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Author Topic: Dm's avlability  (Read 171 times)


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    Dm's avlability
    « on: July 29, 2006, 05:18:41 pm »
    hi.. ive been playing here for about a week and ive yet to see a dm on at all

    ive sent messages to dm's that still aint been sent cause they never log into the forums

    now dont get me wrong.. i've dm'ed before i know it aint easy and i know  dm's have lives outside of this game and to think they would spend every waking moment in game is silly

    but concidering the amount of stuff the needs dm approval... they really should be more of them online..

    so mabey you can Find a few more dm's .. mabey from some of the older players thats been here for like 6 months at lest.

    and mabey a public list of the dm's and  thir status


    Re: Dm's avlability
    « Reply #1 on: July 29, 2006, 05:20:44 pm »

    ive sent messages to dm's that still aint been sent cause they never log into the forums
    And who did you send these to then?


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      Re: Dm's avlability
      « Reply #2 on: July 29, 2006, 06:18:04 pm »

       i assume thir a dm seeing as they approved a  bio and i had a slight question to  them concerning that


      RE: Dm's avlability
      « Reply #3 on: July 29, 2006, 06:26:11 pm »
      NitaThompson is no longer a GM, nor has she been around enough recently to answer PMs in a timely manner.
        Consult the organization chart to see what GMs are current and active:
        Now...out of curiosity, for what reason(s) do you require a GM?


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        RE: Dm's avlability
        « Reply #4 on: July 29, 2006, 06:32:29 pm »
        ah .. i was wondering why a person got approved when his toons name was a rip off of a copyrighted name

        and thanks for the organization thingy link


        Re: Dm's avlability
        « Reply #5 on: July 29, 2006, 09:43:02 pm »
        Hey, something I can answer.

        First off, 'round here we call them "characters," not "toons." This is NWN, not WoW.

        To answer your concern, though... Sometimes the character approvers don't know a given name is copyrighted; it's as simple as that. Generally, they do a quick Google check, but sometimes things slip through the cracks. It happens. Besides, there are a couple of characters on Layo who were approved a LONG time ago whose names were taken verbatim from various myths and legends. "I am Ozymandias, King of Kings!"


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          Re: Dm's avlability
          « Reply #6 on: July 29, 2006, 10:21:58 pm »
          never played wow.. :P

          always spell characters wrong so opted for something that means the same thing thats quicker to type

          only real reason i even had the slightest problem was that i saw a guy tryed to get approved that  didnt know jack about lord of the rings and had the first name mordor and was denied

          yet this other guy named himself  after a guy in a show in his bio the guy had a wife that had the same name as the guy in the show did .. hell all he needed was a daughter from the show and it would of been a complete transplate from the show

           but anyways.. this is getting off topic so um feel free to close this thread if it keeps straying

          sheesh.. i spend more time forum trolling then i do playing .. heh anyways hope i get my elf approved soon lol

          Talan Va'lash

          Re: Dm's avlability
          « Reply #7 on: July 30, 2006, 03:43:01 am »
          Slade8833 - 7/29/2006  11:21 PM  never played wow.. :P   always spell characters wrong so opted for something that means the same thing thats quicker to type   only real reason i even had the slightest problem was that i saw a guy tryed to get approved that  didnt know jack about lord of the rings and had the first name mordor and was denied   yet this other guy named himself  after a guy in a show in his bio the guy had a wife that had the same name as the guy in the show did .. hell all he needed was a daughter from the show and it would of been a complete transplate from the show   but anyways.. this is getting off topic so um feel free to close this thread if it keeps straying  sheesh.. i spend more time forum trolling then i do playing .. heh anyways hope i get my elf approved soon lol
            Just to clarify, You must have a character approved before you create it in the game.
            If a DM notices that you are in game without an approved character they will ask you to log out until you do have one. At the least.


          Re: Dm's avlability
          « Reply #8 on: July 30, 2006, 04:07:02 am »
          With all due respect, a week isn't very long to get a feel for the amount of DM presence in the world.
          Most of the time, you won't see that they are there anyway. They can be on in the background, checking things over, experimenting with stuff for future quests and working away, and you will never know they are there.

          The flipside is - and I speak from experience - that a DM can be online for hours in an evening and have no-one need help, then have 4 people ask for aid five minutes after said DM has logged off!


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            Re: Dm's avlability
            « Reply #9 on: July 30, 2006, 05:08:47 am »
            er to talen.. sorry my bad.. ment to get my second guy approve.. been running around as takerday for awhile now.. just tryin to get a elf approved.. sorry didnt meen it to sound like i was runnin around in game without dm approval