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Author Topic: Kat's Creations open at the Arms  (Read 65 times)


Kat's Creations open at the Arms
« on: February 07, 2007, 11:25:10 am »
[SIZE=18]True Burning a Hole in Your Pockets? [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Coins to Spend and Nowhere but the Local “same old thing” to spend it on? [/SIZE]
[SIZE=24]Freas: Kat’s Creations is open at the Leilon Arms! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16][SIZE=16]  [SIZE=16]It might be a dice shoot if the gypsy actually shows, but Kat’s has dependably been the supplier of fine goods to the Arms for over 8 years.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=18]We have in stock: [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=16][SIZE=16]  [SIZE=16]Weapon Enhancements: I, II and III’rd power in Ice, Fire and Spark[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Resistance Powders: of the 1st power: Ice, Fire and Spark.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Silver coatings: of the 2nd and 3rd power to enhance your weapons bite against the walking dead and were creatures.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Enchanted Jewelry made of either alexandrite or a limited supply of diamond pieces.[/SIZE][SIZE=16]Designs of all the major transmutations enchanted right into the rings and pendants. There are even a few pieces that have retained their ability to manipulate the weave.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Light bending topaz set in beautiful silver settings are available as well.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]The collectors item of the day! Four Shielding Amulets and One Barkskin Necklace will be available to purchase.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Iron Weapons of all shapes and sizes. Two very nice swords that have enchantments already no need to purchase more.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Leather Armor for those of all skill levels. Specializing in suits made of panther and malar, we also stock leathers of grizzly, dire wolf, jaguar, lion and dire tiger[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Enchanted Clothing: Specialty wear for mages of all skills as well as those who are referred to as “monks”. Straight from the halls of Blackford are several of the robes enchanted to be worn by the Lady’s clerics, but many other spell casters find them equally useful. Also a small stock of formal wear designed especially for performers and diplomats.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Quality Silk suits and dresses for those that wish to abstain from the use of leathers or just appreciate the excellence and comfort of silk.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Cloth woven with threads of iron, platinum and adamantium as well as the rare cobalt ore are also on offer.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Toes Cold? Ronus’s boots have a hole in them? We have boots. Many styles and colors to choose from. Some pretty blue ones and the very popular and flashy bright yellow ones as well.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Need a new cape? The townspeople making fun of that one that has seen much better days? We have capes to ward off the cold and to bend light to your will. Come see our stock. We even have a flying one too![/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Pants falling down? Too many pies and the old belt no longer fits? A new belt is in order. We have several of the most popular ones available, one exceptional quality.  [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Need a new bow? We have short and long, heavy and lightbows of exquisite craftsmanship in both oak and mahogany. A smaller selection has additional cams to add extra pull of varying degrees. Some of these parts may be purchased separately as well.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]We have Arrows and bolts as well. Fine oak shafts with a variety of tips and fletching are on offer. A small selection of enchanted arrows as well to add a bit of spark, fire or cold to the tips.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16][SIZE=16]  [SIZE=16]Attention Mages! Kat’s Creations has acquired the skills of a talented scribe. Available for purchase are scrolls from cantrips right into the sixth circle.[/SIZE]
  Back Sore from Carrying all that weight? Thinking yourself a pack mule but lacking the hooves and ears? Try an enchanted bag or three to take the load off. We have bags of enchanted cougar, crag cat and lion available.
[SIZE=16][SIZE=16]  [SIZE=18]Many, many other items also grace the crates of Kat’s creations. We have something for every profession, every skill level.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16][SIZE=16]  [SIZE=16]Take a break from the “hunting” or “training” and stop into the Leilon Arms.[/SIZE]

  [SIZE=16]Kat’s Creations is a seller of quality merchandise. We are not a DISCOUNT operation. Our prices are comparable to the larger guilds for a reason. We welcome haggling and take many raw materials in trade, but we will not sell our merchandise for prices below market value just to “make the sale”. We do offer special incentives for volume purchases and are always on the look out for reliable apprentices and suppliers. Store credit can be arranged with your salesperson for delivery of supplies.[/SIZE]