The World of Layonara

The NWN Persistent World => Layonara Server => Topic started by: orth on March 05, 2015, 05:43:40 pm

Title: Version 3.50 is coming!
Post by: orth on March 05, 2015, 05:43:40 pm

Version 3.50 is coming!

Could be tonight, most likely tomorrow night. The server is going to be down for a couple hours as I will need to sync the vaults and do the db conversion. The server is going to be moved to a new IP Address. The DNS for will work after it propagates around the internet but in the meantime you will need the new IP Address. I will give that out in a followup post.
You will need to update the control hak and the tlk, I'm just making sure there aren't any last minute additions to them after some final testing before I make them available. They're small files though the both of them. I will give links to these files in a followup post as well.
Very important note for the next update:
The linux NWN server is case sensitive when it comes to your Bioware name. You must use the same upper/lowercase characters for your Bioware login that you did when you created your first character on Layonara. You can't login as Orth for example when you created your first character as orth. If you do you'll see no characters in your vault.
If you're unsure the exact case sensitivity you used for your first character and you see an empty vault, Dorg or I can let you know the proper case sensitivity.
Storage System Fixes and Updates:
Performance Improvements:
It feels like we did more, can't wait to get in and play! Thanks to Dorg, rowana and Alatriel for a hand here and there.
Title: Migration to the new module
Post by: Dorganath on February 25, 2015, 08:58:00 pm

Migration to the new module and server will be starting soon.  To prepare for this, please note that there are two required downloads you will need to get before you can play on the new server.

Updated TLK file:
(download this file and extract it into your NWN "tlk" folder)

Updated "control" HAK file:
(download this file and extract it into your NWN "hak" folder)

Also, in order to access the new server, you will need to connect to or The old address of will work in about 48 hours once we fully shut down and repoint the old server.

The new server is not yet available, and transition will take about an hour or two once it starts, give or take.  Please do not attempt to connect to the new server until we give the notification to do so.

Title: As an addendum, we want to
Post by: Rowana on February 25, 2015, 09:21:31 pm

As an addendum, we want to let everyone know that a few web functionality will be broken for a little while until Orth can get everything reconnected. Examples of services that will be unavailable are server status, lore messages, donations and town crier. We hope that these will not take long but we will let you know as each comes on line.

Thanks in advance for your patience everyone!


Title: Alright everyone, we are back
Post by: Rowana on February 25, 2015, 10:48:02 pm

Alright everyone, we are back online!

Please see above for the information about logging, temporary new log in address etc. Please do come post if you are having some difficulties with anything and we will do our best to answer as we can.
