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Author Topic: The Forge Golem  (Read 637 times)


The Forge Golem
« on: October 12, 2004, 08:22:00 am »
The Forge Golem

Deep beneath Swordrust Mountains it is rumoured that there once existed a dwarven smith, living in seclusion working his trade undisturbed by the outside world. With only his golem as company it is said Berhand Silverbeard turned out some of the most impressive weapons ever seen on layonara. His monstrous forge, which supposedly was fueled by lava from the continent’s crust, was kept such a heat that only his golem could approach it.

Few of his weapons have ever been seen; ever those that are said to have come from his hand could not be proved. So proud of his weapons was he that he refused to taint them with a trademark. One rumoured weapon is the coupe de grace, a rapier so fine it can open plate armour with a single slice. This weapon however has its own tales attached.

The tale of his demise is handed down in dwarven lore and bard songs, varying each time it is told, but the basics remain the same.

Legend has us believe he was nearing completion of his finest work, a mighty broadsword called Legacy. Said to have the power unlike any other on Mistone, his crowning work was to be his last before his return to the surface. Two hundred times folded adamantium; the sword was a sparkling example of true dedication. However, the light of day was never to grace his old eyes, misfortune and a temper as hot as his forge saw fit to that.

In the final stages of his work, Legacy was to be tempered once more before its completion. The golem approached the forge, as it had done many a time before, placing the blade into the flames. Unfortunately the blade slid from the golems hand, disappearing into the flames. Berhand ran forward, screaming as his most prized creation disappeared into the flames. He smashed his smith hammer into the golem’s head, cursing it for its foolishness and demanding that it retrieve the lost blade.

At its master’s command, the golem strode into the flames, melting with each step it took. It is claimed that the golem retrieved the blade, only to bring the forge down around it. The resulting explosion killed Berhand, bringing his workshop down around him, burying the countless fruits of his life’s work along with him.

Rumours speak of his golem however, that instead of being destroyed, it became one with the lava and molten metal, remaining to striding the destroyed halls, blade in hand, in desperate search for its lost master.

