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Author Topic: Quest GM Applications are now open!  (Read 579 times)


Quest GM Applications are now open!
« on: August 13, 2006, 02:45:53 pm »
Do you desire to be a part of a fantastic team? Then now is the time to apply.Please reply to this thread if you are interested. You also need to send a sample quest to Leanthar in a PM. We will offer apprenticeship if it is needed. We don't just throw you to the wolves until you are ready. So if you think you have what it takes then give it a shot.
  This round of application acceptance will close on August 28th at 2pm PDT.
  Duties: • Run quests according to your own schedule in RL but still meeting your time requirements for either part time or full time. Though most of the quests will be placed on the community calendar so that players can make plans. • Write up quests after they are completed with detailed information for tracking. • Help the community in game or on the forums when it is needed. • Able to communicate with individual players that may need help understanding the rules or spirit of the server.
  Qualifications: • Able to act responsibly on your own as well as within teams • Able to work well on a team • Understand the spirit of the server • Understand the rules of the server • Willing to enforce the spirit and rules of the server when it is necessary • Able to perform GM Duties for at least 8-10 hours a month as a part time GM • Able to perform GM Duties for at least 12-16 hours a month as a full time GM • Able to communicate well in text in an online environment.
  Questions to answer in this thread: • List any DM/GM experience that you have and when the last time you performed this function. This is not a requirement. • Have you GM’d using NwN? If so please list for what world(s)/module(s) and for how long. This is not a requirement. • Describe why you want to be a GM in Layonara. • Describe what Quest GM’ing means to you in Layonara. What do you think will be the outcome if you are chosen to be on the team? • How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been active in the community for at least four months. • Do you wish to be a part time or full time Quest GM?
  Be sure to submit an example quest to Leanthar in a PM. It needs to give the starting and ending of a quest and any side things that a party can do within the quest as well as how you would handle situations within the quest. If done properly it will be at least 300 words but no more than 500 words please.
  Read the Public GM Primer:


RE: Quest GM Applications are now open!
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2006, 02:57:58 pm »
And don't worry if you've never used the GM client before, neither had I when I applied. The GM Primer has a few links where you can download instructions on how it works.
  For questions on GMing, feel free to PM me.
  And finally, here's my sample quest from almost three years ago, so you get a bit of an idea:
The Ox-napping
  The minotaurs from sielwood have had it with the mistreating of their distantly related relatives, the oxen. They think they’re being mistreated by the ox merchant, the caravan leader as well as those adventurers who use their brethren as cargo haulers.
  General outline:
  First have the caravan guy form Hlint east run into town saying all his caravans to and from Leilon aren’t arriving anymore and that somebody should investigate. Players need to go to leilon, near lake Palden they find signs of a struggle (dead caravan guards) and tracks of oxen going back south. They loose track near Hlint. (NOTE if they decide to go to Leilon first, the caravan guy there will just tell them that the caravan was returning to Hlint as far as he knows). Players re-enter Hlint, are met by the carvan guy again, saying his caravan from Haven hasn’t arrived either.
    At the area south of List, players see more signs of struggle, dead guards, and one dead minotaur. Tracks from oxen lead back north, through Echo (nobody in the shop noticed anything, they did hear MoOoO during the night). Spawn about 20 oxen in the rolling plains area (a bit on the western side so that non-participating players on their way to the Lost forest don’t run into the oxen). Party encounters several minotaurs who are taking care of the oxen. Talking them into releasing the oxen is not possible; they’re very upset at the mistreatment. Eventually, they attack.
  After defeating the minotaurs on the rolling plains, the ox merchant from Hlint should appear (he was a captive). He was kidnapped together with his new herd of oxen were ox-napped when they were traveling to Hlint and when he was close to the entrance to Sielwood (NOTE: this is a hint in case none of the players know minotaurs live in Deep Sielwood). Explains the minotaurs must be stopped.
  Party goes to Sielwood, encountering several small groups of minotaurs. (NOTE remove the spiders/stag beetle spawns for low lvl party). In Deep Sielwood they will have to enter the small tower where the minotaur leader resides. (NOTE remove/reduce number of mercs in Deep Sielwood for low lvl party). Players will be able to talk to the leader first to resolve the issue peacefully. If they attack immediately it is at their own risk.
  Possible endings:
        -Players kill all minotaurs, including the leader. No more ox-napping - Players talk to the minotaur leader and manage to convince him to stop the ox-napping (they’ll have to promise that oxen will be treated better, fed better, are stabled correctly etcetera. If at a later date I am on as a GM I might run another ox-napping if I see mistreated oxen). -Players capture/force minotaur leader to surrender. They’ll let him live in exchange for no more ox-nappings -If players attack immediately, and all players die in the fight. Ox-napping is not solved at the moment, bad luck for the players, they’ll have to respawn. (Lesson learned: try talking first).
     (and yes, I did run this one)

Xandor Loriland

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Re: Quest GM Applications are now open!
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2006, 06:13:12 pm »
Application for part time Quest GM

To start with I understand the duties and responsibilies as stated above and I am willing and able to comply.

