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Author Topic: While the Gypsy's away....  (Read 116 times)

Lalaith Va'lash

While the Gypsy's away....
« on: March 07, 2006, 09:23:56 pm »
[SIZE=16]*As the break of morning light gracefully peaks through the windows in the Leilon Arms, a joyful sound can be heard through the halls of the inn. Humming lightly to herself, Kali walks around the inn with her normal spirited step. Her demeanor quite cheerful she carefully gathers the things for her upcoming trip.*[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]*Being sure not to forget the necessities Kali heads the kitchen. She pauses a moment to breath in the smells of fresh baked bread, she rolls several loaves of the breads in cloth before tucking them in her pack. Next she carefully packs up a beautifully toasted pecan pie, before heading to the bar and filling her malar bag with as many crimson colored bottles of firewood Lagers as it can hold.*[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]“I hope that will be enough..” *she smiles playfully tying the bag tight*[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]*After slinging her packs on her back, she looks around the inn one last time. Being sure new flyers are ready for the coming opening, and taking note that she already tuned the piano for Freldo’s use, though, it may not make a difference.*[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]*Quickly on parchment she scribbles a quick goodbye to the inn’s to Derrick and Jharl, for she knows she will be missed, even if its only for a short time…*[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]*In fancy script, a note left on the bar*[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]While the Gypsy’s away …. Does Derrick play?[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Hopefully, you have as much fun as I did, when you went away Derrick. I trust you won’t auction off my things, though, yours did go for a good cause though. But, just in case and to insure this I’ve locked the chest in my bedroom. No worries, there really is nothing overly valuable in there anyway.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Keep the piano tuned for Freldo, Jharl, and don’t let Derrick burn down the place. I’d warn you to keep him away from Quin as well, should the scoundrel return in my absence.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Oh, and Cole owes a lot of coin! If he doesn’t pay, I will auction him off when I return.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]With Gypsy luck.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]*Kali tosses the note on the bar and turns to exit the inn. As she opens the front door to the place, and the sun shines on her elven features, she carefully ties her firey red hair up in a thin black scarf and steps out the door to whatever adventure awaits*[/SIZE]


RE: While the Gypsy's away....
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2006, 05:48:28 am »
The Dark Armored figure limps slightly as he makes his way down the peir on the docks in Leilon. The docks are busy with the sound of hammers and yelling sailors. Cargo is loaded and unloaded. As he leaves the peir and makes his way through the crowded merchant district he is greeted by many passersby.

"Mr. Loadson!"

"Derrick good to see you."

"Will the Inn be open soon?  I have a mighty thirst!"

"Har!  Derrick!"

But others shun him...  or skitter from his path.  

Some. . .  watch him from the shadows. . .

Derrick reaches the Leilon Arms and inserts a heavy iron key into the lock.  He stops and smells the air...  something familiar.  *he shakes his head and opens the door.  

The Leilon Arms...   Home.

As he sits down the heavy packs one of them opens slightly and several chestnuts spill onto the floor.  "Stupid Trolls..."  Derrick mutters as he moves to retreive the chestnuts.  He winces and grins as the pain reminds him of the cost the Trolls exacted from him for his prize.

He turns to the water barrel and pulls back his hood.  Running some water into his hands he rinses his face.  The water mingles with the dried blood on his lips and turns red as it splatters on the floor.  He fills his hands again and rinses his face again this time pushing back the unkempted blond hair from his eyes...  blond hair that is streaked with gray...


"Stupid Trolls..."

Derrick grabs his packs and heads toward the kitchen.   As he passes the bar he sees a note placed in a familiar spot.  Without looking...  he knows the author...  and most likely what it will say.   Once again droping the packs he picks up the letter and reads...  at one point a slight smile spreads across his lips, which looks more like a sneer/smile because of the scars.

Derrick will play...  Har!  Maybe I will auction off the Leilon Arms Har!

*makes a note to "untune" the piano...

*makes another note to gut Quin should he show up

Auction off Cole...   Har!  I'll save that one fer Kali...   Har!