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Author Topic: Pushing things a little too far  (Read 137 times)


Pushing things a little too far
« on: July 20, 2006, 05:19:17 pm »
We need your help in this community. If you see somebody doing something wrong or is pushing things to far please ask them to stop. If they do not stop then report them. In the past week we have had a fair amount of situations were people were breaking various rules and claiming innocence. We only accept that for so long before we crack down. That crack down is coming very soon at this rate.  
1) Do not grief players, if you think it is wrong then do not do it. If you are asked to stop then please stop.  
2) Do not harvest resources with spells. That is wrong and you all know it is regardless of what is claimed. There are tools that should be used for harvesting. We have the nwn limitations and there is only so much we can do to get things right. We need your help to make sure it doesn't happen.  
3) Always remember to try and not flood the market with goods or resources. This is hard some times but please do try to not flood the economy.  
4) Quit pulling creatures to and through transitions. That is against the server rules and I think everybody knows that regardless of the claims of innocence. We are not doing this to be mean, we are doing this because we want you to respect other players that come through those transitions and get slaughtered. Once again, nwn limitation that we will get around at some time but it is not overly easy to do in a PW.  
5) Quit pulling creatures to NPC's or towns.  
6) Quit attacking players via PvP. PvP is not allowed except when it is gm sanctioned or in the arena. Even if a spell/attack does not damage or you are in a no pvp area it does not matter, pvp is not allowed.   7) Powerleveling to the extreme. I mean at least one player has reached level 12 in just over 5 weeks. That is ridiculous and is not in the spirit of the server. Now that player is continuing to powerlevel with his friends, which strangely do not see anything wrong with that although they know what the server is all about. Slow down, learn how to RP or join in the RP. This world in nwn is not for powerlevelers, there are 100's of other servers for that.
 There are several other oversights and 'I didn't know' that happened in the past week and it is getting old. Most of you do know and we need your help to make sure this community stays under control so that everybody can enjoy their time here.