I believe I meet the qualifactions above.  I have been playing on Layonara for over a year and am fully on
board with the spirit and rules of the server.

• List any DM/GM experience that you have and when the last time you performed this function. This is not a requirement.
I have no experience DMing but I believe I am fairly creative and I am computer literate and able to
pick up new skills quickly.  In my case, I think the fact that I have never GM'd will be an advantage to my abilities
as hopefully my ideas will be fresh and add flavor to an already amazing place.

• Have you GM’d using NwN? If so please list for what world(s)/module(s) and for how long. This is not a requirement.
Same as above.

• Describe why you want to be a GM in Layonara.
There are three primary reasons why I would love to be a GM on Layonara.

1) I live in Hawaii and it seems that there is a shortage of GMs that have the flexibility to service the Pacific region.
Although there are a few on the west coast and some in Australia the time difference is always an obstacle and I don't
think there are any quest GMs currently in the Hawaii time zone.  My location would give me the flexibility to play in
PDT and Aussie time if needed to cover the time spectrum.

2) I have played here for a long time and have a great deal of respect for the team and the time commitment involved.  
I think that adding to the GM pool would lessen the load on the other GMs and enhance the experience of the players
all around.

3) THE POWER (did I say that out loud)   Ignore that one.   Lets make number three the cool GM avatar  (with wings). *evil hope to be a GM grin*

• Describe what Quest GM’ing means to you in Layonara. What do you think will be the outcome if you are chosen to
be on the team?
Quest GM'ing is one of the primary things that makes Layo more than just a computer game.  Even with fixed quests there
are only so many things you can program a computer to do.  Having the human element to interpret and direct player actions
is the key to making the fantasy come alive.  GM's are not predictable and the players never know what is coming.  The
GM can react to player actions and take events in directions that no one thought they would go before the players started.
As far as outcome is concerned, I hope that I will be able to fill holes in the team and round out the ability to service
the Layo population.  Being new and inexperienced I would probably do mostly simple quest for small numbers of low level
to start with until I was comfortable with the interface and able to react to players better.  I hope to learn more about
NWN and grow in my own skills and ability to serve the team.

• How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been active in the community for at least four months.
I have been playing on Layo for 1 year and 3 months all together although I did take a long break and come back due to RL
issues.  I have attended more quests than I can count and have been very impressed by the professional and mature abilities
of the volunteer team that makes Layo possible.

• Do you wish to be a part time or full time Quest GM?
I wish to be a part time GM to start and depending on how things go maybe increase the time later.

I have read the public Primer and can't wait to read the full copy if approved.


Re: Quest GM Applications are now open!
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2006, 07:38:53 pm »
I so wish I could commit the time to apply for this. I ran PnP games for 15 years and love the role of the story teller. I think it is great that Layo has so many good DMs. Thank you and I am sure this next gen will be great too.


