to gain a few levels lose it all if they perma die:(

~Note i did NOT perma die, this is just what i think.

Aryn Ravenlocke

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RE: perma death
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2005, 07:57:00 am »
Death Tokens and permadeath have been around for over a year now. It was not just simply slipped in with the last update. Once you reach level 4 you have a 1%*character level chance of gettinga DT. At 10 you are permadead. In the time the system has been in place though, there has been ONLY ONE permadeath from racking up 10 DTs and that was a VERY long time ago.



RE: perma death
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2005, 08:10:00 am »
Actually the chance for permadeath has been in for over 2 years now.  AND it is well stated in many places on the forums as well as in the handbook.


RE: perma death
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2005, 08:24:00 am »
Yeah, as long as you don't say, "death ward is fer panzies!" You should be fine until you at least hit the mid teen levels.

Fian Bearsark

RE: perma death
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2005, 09:07:00 am »
Well unfortunately the 1% per level chance is greater than it seems. I think I have 3 Death tokens and I'm only 9th level! That's one token every other level (not counting levels 1-3). Now I don't think I die any more often than other people, if anything I have decreased my exposure to ridiculous death. So it is more significant than it seems.

Aryn Ravenlocke

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RE: perma death
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2005, 09:10:00 am »
You will find that as you get higher in level, especially beyond level 15, that dying occurs far more infrequently. Also, bad luck sometimes just comes into play. I know a 20th level dwarf that had 3 tokens by level 6. As you become more powerful, random deaths become less common and you will find that as a result your accrual of DTs will also subside.



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    RE: perma death
    « Reply #6 on: February 03, 2005, 10:22:00 am »
    I think its an excellent system. It adds importantly to the drawbacks of death, actually making people think twice befire charging headlong into a wall of swords. I still find death is too easy for most people.

    The reality is that this system has little real consequence (only 1 perma-death so far) but a good deterrent effect.

    I still think that after playing nwn for years, the best server I ever played on was a low-level perma-death server. Getting to lvl 5 was next to impossible, and took me about 6 months playing (and i was one of the handful who ever managed it - there was a system of PC questing in order to lvl, and XP rewards were generally tiny). Simply put, the adventure, and sheer drama of quests made ones heart pound! DM's were sometimes lenient on players who died, and you might sometimes get a resurrection... but these generally involved an entire rescue party being gathered by the survivors of the failed combat... in order for them to go back to pick up the bodies, and then transport them to the temple, where if they were lucky they might get a res from a DM. It was awesome alround. The death of a more prominent character would sometimes start server-wide IC hysteria!

    Thunder Pants

    RE: perma death
    « Reply #7 on: February 03, 2005, 10:40:00 am »
    i also want to mention one thing about the 1 person that did actually perm death, he didn't die a normal amount as you would think of it, he died, ALL THE TIME, i mean, he'd go on an adventure with 4 friends, and die 3 times, he'd go on a GM quest, and die 3 times (these are actually averages), i think i recall him dying 3 times within 15 minutes of eachother, for a character thats level 15 that is unheard of

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    RE: perma death
    « Reply #8 on: February 03, 2005, 11:04:00 am »
    Well, its weird because only lately i started noticing the banshees when people die :o  im not complaining, im just saying that the point of the game is to have fun >_< not to play sometime that reminds diablo hardcore mode with a few more lifes:p  i don't mind this system, if it stays then i assume it will be for the best.  but even so, isn't perma death abit too much?:S there are so many options that can cause grief and sorrow on a player that lost his char to death tokens:P  anyways im probbaly over reacting>_< just ignore me:P


    RE: perma death
    « Reply #9 on: February 03, 2005, 11:05:00 am »
    It is the way I want it and at this time it will remain as such.
      As to the Banshee effect, yeah... Orth added that visual a few updates ago, but it is just a visual and only happens when one gets a death token.


    RE: perma death
    « Reply #10 on: February 03, 2005, 11:12:00 am »
        Really think about it. ONE person has ever perma deathed in battle! One! He was a long lasting character, a fighter that died I would say a good few hundred times. The battle he died in (so I hear) he said "death ward is fer panzies." Ironicly (as I hear it) he was killed my death magic. This guy had been around forever, and was the most wreckless fighter you can immagine. He practically invented the dwarven trap removing technique *steps Bam!* "There's one." Since then I think only one other person even has 9 death tokens and she was level 18? And kinda retired to RP and not fighting. Fun is fun, but if there's no consequences than it's just powergaming.


