The NWN Persistent World > Layonara Server

The Fortune System

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Guardian 452:
So, start by contacting a GM with your idea, and go from there?


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It would be just like any other CDQ or GCDQ process. Fortune points can just be spent as part of away to eliminate some of the potential material barriers between your project and completion so the focus of your efforts can remain on the RP without eliminating the meaningful contribution of material components. Fortune points are meant to resemble meaningful contacts the character has or something similar that is appropriate and may well come into actual RP during the course of character and project's development.~row

Fian Bearsark:
I just wanted to give my opinion on the system. Its great! Points accrue not too fast, not too slow and like the idea that down the road I could fund a project with the points. A simple great idea thanks for it.


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