RE: Quest GM Applications are now open!
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2006, 01:16:14 pm »
Questions to answer in this thread:   • List any DM/GM experience that you have and when the last time you performed this function. This is not a requirement.
[INDENT]I've been GMing for the last 15 years and still GM or play occasionally on Saturday evenings. During that time I've created three worlds, destroyed one of them and am slowly working on completing the lore and character of the most recent one with my wife. She and I have co-GMed on numerous occasions with great success. [/INDENT]  • Have you GM’d using NwN? If so please list for what world(s)/module(s) and for how long. This is not a requirement.
[INDENT]No. [/INDENT]  • Describe why you want to be a GM in Layonara.
[INDENT]I love the community and the team and I enjoy GMing. Honestly, I enjoy GMing, creating and running more than playing sometimes. I like to challenge and push the boundaries of how people/characters think or the way in which things are percieved. Sometimes it's tongue-in-cheek and sometimes that's dead serious. [/INDENT][INDENT]Part of why I GM in general: I like creating bad guys.. and not-so-bad guys. Not necessarily the world threatening, imminent evil sort but just characters with lives of their own as well as personalities and real quirks. I especially love it when people say they really hate them.. or love them. That's the best of compliments in my humble opinion.[/INDENT][INDENT]I'd love to be able to work with the fiendishly brilliant people that contribute to the Layo experience. Some of them remind me of myself when I GM. *cackles maniacally*[/INDENT]  • Describe what Quest GM’ing means to you in Layonara. What do you think will be the outcome if you are chosen to be on the team?
[INDENT]  Quest GM'ing is a large part of what gives Layo that living, breathing feel to it. It also helps a lot of characters to evolve and grow. That goes for GMs too because you can never tell what some characters are going to come up with or how they might take your quest in a whole new direction.
  I think its the little things that make the server what it is.. the small quests, the impromptu interactions, etc. Though that may be where I would start my personal love is long term overarching plots with subplots and interwoven stories and if everything were to work out well that would be something I would strive to run in addition to the smaller quests. I also enjoy working with the toolset and would be happy to help out there in any way that I can though my scripting skills are only passable.. Ultimately I would hope that adding myself or anyone to the team would strengthen the team as a whole and thereby greatly increase the enjoyment of the layo community. Of course, if it were me I'd be having tons of fun doing it. =)
[/INDENT]  • How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been active in the community for at least four months.
[INDENT]Coming up on six months. [/INDENT]  • Do you wish to be a part time or full time Quest GM?
[INDENT]  Part time. Though, if I'm up to doing more sometimes I'd hope I wouldn't get told no.
[/INDENT]  Be sure to submit an example quest to Leanthar in a PM. It needs to give the starting and ending of a quest and any side things that a party can do within the quest as well as how you would handle situations within the quest. If done properly it will be at least 300 words but no more than 500 words please.
[INDENT]  I'll have that for you ASAP.  

Lord of the Forest

RE: Quest GM Applications are now open!
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2006, 01:57:23 pm »
Here goes my application...

List any DM/GM experience that you have and when the last time you performed this function. This is not a requirement.

I have gathered experience as a GM in PnP for like 2 years now. The last time I performed it was like 3 weeks ago. Usually I do it weekly.

Have you GM’d using NwN? If so please list for what world(s)/module(s) and for how long. This is not a requirement.

No, I did not.

Describe why you want to be a GM in Layonara.

Well, there are several reasons why I wan to be a GM in Layonara.
First, this is a great place to RP and I have seen lots of RP in the time I was around. The GMs work really hard on making this place special. On my time I was on many quests as well and I really love the setting of it and the opportunity to RP there.
So I want to add something as well, giving others the opportunity to RP. Besides I really love to create storylines which lead to a lot of fun and RP.

Describe what Quest GM’ing means to you in Layonara? What do you think will be the outcome if you are chosen to be on the team?

GM’ing quest is a great opportunity to see others RP. Quest GM’ing means to me to give others a chance to have fun and lots of RP. Players like quests and being on a quest of a GM is not the same than quests you get from NPCs. You never really know what will happen in a few seconds. It can always happen a PC has a suggestion the GM did not think about. So Quest GM’ing is an experience for both, players and GMs.
Well, I don’t really know about the outcome itself but I love storylines and RP. So I will mostly do quests with a nice story and will try to do my best in GM’ing and helping others.

How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been active in the community for at least four months.

I joined Layonara February 6th 2005 so I am member for like one and a half year. Though I know I took two breaks due to busy RL, so it is like one year and two months.

Do you wish to be a part time or full time Quest GM?

I would like to be a part time Quest GM

I’ve read about the duties about a Quest GM and guess I will fit into it. The PM is just send.

Pen N Popper

RE: Quest GM Applications are now open!
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2006, 02:15:16 pm »
Questions to answer in this thread:

    • List any DM/GM experience that you have and when the last time you performed this function. This is not a requirement.
      • Took the NWC DMing 101 course ages ago.
      • DMed for several months on a PW but did not run any quests (was there more for monitoring and helping out with "flavor" NPCs). This was in the past two years.
      • Have you GM’d using NwN? If so please list for what world(s)/module(s) and for how long. This is not a requirement.
        • See above
        • Describe why you want to be a GM in Layonara.
          • I enjoy the many stories that PCs work so hard to develop and feel that I can contribute to their success.
          • Many ideas for quests rattle around in my own head, begging for outlets.
          • Describe what Quest GM’ing means to you in Layonara. What do you think will be the outcome if you are chosen to be on the team?
            • Seethread:
            • I would ideally like to be there to assist the players in their own stories. This could be through CDQs, dropping down RP objects, or other such things.
            • I am not comfortable running any combat oriented quests. I have perhaps an unnaturally high aversion to "messing up" and wiping some poor PCs off the face of Layonara. Perhaps in time I might overcome this, but based upon my previous stints at NWN DMing this seems unlikely.
            • How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been active in the community for at least four months.
              • 10 months
              • Do you wish to be a part time or full time Quest GM?
                • Part time


RE: Quest GM Applications are now open!
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2006, 03:58:10 pm »
Questions to answer in this thread:

• List any DM/GM experience that you have and when the last time you performed this function. This is not a requirement.

