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Author Topic: Silver tipped Mahogany Stirge Tail Arrows  (Read 211 times)


Silver tipped Mahogany Stirge Tail Arrows
« on: March 05, 2006, 02:28:10 am »
These arrows are not available on the fletcher's bench.
  Also while making arrows I saw something that is not critical but would be nice to have corrected.
  Raven feathers are dark blue, but the arrow tails when crafted are red. Stirge feathers are red, but the arrow tails when crafted are white or very light brown. Falcon feather are light brownish, but the arrow tails when crafted are blue.
  Would it be possible to fix this up so that  - raven tails are blue (current falcon tails) - stirge tails are red (current raven tails) - falcons tails are light brown (current stirge tails)

Talan Va'lash

Re: Silver tipped Mahogany Stirge Tail Arrows
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2006, 03:26:01 am »
They're not available because negative energy damage should heal undead not damage them (as it does in NWN.)  They were intentionally removed because they don't make sense IC even though they would technically work.

I like your suggestion about the arrow colors, and if you're volunteering then I bet someone could hand you this project, but we have somehting like 121 different types of arrows.  Changing the icons on all of them would take a lot of time.

So yeah, just saying its reallly unlikely to get done unless you (or someone else on the project/gm/whatever team) volunteers to do it (and gets the project approved etc.)


Re: Silver tipped Mahogany Stirge Tail Arrows
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2006, 09:13:59 am »
Thanks Talan, that does make sense.