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Author Topic: Posting things on NWVault and such  (Read 505 times)


Posting things on NWVault and such
« on: June 04, 2005, 01:21:00 pm »
We are looking to make PR a more cohesive thing here at Layonara. If you have something to contribute to the advertisment of Layo please send it to me at Leanthar, orth, and I all have access to this account and we will make sure that it is posted in the appropriate places and full credit goes to the person that created it. This way we will avoid duplicate posts or PR questions going to a wide array of people. Also while we hope everyone sticks with us, sometimes real life intervenes and we would like to keep the PR question coming to people available to reply.

Thank you everyone for the time you put into this world and the enthusiasm you bring. We really appreciate all your hard work and creativity.


RE: Posting things on NWVault and such
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2005, 01:30:00 pm »
Pretty much what Ice stated above.  It is important that we (including the players) show a united PR front.  Thank you.