I have not been a DM before in D&D or NWN.

• Have you GM’d using NwN? If so please list for what world(s)/module(s) and for how long. This is not a requirement.

No, I have not used the interface previously.

• Describe why you want to be a GM in Layonara.

I want to be a GM in Layonara to help give back to the community and provide increased opportunities for quests and interaction with the player base.  I really like being a player in Layonara and know that I would very much enjoy experiencing Layo from a totally different point of view as a GM.

One thing I notice the most as a player is that the senior GM's are very involved and busy with side projects and the project team development.  To have a person GM and not be involved in the project side benefits both the players and the project team.  This allows increased DM interaction with players as well as allowing the project team to focus on important aspects of module development.

Recently I lost a character (i.e. permed) that was very important to me that I put a lot of time and effort into developing as a RP'er and a fighter.  Layonara was my first real RPG and I have learned so much about RP from the more experienced Role Players.  At this point in my Layonara time it would be beneficial to shift out of the mode of player and dedicate more of my time to GM'ing and providing a fun interactive environment for the players.  My actions as a GM would allow things to occur outside of the expected spawns or areas and allow NPC/player interaction including smaller side quests/impromptu events.

• Describe what Quest GM’ing means to you in Layonara. What do you think will be the outcome if you are chosen to be on the team?

Quest GM'ing involves a large commitment to the community and the Layonara Team.  It is not a responsibility I would take lightly or without a great deal of thought prior to taking actions in the world. Being a quest GM will allow me to use my creativity and experience to provide an immersive world for the players on the server.

If chosen to be on the team, initially I would like to start with smaller quests for the lower level players and eventually advance to the point where I could run more complex in-depth adventures for the more senior/experienced players on the server.  It amazes me to see the amount of creativity and puzzle making the GM's like Minerva put into quest modules like the Exploring the Past series.  I think I will add a fresh perspective on some things and learn even more about RP and the Layo experience as a whole.

• How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been active in the community for at least four months.

I have been a member since October/November 2005 as a player, forum member, and most recently a character approver.

• Do you wish to be a part time or full time Quest GM?

Part time.  I also play in a time zone of PST -2 or PST -3 (depending on whether mainland U.S. is on Daylight Saving Time) and can run quests/events in the PST and Australia time zones quite easily based on my normal play hours.


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RE: Quest GM Applications are now open!
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2006, 04:33:35 pm »
Hey there. Think I'm gonna give this a shot and try to get the power to overrun the world with halflings. Kidding, of course. I'm gonna overrun the world with halfling wizards.
  • List any DM/GM experience that you have and when the last time you performed this function. This is not a requirement. I have DMed mostly short adventures for my DnD group, though I have a campaign in the works set in the world of Eberron that I plan to start as soon as we are back to school and as such can keep in touchmore regularly. • Have you GM’d using NwN? If so please list for what world(s)/module(s) and for how long. This is not a requirement. No, I haven't, though I did play through that DMFI module some time ago, and will definitly play it again if I am chosen to be on the team. • Describe why you want to be a GM in Layonara. The main reason is a bit selfish, but it's because I like to make stories and adventures but my PnP group seldom gets together, only two or three people are together most of the time. I want to have a place to run my adventures where I know they will be played. Other than that, I think there are few quests for low-level characters. I like the characters that are level 3-7, usually capable of taking care of stuff with a little luck but still fragile enough that a critical by an opponent will almost certainly kill them. It's when us players learn the most about our character's strengths and weaknesses and how to work well as a group. I think learning how to work well as a group is important in a party-based server such as this, so I want to help people learn. • Describe what Quest GM’ing means to you in Layonara. What do you think will be the outcome if you are chosen to be on the team? To me, Quest GM'ing means creating obstacles for the players to overcome, wether those obstacles are tough enemies or tight-lipped NPCs that hold vital information. It's like co-writing a book: I set the tone, the beggining, and some possible endings, and let the players write about how the characters go from the starting situation to the climax, to eventually solve the problems and get richer with insight. • How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been active in the community for at least four months. One year, and one week left to two months. For some time I couldn't play because of some hardware problems, but now everything is alright, and I don't expect to have trouble again. • Do you wish to be a part time or full time Quest GM? I wish to be a part-time GM, though that is only because I won't be able to devote much time to GM'ing since I'm gonna enter the last three years of high school. I can easily get time for being here part-time, and I hope to someday upgrade to full-time, but for now I will stick to what little time I will have.
  I'm gonna PM Leanthar with a quest as soon as I write it up, but it will take some time because I want to be original and not use a quest I have already run in PnP.
  Also, I can't open the GM Primer. Don't know why, but I always get an error message. Is there some way for me to get it as a plain text or microsoft word format? Thanks in advance.


