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Author Topic: Exp and lvling  (Read 338 times)

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Exp and lvling
« on: November 15, 2005, 10:31:00 am »
I'm playing a halfling monk and was wondering fir there s a problem with the character that is really messed up cause it is 80k till he lvls from 6 to lvl 7. This has no effect on e playing him but i was wondering if their is a ECL that i'm unaware of or missed cause I'm not understanding wh7y it takes so much.


RE: Exp and lvling
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2005, 10:33:00 am »
Look for NitaThompson's Post in this thread.
  That is the current XP Chart. ELC and Multiclassing penalties affect how much experiance you gain, through kills. They do not affect how much you need to gain levels. It's the same for everyone.

