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Author Topic: Rumors of a new Goblin Skin?  (Read 98 times)


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    Rumors of a new Goblin Skin?
    « on: June 17, 2005, 06:33:00 pm »
    I've heard rumors from a few people about there being a goblin skin that one of the DMs, Atlas (Don't know his forum name) had created, though it was not yet implimented. I am interested in the skin for Vorkresh, since I believe I have seen a few screenshots of it and like it.

    Also, there was something about a blue goblin in Hlint who didnt speak Common, was wondering what that was all about, if someone has any information about it.

    So . . . if Atlas could maybe contact me and let me know whats available beyond the basic Goblin skin, and what I might need to do for him to get my current one changed.  :)

    And also, if anyone happend to just have any information about this, let me know, via PM or post.


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      RE: Rumors of a new Goblin Skin?
      « Reply #1 on: June 17, 2005, 06:35:00 pm »
      As a side note, I'm also on any time of day, depending on when I'm working. I'll be on most of tonight, since I dont work tomorrow. (Tonight being 8:30 pm CST (6:30 PST) through probably 3 or 4 am CST.)