Re: Quest GM Applications are now open!
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2006, 09:32:13 pm »
Ten days left to apply.


Re: Quest GM Applications are now open!
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2006, 11:09:55 am »
Application for GM:
• List any DM/GM experience that you have and when the last time you performed this function. This is not a requirement.
    I began in high school as a DM about ten years ago. I am currently working with my husband to flesh out our world, and at present run a PnP game on some Saturdays. I'm have dabbled or run extensively in systems from Tunnels 'n Trolls to Runequest, complexity of systems from Shadowrun to Rolemaster. My favorite is probably Rolemaster, however 3.5e is growing on me.
   My favorite part of DM/GM is when players translate information from the DM/GM  into their character's own words and how often times this can lead to some strange hypotheses.

• Have you GM’d using NwN? If so please list for what world(s)/module(s) and for how long. This is not a requirement.
   I have not.

• Describe why you want to be a GM in Layonara.
   I love the depth of Layonara, the extensive lore that has been built and the player importance in the world. I enjoy working with players and pushing them to become stronger and wiser. I love watching characters grow into 'people' that can make a difference, irregardless of alignment.

• Describe what Quest GM’ing means to you in Layonara. What do you think will be the outcome if you are chosen to be on the team?
   Quest GMing is about several things: Providing entertainment, providing new ideas and circumstances for the characters to face and figure out, providing life to the PW. In addition to these, it is also a chance to continue the growth of the world itself, especially in small tasks.
   If I should be chosen to be on the team I would have an opportunity to provide these services to the community. I look forward to throwing in more opportunities for players to interact with the world around them in quest settings.

• How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been active in the community for at least four months.
   I have been active for five months.

• Do you wish to be a part time or full time Quest GM?
   I would like to apply for part time.

Submission of Quest will be done shortly.


RE: Application for Admin/Forum DM
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2006, 01:32:23 pm »
Firstly I should start by saying I have no desire to be a Quest DM, now or at any point in the future.  In 13 years of PnP I have never been inspired to DM but I do wish to give back so to speak and have extensive Admin experience so would like to apply to be an Admin/Forum DM.  As such not quite sure how to answer the set questions in relation to that post but here goes!
   No DMing experience.  But I have extensive Admin/customer services experience.  I was the Project Secretary on a major building/extension project which involved the usual secretarial work, collating information for various members of the team, liaising with the customer, design team, contractors and our own staff to convey information and concepts.
   I have also been an internal customer services rep for a repairs department dealing with offices all over the world so have extensive experience of conveying information and technical details to people who don’t always have English as their first language via email.
   Both these roles involved dealing with a variety of people in a professional and diplomatic manner.
   I’d like to be a DM in Layonara because I’d like to give something back to the community that has provided me with many, many hours of enjoyment.  I’d like to be able to support players and hopefully improve their experience here.  I’d also like to be able to support other DM’s.
   I think being an Admin/Forum DM would involve helping players, handling disputes, monitoring roleplay, and assisting other GM’s as well as moderating the forums for the benefit of the community.
   I have been active with in the community for just over a year now.
   I’d like to apply to be a part time GM as I know I can manage 8-10 hours a month.


RE: Quest GM Applications are now open!
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2006, 08:11:21 am »
• List any DM/GM experience that you have and when the last time you performed this function.

 I didn't have much DM experience before joining Layonara, although I did run a few adventures of varing length when I was in
my long ago now :).  As you know I was a DM here a year ago before I had to step down after 6 months due to real life issues, whilst I was a DM I did run several games including a few spontaneous ones.

• Have you GM’d using NwN? If so please list for what world(s)/module(s) and for how long.

Yes I have used the NwN DM client before, in Layonara for around 6 months.

• Describe why you want to be a GM in Layonara.

