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Author Topic: *a notice*  (Read 164 times)

Black Cat

*a notice*
« on: January 09, 2008, 05:42:18 pm »
*a notice is put on the board in the inn*

Ahm lookin' fer any indivual... preferably one wit gud storytellin' abilities or a keen 'nowin' ov da lore... dat be 'avin' 'nowledge or infermation about da ruins dat lay below da Thunder Peaks.

Please send a boird ta mah ta arrange fer a meetin'.

Or ya can wroite, ya can put da story in written form an' send it ta 205 Castl' Mask near Lor (if da story be deemed worthy ah moigh' bah willin' ta pay fer it... nay return ov manuscript tho'... But ah pay fer da paper an' ink in any case)

Grohin Silveraxe, Battlepriest Captain ov Vorax.

//when I say in written form... it can be either through PM or actually written IG which would be extra nice... though I know the quirks and hardship of the IG writing system so a PM will do just as good.

Lalaith Va'lash

Re: *a notice*
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2008, 05:52:32 pm »
*Kali reads over the notice curiously.*

