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Author Topic: Port Hempstead, Fort Vehl - Starting Towns and Attitudes  (Read 441 times)


Port Hempstead, Fort Vehl - Starting Towns and Attitudes
« on: April 03, 2007, 08:58:17 am »
[SIZE=13] I am going to try and set the "standard" for the two starting locations so that we are all on the same page when it comes to RP'ing the cities and the citizens and tolerance levels in each of the cities.
 Port Hempstead:
 This town leans towards "good" and by that I mean the commoners, peasants, merchants, and nobles in this city accept what would be considered "normal" in day-to-day life. They would not knowingly accept (or tolerate) creatures (or shape shifted creatures) in their town such as large cats, bear, trolls, and all of those. They would chase these things out of town or quite possibly kill them and/or imprison the humanoid ones. The guards are firm in their conviction carrying out the law set down by the nobles and carried out by the law of keeping the day-to-day life of living "normal". They do not tolerate evil in the city and if one is known to be evil they will be arrested and/or chased out of the city. If one is caught doing an unlawful or evil act they will be sent to prison and will stand trial and face the consequences of their action(s). Keep in mind that there are some evil aligned (by race for instance) heroes that are indeed now known to be good and are treated as such and even treated as heroes in some cases.
 //Do not shape shift in this town unless you wish to pay the penalty, and that penality can and will change over time and due to circumstances. Do not bring in your wildlife pets in to this town. Do not come in to this town if you are evil or have performed evil acts that is documented and/or known, you will pay the price eventually.
 Fort Vehl:
 This town leans towards "evil" and by that I mean that the rules are relaxed when it comes to creatures in town, evil humanoids, shape shifting in to animals or even trolls and such. But they do have a limit, they will not tolerate abuse to citizens or defiling (in any way) the city or the nobles or law in charge and in some cases the merchants. Peasants do not rank high on their list but commoners have a slightly better standing. They allow a little more flexiability (within reason) of the evil races and in some cases evil acts within the city walls. The punishment put down by the law and nobles in this town is quite often brutal and in many cases the consequences are death or public spectacle plus a long prison term.
 //Evil characters, those that like to drag their pets in to towns, and shapeshifting sorts can travel this town but even the guards and nobles in this town have their patience and their tolerance levels so keep that in mind. If you want to perform your "evil" or shapeshift theatrics this is the town to do it in, but be prepared to face the consequence if it gets out of hand. I.E. use common sense and always remember that the nobility have a city (a large city) to run and they will only allow so much. Please don't whine if you go over the line and the guards come after you. And be aware that the penalties in this town are quite often brutal. In some cases the "good" may be chased out of this town though that is not overly likely, but I can see it happening from time to time so keep that in mind.
 Final Comment:
 These are the two starting cities folks. Make sure you are in the proper city when RP'ing. Do not get carried away, there is always a line that should not be crossed, that line is different for each town. The cities are large and the nobility will keep things under control, or at least under control in the way that they feel it should be. If you get crazy or do silly things be prepared to pay the consequences of your actions. Keep in mind that there are 10's of thousands of peasants, commoners, merchants, and nobles in each of the cities and you can not see them due to engine limitations, but they are there and the nobles and the law will protect them against anything and anybody (including "heroes").


Re: Port Hempstead, Fort Vehl - Starting Towns and Attitudes
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2007, 07:15:40 pm »
A question(s) that I had in a PM and I want everybody to see it and see the answers.
 "...........SO would that mean a dark elf ( asumeing there were not cloaked and you could planly see they are a dark elf) would be unwelcome in port hempsted if there were no known evil acts and they behaved themselves while in town......"
 If they are not cloaked and they are not a "hero" that has been well established and accepted in society they would not be welcome in the town and it is highly likely they would be locked up for a "hearing" (for some reason that may even be trumped up--not all 'good' is good after all) or at the very least chased out of town. Once one has established themselves in a large way, proven themselves to be heroes and/or done a significant amount of good for the town itself they would likely be tolerated--notice I did not say accepted. Dark Elves are Dark Elves and commoners, merchants, peasants and nobles do not like them in 95%+ of the situations.
 " wise would paladains be welcomes in fort vehl......"
 Welcomed? Probably not....tolerated probably so...but only until said paladin started spouting off at the mouth with all of the 'good two shoes' sort of things they do *smiles*. At that point they would probably be chased out of town and not welcomed back. Even if one behaves in vehl they could still be harrased and chased out of town. Vehl is LE and they would tolerate certain things in certain districts/areas of the city but in other areas (which we can not always show in an NwN online game world) said paladin may be assasinated. It all depends on the situation.
 I hope that helps.


Re: Port Hempstead, Fort Vehl - Starting Towns and Attitudes
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2008, 10:00:28 am »
//Felt like bumping this, due to recent discussions