I first came to Layonara shortly after HOTU came out, and I was looking for an online DnD game which gave the same experience and atmosphere of the PnP game that I'd enjoyed so much as a teenager.  I didn't really know what to expect, and the first place I visited was vastly exceeded my expectations and before long I was completely immersed in the game world   In fact I spent so much time here I never managed to play HOTU...something I still haven't achieved.  Essentially I wanted to give something back and add, in however small a way, something to the story of Layonara.  I also wanted to gain more experience in DnD as a DM and to write and develop 'interesting' quest stories.  These reasons still stand and I think, matter even more to me now.

• Describe what Quest GM’ing means to you in Layonara. What do you think will be the outcome if you are chosen to be on the team?

A big attraction of Quests to me are the storylines, and how these are developed and returned to over time.  There have been some great storylines in Layonara and many have been revisited again and again, either directly or indirectly.  I also like to see the PC characters in the game relating these stories as if they were part of their personal history, something which happens often in Layo.  To me this is one of the big attractions of being a DM; being able to add to the 'life' of the characters in the gameworld.   Giving them histories and perhaps influencing their future development and choices, through quests.  I also think that one of the responsibilities of a DM is to let the PC's have fun.  Fun with their characters and the situations they find themselves caught up in.  I know personally, that sometimes my characters have often suprised me with their actions and responses, when caught up in new  situations (hope that doesn't sound too weird :)).  Its always a joy to behold, when a character does something unexpected yet fully consistant with their personality, in response to a new situation.  So to me the challenge of running a quest comes in two main parts, firstly writing an engaging storyline that can interest and involve all players and stand 'the test of time', as it were.  But also having to balance it with all the different aspects of play so that there's something in it for everyone's character to engage with, in RL as well as IC.  If I'm chosen to be a DM this is the sort of quest I hope to run.  

• How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been active in the community for at least four months.

I've been a member for a few years, I'm not exactly sure of the date that I actually joined.  I know it was shortly after I bought HOTU, and I'm certain that I bought it as soon as it was available for sale in the UK, so its around then.  I know I haven't been very active in the community for the past 5 months or so, I have been in game, just not very often.  Without going into too many details in a public forum, its been for RL reasons which I can explain in the interview if I get that far :)

• Do you wish to be a part time or full time Quest GM?

I'd like to be a part time DM, to start with anyway :)

Be sure to submit an example quest to Leanthar in a PM.

On its way :)


Re: Quest GM Applications are now open!
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2006, 08:37:22 am »
About 48 hours left folks. Now is the time to step up and fill in the application and become a part of a fantastic team! If you think you would like to but are feeling uncomfortable just take that step and see where things go.


RE: Quest GM Applications are now open!
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2006, 09:44:03 am »
I don't think it will come as a suprise that I'm re-applying for a Quest GM spot. I've put a lot of thought into considering it this time around, and I came to the conclusion that I still really want to do this.
  I understand all of the duties pretty much to the dot, and I understand the rules of theserver (which usually amount to common sense and decency in the most part). I can commit to the required time as a GM.
   • List any DM/GM experience that you have and when the last time you performed this function. This is not a requirement.
  The last time I GMed was three and a half weeks ago at the time of this post. I am currently running a Planescape group between some friends and some people I know through work. They're kind of stuck at one point, but the answer is out there, and pretty obvious. Work and life and general are keeping all of us apart. I've GMed PnP off and on for about two years now, and I've yet to have any really -huge- arguments or complaints from people for being too harsh, or too evil, or making things too difficult. Some people say I am brutal, but I like to call it realism. I am a strong supporter of equal reactions to the efforts of the party.
  • Have you GM’d using NwN? If so please list for what world(s)/module(s) and for how long. This is not a requirement.
  I've GMed here, for what's worth mentioning, about a year and a half to two years. I do not know the exact time.. I've run a few modules back in the day, and brought a party of a few friends through the NWN OC. I had fun, they had fun, and we eventually worked our way through the plot.
  • Describe why you want to be a GM in Layonara.
  I really miss being a GM. I like the potentially random RP, and I remember the fun I had doing it. I met a lot of people, forged a lot of friendships, and helped people play their characters in a way I otherwise couldn't. It is a different side to the game and one that I enjoyed, espically when things worked. I hear from a lot of people who say they -need- a CDQ, when what they want is something that could easily be factored into a quest series, rather than a seperate quest entirely for them. That is something I'd like to do. I have too many ideas and nothing to do with them. The GM team now seems massive, tight, and really working towards a single goal. I'd like to be as much of a part of that as I can be.
  The last time I GMed here I failed at it. I'd like a chance to polish up my reputation, and actually put something back into a server that's given me an alternative to reality for a very long time.
   • Describe what Quest GM’ing means to you in Layonara. What do you think will be the outcome if you are chosen to be on the team?
  Quest GMing is difficult to explain, the idea of just a quest is so broad and obtuse that to try and put any exact word on it wouldn't truly explain it (other than 'Quest' :) ). To run a quest is to try and manage a degree of control and order over something that can very much go in any direction the players wish it. To be a Quest GM, the GM in question must be able to react in a fluid manner to whatever the players throw at them, or put in their best efforts to that effect, in order to maintain the emotions required for a deep, involving, and exciting story to continue. A GM needs to be able to be anyone, at any time the players need it, by developing a personality for a NPC on the fly, while keeping the solidity of the previously invented NPCs involved. A proper quest is one that is both deep enough to be engaging to the players involved, but not so much as to drive away new faces to the series. It is a delicate balance, which needs to be strongly considered while the quest is on the drawing board. A Quest GM should be able to react to whomever is signing up for their quest or series and tailor it specifically for the players. There are few greater things here than being on a quest which relates to your character in some way. When a GM runs a quest where it is hard to tell if they are even there; the NPCs they play may as well be other player characters.Questing is in my opinion the pinnacle of online gaming.
   • How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been active in the community for at least four months.
  I can't remember. If you exclude all of the breaks I've taken it's been about two and a half years. But I've been back, and playing at a solid level for some time now, and I don't have any reason to take any breaks. (I'm caught up in too much with my characters to do that right now anyway, what with Asch joining a 'gang', Matilda trying to join the Militia Ar7 is making, and just overall fun with Key.)
   • Do you wish to be a part time or full time Quest GM?
  I'd like to keep it part time for now, I took on an extra 4 credits this semester, and I don't want to blow my mind with full time GMing and college.
  My PM will be coming shortly, I need to cut down a few words. It's at 624. Sorry. I got carried away, let me chop off what's unnecessary.


