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Author Topic: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.  (Read 3184 times)

Black Cat

Re: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.
« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2006, 08:36:49 am »
Player Name: Marc Mermod  Character name: Allean D'oremm LVL: 10 (XP Given)

Ashiel Relvin

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    Re: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.
    « Reply #21 on: June 24, 2006, 08:38:34 am »
    Player name: Ashiel Relvin

    Character name:  Ashiel Relvin  (XP given)


    Re: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.
    « Reply #22 on: June 24, 2006, 08:42:18 am »
    Player: thekevmon Characters:  Glokk battlcry (level 10) Einkill Ironbeard (level 5),  Lingaard Skullstaff (level 6),  Sirrynth (level 7), and  Xenadrin Zin'Jarlan (level 7)

    Jonzer Hexblade

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      Re: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.
      « Reply #23 on: June 24, 2006, 08:42:20 am »
      Player name:  Jonzer Hexblade

      Character name:  Elrend Starfire

      Go get em guys.


      Re: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.
      « Reply #24 on: June 24, 2006, 08:53:19 am »
      Rhynn's going (or atleast I hope) so...

      Layla Staarborn

      (7)...(or was it 8...doesn't matter either way)


      Re: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.
      « Reply #25 on: June 24, 2006, 08:57:20 am »
      bioware name: Angela Swann
      character name: Angela Swann
      lvl 20


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      RE: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.
      « Reply #26 on: June 24, 2006, 09:03:54 am »
      Player Name: Moley1000

      Character Name: Lancur Galorlin (level 9)

      Harlas Ravelkione

      Re: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.
      « Reply #27 on: June 24, 2006, 09:13:55 am »
      Player: harlas ravelkione

      Character: Rashar Moiro-Jerichan, level 19


      RE: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.
      « Reply #28 on: June 24, 2006, 09:29:37 am »
      Player:  Nehetsrev
      Character:  Treana Min E'Zoenna, currently level 10 fighter


      RE: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.
      « Reply #29 on: June 24, 2006, 09:36:53 am »
      Player: Asmodean
      Bioware: Tegarasil

      Character:  Sereth Corrison    - level 8
                       Korvlok                - level 6

      Thank you very much L !!!


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      RE: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.
      « Reply #30 on: June 24, 2006, 10:05:22 am »
      Player Name: Gilrod

      Character Names:

      Nathaniel Spellguard (Level 13)

      Malik Kane (Level 9)

      I just want to say thank you for this opportunity L!  This is extremely thoughtful!


      Guardian 452

      RE: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.
      « Reply #31 on: June 24, 2006, 10:22:42 am »

      Bioware: G-452

      Player Names:

      Enzo Reynolt (lvl 25) - [yellow]EXP Given by Orion[/yellow]

      Andraia Benteel (Lvl 15) - [yellow]EXP Given by by Mixafix[/yellow]

      Felecity Tyilel (lvl 10) - [yellow]EXP Given by Otaking[/yellow]

      Danny Downfelder (lvl 9) - [yellow]EXP Given by Otaking[/yellow]

      Xantara Silverheart (lvl 9)

      Drago Dogwood (lvl 7)

      [big]Have fun all that are attending!!! Please don't make a scene if you can't go...... Elect a leader to speak for the group to cut down on the double (& triple) talk it will increase the speed of the event... and everyone.... [yellow]KNOW YOUR ROLE!!!![/yellow][/big][/b]



      Re: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.
      « Reply #32 on: June 24, 2006, 10:23:51 am »
      Account name:warrior erik

      Characters:Beasty Headsmasher(level 17)
                 Zane Addams(level 8 )
                 Frin Gues(level 16)
                 Zack Wenthenesph(level 9)


      RE: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.
      « Reply #33 on: June 24, 2006, 10:52:49 am »
      Forums Name: Yllyrryon
      Bioware: Krysthalion


      Ael Rynthien, Level 20

      Krysthalien, Level 9


      RE: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.
      « Reply #34 on: June 24, 2006, 11:00:42 am »
      As much as Twixel would like to stand beside Master Rhizome, Master Plenarius, and Master Ozy and fight against Blood, RL restrictions would pull me away early. In that case I have pulled Twixel from the quest.

      Good Luck to Everyone and have fun...will be there in spirit.

            Forum Name: Deagle  
            Bioware Name: Tom Irigoyen

                                Twixel (12)                    - *Roars*
                                 Starr Sapphire (10)       - May Her Perfection watch over thee and grant you strength
                                 Rivan Fireleaf Gwetholes (8) - As the lifegiver gives light, may you succeed at peace
                                 Kori Tangletoes II (8)     - heh...this is going to end in bloodshed....
                                 Deagle (7)                    - Let your footsteps be covered in darkness to suprise your enemies.

      A few sayings from your friends that are not able to attend......



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      Re: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.
      « Reply #35 on: June 24, 2006, 11:03:43 am »
      Bioware: Cpt.JackSparrow


      Morfin Nefzen (8)

      Eighty-Eight the Black (8)

      Tordunn Wildbeard (5)

      Taitairothim Dreyth (6)

      Sand Krows (19)

      We'll see if I can make it. :( I really want to.


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      RE: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.
      « Reply #36 on: June 24, 2006, 11:04:27 am »
      Bioware name: dadunmir

      Forum Name: dadunmir

      Character: Yashilla Menneseph (lvl 21)

      Good luck folks!

      Lalaith Va'lash

      RE: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.
      « Reply #37 on: June 24, 2006, 11:14:01 am »
      Bioware Name: Lalaith Va'lash
        Forum Name:Lalaith Va'lash
        Character : Kali (level 10)


      RE: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.
      « Reply #38 on: June 24, 2006, 11:25:54 am »

      Character: Tyrian Dallorius level 10



      RE: Quest Finale Today - Limitations, Understandings ETC.
      « Reply #39 on: June 24, 2006, 11:41:53 am »
      BioWare Name: SteveJW
      Forum Name: SteveJW

      2 PCs eligible:
      Kyle Pandorn-Level 11 Fighter
      Jenna Pandorn-Level 5 Rogue

      Go get em guys...:)

