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Author Topic: Version 3.21.4 is online  (Read 412 times)


Version 3.21.4 is online
« on: September 25, 2009, 01:37:29 pm »
It's been longer than expected, but...

Version 3.21.4 is online!
  • Fixed missing scripts in bottom level of Silkwood Spider Cave
  • Fixed (hopefully!) pipe smoking
  • Added more crafting stations to Lookout Tower, including scribing stations (regular and advanced)
  • Fleshed out Corsain - Western Gate some more, including more services and CNR cooking stations.  Removed all signs of being "under construction" since it's been a long time that Western Gate's been rebuilt.
  • Flag starting area on Central properly so that bird messages will not be delivered there.
  • Change a few of the hostess messages to remove Dark Ages implications
  • Fixed the in-game year display
  • Database djustment to storage chests and how they detect duplicate items
  • Add more Dire Bears to West and Central*
  • Slight tweak to Duneswept Ruins area to hopefully remove a tileset-related quirk
  • Skald Broken Wail should respect Death immunity
  • Fix typo on Bydell Castle bindstone
  • Make ladder transition in Beneath Temple Ruins more durable for people who can't handle their fireballs
  • Fixes to the Marrent Ayloment scripted quest
  • Furniture deeds are now preserved when trying to place furniture and the 200-piece limit has already been reached.
  • CNR respawners should no longer be destroyable by AoE spells and effects
  • Adjustments to Mithril area in the Deep
  • Adjustments to Titanium area in the Deep
  • Housing remodel for 122 Leringard
  • Housing remodel for 134 Leringard
  • Deep temple personnel changes/fixes
  • Fix for custom emotes/animations consuming spell components under certain situations
  • Made a few minor adjustments to the drop lists
  • Adjusted transition point in Shale River area
  • Great Forest giant spawn and creature tweaks
  • Robe model fixes, specifically those with the backpacks that had gear hanging out in weird places, floating, etc.
  • Hopeful fix for furniture not populating from interaction with housing doors
  • Replacement item for Cloak of the Bat.  Also replaced the Cloak of the Bat in the drops with the new item **
  • Donation boxes now sold in Folian S'pae's temple in the Forest of Fog
  • Fixed floating things in the Battlehelm Moors
  • Attempted fix for Acrobatic Attack targeting on uneven terrain
  • Acrobatic Attack feedback messages now appear as floating text
  • Slight tweak to spawnpoint in Shara's Hideout
  • Tileset fix for some Crypt corridors that puts the PC 30 feet in the air for a few seconds
  • Added system to name oxen
  • WLDQ reward for Jennara Creekskipper
  • WLDQ reward for Fenrir Thornaxe
* No, I'm not saying where, so don't ask. ;)
** Characters with the Cloak of the Bat can ask a GM directly in-game for a replacement with the Nighteyes Cloak.  Please do not clog the Grievance/Request process with these. This is an item-for-item swap.

Thanks go to orth, Script Wrecked and Acacea for their contributions, as well as Alatriel for her remodel work.

Please note that this does require an updated HAK file, which can be downloaded here.



Re: Version 3.21.4 is online
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2009, 01:49:38 pm »
Robe model fixes, specifically those with the backpacks that had gear hanging out in weird places, floating, etc.

Sweet! Finally!


Re: Version 3.21.4 is online
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2009, 01:49:42 pm »


Re: Version 3.21.4 is online
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2009, 02:45:58 pm »


Re: Version 3.21.4 is online
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2009, 04:46:39 pm »
Thank you to the Layo team for this!  I don't know how ya do all the technical stuff, but it sure makes things more fun.


Re: Version 3.21.4 is online
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2009, 05:06:32 pm »
Hey you forgot to mention the best update!



Re: Version 3.21.4 is online
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2009, 05:26:25 pm »
Really?! Wow..

You just use the writing quill on it? *grins*


Re: Version 3.21.4 is online
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2009, 05:30:48 pm »
No you name it like you name your horse  :P


Re: Version 3.21.4 is online
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2009, 05:52:05 pm »
Quote from: ShiffDrgnhrt
Hey you forgot to mention the best update!


Ooops!  Yeah I forgot to mention that.  Added to the list. :)


Re: Version 3.21.4 is online
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2009, 07:15:44 pm »
Yeah!! heeh I was wondering if my idea was thought about since no one of the team had answered in it at the time :D


Re: Version 3.21.4 is online
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2009, 09:59:43 pm »
You guys rule!!! Thanks for all the effort you put in :)


Re: Version 3.21.4 is online
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2009, 09:21:02 am »
The best thing ever...More dire bears or naming oxen..not sure.