RE: Quest GM Applications are now open!
« Reply #15 on: August 26, 2006, 06:43:13 pm »
Leanthar - 8/13/2006  4:45 PM  Questions to answer in this thread: • List any DM/GM experience that you have and when the last time you performed this function. This is not a requirement.   well, WAY back... teenager years I did PnP.  lots of fun!  • Have you GM’d using NwN? If so please list for what world(s)/module(s) and for how long. This is not a requirement. •  nope   Describe why you want to be a GM in Layonara. •  I want lower-level characters to enjoy coming into the world and becoming entangled in the world like I have!   Describe what Quest GM’ing means to you in Layonara. What do you think will be the outcome if you are chosen to be on the team? •   It means making the world a richer place, and possibly changing the face of Layo.  The outcome will be (hopefully) lower level characters enriching thier lives.  I would love to show them around the continents like I have never was shown around while at a lower level!!!  How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been active in the community for at least four months. •   Ummm, November.  Took a 3 month break, still over 4 months.  Do you wish to be a part time or full time Quest GM?  start at part time, but it would probably be full time, since I'm on here EVERY NIGHT!!!  I love it here!  
  Be sure to submit an example quest to Leanthar in a PM. It needs to give the starting and ending of a quest and any side things that a party can do within the quest as well as how you would handle situations within the quest. If done properly it will be at least 300 words but no more than 500 words please.
  Read the Public GM Primer:


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RE: Quest GM Applications are now open!
« Reply #16 on: August 26, 2006, 08:56:05 pm »
Application for D.A.Dunmire

Questions to answer in this thread:
• List any DM/GM experience that you have and when the last time you performed this function. This is not a requirement.

-I've DM'd for a small group of 3-5 in a pnp campaign that I created as well as DnD standard 3.5 ed modules.  
-I've done some building on NWN but nothing that has been ran as a module.

• Have you GM’d using NwN? If so please list for what world(s)/module(s) and for how long. This is not a requirement.

-No, I have not.

• Describe why you want to be a GM in Layonara.

-I'll answer this while answering the next question.

• Describe what Quest GM’ing means to you in Layonara. What do you think will be the outcome if you are chosen to be on the team?

-Quest GM'ing means world and character development.  I'd like to think that the butterfly flapping its wings can cause the tidlewave.  Actions no matter how small do have consequences or even positive outcomes :) somewhere.  I love the unplaned/impromptu simple events that can be further developed should someone choose to do so (even me for example).  I'll be honest here and not deny I love the game and specifically this world that Leanthar has created.  I play seldomly these days my character on weekdays and more so on weekends.  She is also a character by alignment and reputation has challenges to overcome when meeting new folks or interacting with those whom she may already know.  Many of those I've played with have moved on or have taken other responsibilities.  I love being in game.  This is an opportunity to do that and be with interactive players.

• How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been active in the community for at least four months.

