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Author Topic: On Demons and Firewood Lager...  (Read 108 times)

Lalaith Va'lash

On Demons and Firewood Lager...
« on: January 27, 2006, 08:46:01 pm »
"And.. what are you two up to" *Kali'svoice cuts through the dim music in the Leilon Arms Inn and Tavern as she enters the door*
  *The two figures at the end of the hall continue, their mood seemingly somber*
  okay... *Kali follows after them a bit but then pauses at the top of the steps to the second floor* Fil! *she shakes her head*
  *Kali then bounds down the steps after Cole and Acaceaenter Cole's room and close the door behind them*
  *She wrinkles her nose and comes back around the corner to see Connor and Katrien packing up Kat's things for the evening. Taking a seat on a nearby sofa, she watches them until they leave without even a farewell*
  *mumbles somthing to herself in Elven, and pulls a smooth glass bottle of a deep crimson liquid from her pack*
  *Giggles looking at the bottle* "Looks like its just you and me now firewood lager"
  *She uncorks the bottle and tosses the cork on the table in front of her. Takes a long drink from the bottle and tips her head back*
  I guess the presence of a succubus... really puts a damper on things like Celebrations.. *takes another drink* I don't suppose.... *pauses* Nah..
  *she licks her lips slighlty and examines the bottle in her hand* mmm.. well.. maybe.. *wrinkles her nose seeming to be debating*
  hm.. *takes a drink* Do you think she could have known of our celebration of heroes.. and thats why she came? *looks to the bottle of firewood lager... which of course remains silent*
  Bah, what do you know? *wrinkles her nose at the bottle and finishes it off, before giggling a bit drunkenly*