    RE: perma death
    « Reply #11 on: February 03, 2005, 11:15:00 am »
    What is this Perm dead hero's name.
    I have heard it in the past but forgot it.
    We need to erect a statue to him .

    As for tokens Sin'dolin has 3 and is looking forward to the next 7.


    RE: perma death
    « Reply #12 on: February 03, 2005, 11:22:00 am »
    Go to Willows Weep on the Central Server.  You will see his complete writeup there in the crypt, a memorial to all those that sadly die due to permadeath.


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      RE: perma death
      « Reply #13 on: February 03, 2005, 12:11:00 pm »
      There has been no mention of players who retire their characters when they get up near the limit.
      All that accumulated power, wealth, and crafting skill is held in reserve -- perhaps indefinately
      while the player starts a new character. Or that character becomes a fixture of the Layo Quest
      enviroment (Tak'). Only someone with access to the database of old and deleted characters can
      give us the stats on that. (L.-- don't bother we don't really have to know THAT bad.)

      In any case I've run the numbers and even if you die 3 times per level you will still make it
      well into Epic levels.

      -Tribble (running Snippi Yertendon)

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      RE: perma death
      « Reply #14 on: February 03, 2005, 12:42:00 pm »
      alright ignore this post:P

      i thought it was recently added because i never saw the wail effect:O

      nvm nvm:P


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        RE: perma death
        « Reply #15 on: February 03, 2005, 12:44:00 pm »
        I must admit perma death scares the dookie out of me to say the least. but i understand why you have it.....i have 4 now and freak out in real life when ever i get one im lvl 10 by the way and have three so i dont think im doing that bad when it comes to death tokens but it is still scarry.i mean the idea of loosing your character that you practically become sigh* very scarry indeed but an important part of game play on this server it is true it keeps you thinking *is it really worth charging in to those ogre beserkers for 600 xp*

        well thats my input on thius matter

        Talan Va'lash

        RE: perma death
        « Reply #16 on: February 03, 2005, 01:28:00 pm »
        The chance of getting a death token is 1% times character level?  I thought I saw L post that it was 1% of getting a token.  The post I am refering to is the one where L stated that death token chance was changed to be 1% for everyone instead of jumping to 2% at epic lvls.  So that means a lvl 10 char has a 1/10 chance of getting a token per death?  a lvl 20 has a 1/5?  (and under the old system a lvl 20 had a 40% chance?)  Is that how it is?  or is it a 1/100 chance for everyone?


        RE: perma death
        « Reply #17 on: February 03, 2005, 01:32:00 pm »
        You are correct Talan, 1% * Level of character.


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        RE: perma death
        « Reply #18 on: February 03, 2005, 02:04:00 pm »
        Perma-death is scary, and is so for evry good reason, as well it should be.  Time passes in Layo just like it does here, and there has to be someway to RP age and such.  Every death creates TREMENDOUS strain on one's soul, and as such that strain needs to be represented.  As far as the reasons for it, here goes.  How many low levels do you see just blindly charge in at things?  Probably a lot.  On the other hand, how many level 13+ character do you see simply charge off for battle?  Hopefully none.  Why?  Because death actually matters here.  It's not something in which you just take an xp hit, and over time get it back, and can shrug it off.  Death is serious business.

        As far as playing smart, it might mean that you gotta create a second character because your token count is getting up there, but at the same time, I bet you money that your second character won't die NEAR as often.  Point and case, Volrath used to die all the time.  I think he has 3 or 4 death tokens, though I don't remember to be honest.  But Scherzo, to date, has only DIED twice, and has not yet received a token.  Yes, 2 times career total deaths.  So keep that in mind.  You'll die a LOT less once you realize death is serious business and make for certain that you take precautions.

        Also, in reference to RPing Death Tokens...

        Death Tokens are also meant to sort of represent age.  One thing that I'm doing it with Scherzo is that every time he gets a death token, he's going to act 10 years older.  (He's half elf so  112 with 9 tokens is about right).  So if he gets at 7-8 Death Tokens, he's going to start acting like an old man (Cricks in the back, doesn't want to go out as much etc etc.)  Once he hits 9, He'll probably live out the rest of his days in a shack in the mountains or some such thing.



        RE: perma death
        « Reply #19 on: February 03, 2005, 02:40:00 pm »
        I like the strain on the soul thing there Nuz, but I believe there is a system for time? Right L? I remember it was between 7-3 IG years, per RL year. Some of us argued 3 because it'd still be quite a bit, others argued 7, and I think 7 was settled upon. L, what's the rate of time IG compaired to RL?