-I've been a member since about December 9th 2004.

• Do you wish to be a part time or full time Quest GM?

-I'm uncertain about this at the time but am leaning toward part-time.  My current availability is for the evenings CST USA weekdays and more availability on the weekends.  I do take occasional weekend trips which can make committing regularly on weekends a challenge and I'm happy to elaborate more on this during an interview.


Re: Quest GM Applications are now open!
« Reply #17 on: August 26, 2006, 09:04:13 pm »
• List any DM/GM experience that you have and when the last time you performed this function. This is not a requirement.
   -I have never GMed before either with NWN or PnP.

• Have you GM’d using NwN? If so please list for what world(s)/module(s) and for how long. This is not a requirement.
   -I have not GMed with NWN. I am mildly familiar with the DM client and familiar with the Toolset.
• Describe why you want to be a GM in Layonara.
   -I would like to be a GM for Layonara so that I can help the community as well as help the other DMs that have come to help me when I was in need of assistance. I also would like to help the players by running interesting quests that help them enjoy the world and create a fun playing experience. I also enjoy creating quest plots and I would like to create original and exciting quests for those who are involved.

• Describe what Quest GM’ing means to you in Layonara. What do you think will be the outcome if you are chosen to be on the team?
   -Quest GMing is a way for me to give back to the world that I enjoy. If I was chosen to be on the team I would like to do several things. I would like to run shorter one or two session quests to allow more people to participate than a long series with a set attendance. This would also be good for people who only have a limited time to devote to playing and cannot commit the time to go on a series. I would also try to run spontaneous quests as often as scheduled ones because I think that they make playing more exciting for the player. I would also like to listen to RP and give out small xp rewards for good RP, and staying in character.

• How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been active in the community for at least four months.
   -I have been a member of Layonara since 2/12/05. Approximately 18 months and I have been active for almost all of that time.

• Do you wish to be a part time or full time Quest GM?
   -I would like to be a Part Time DM. The time I can devote will increase around holidays and in the summer I will be able to meet the full time requirements.

My quest will be off to you soon.


RE: Quest GM Applications are now open!
« Reply #18 on: August 26, 2006, 11:32:34 pm »

I have thought deeply about my submission to be a Quest GM. I have rped and Gm'd for nearly 26 years starting with the original paperback DnD as well as Gamma World, Star Frontiers, Marvel, Star Wars, and multiple Palladium settings. I have never used the NWN gm tool nor Gm'd online though.
I truly enjoy the the Layonara world and love the rp aspect brought into an online game and would like to add my experience to the team as well as gain other experience from the team.
But, the only stopper is the time. With work and RL I can not guarnatee the time available. When that can be a guarantee I will comit myself to re-apply as a Quest Gm.



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RE: Quest GM Applications are now open!
« Reply #19 on: August 27, 2006, 01:59:04 am »
• List any DM/GM experience that you have and when the last time you performed this function.

 I am usually the DM for my D&D group, which we have been playing for 2 years or so, although I started DMing only an year ago.

• Have you GM’d using NwN? If so please list for what world(s)/module(s) and for how long.

 No, only used the DM client once or twice to try it but Layo is the first world in which I would like to be GM.

• Describe why you want to be a GM in Layonara.

 First, I like being a DM in pen&paper, but we are unable to gather often and the players often disrupt the game with lots of coments that have nothing to do with the game and an adventure often does not end. Since layo has a great comunity of roleplayers, and we do not have to gather in RL to play, those problems can be solved.
 I am also curious about how it is to be a GM in nwn, especially in a world that was well structured as layo and offers the players the chance to change the world online (even if in a small scale). Being the one who helps the players achieve that sure promisses to be fun, and especially become amazed as the players find new solutions to the problems I place in front of them. That's my second reason.  
 Finally, I believe that as a GM I can help the community better than as a player

• Describe what Quest GM’ing means to you in Layonara. What do you think will be the outcome if you are chosen to be on the team?

 I belive I somewhat answered the first question before: it means helping the community become even better and doing something I like to in a great comunity. As for the second question. I hope I can give the players diferent quests, as every GM has his/her special "flavour" and I hope to make more weekend quests in BST, which seem to be relatively few in number.

• How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been active in the community for at least four months.

 I have played layonara for an year and a month or two.

• Do you wish to be a part time or full time Quest GM?

 Part time. Unfortunently, unless my school schedule gets better this year I will only be able to play at every weekend, and although running a quest at every weekend is assured, it will only cover 10 hours ( assuming 2:30 per quest ). Perhaps I may also play during wednesdays and Fridays, at the evening.

