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Author Topic: Help for Hurm  (Read 145 times)


Help for Hurm
« on: November 13, 2006, 12:15:47 am »
Broegar has spoken! Hurm will suffer without his help. Adventures are craven and cowardly.    Now is the time to prove him wrong! Now is the time to pull together with the people of Hurm and help them rebuild! Now is the time to show Broegar he is not needed and his attempt to expand his influence under the guise of assisting will not be tolerated.    I call upon all who can to offer their assistance. Be it with goods, building materials, time or offering a home to an orphaned child.    Let us show the people of Hurm and Broegar that we can and will assist them.    We need to co-ordinate our efforts and set about this in a practical manner. Some of us have been in the city for many months now and are aware of what needs doing so please contact me if you can offer assistance.  
  Ireth Telrunya


Re: Help for Hurm
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2006, 05:38:23 am »
*A hooded figure moves into the inn. Tags a post and moves quietly out – clearly hiding its face.*

People directly involved in The plauge.

From varies posts I can understand that Quantum Windword, Elledan Peters and Ireth Telrunya have been directly involved in the matter of finding the cure.  
Please inform us “the unknown” exactly of the situation - about the Plauge.
Is there a final cure? What does that cure consist of? Has the plague been finally defeated or does it still lure around? Can Hurm be approached without any risk for contamination? How many are dead? Etc. These are just a few questions among many I would like to hear of because…
As much as I would like to help certain things and precautions needs to be taken. I do not want to risk my own life by running to Hurm, to aid as much as I can and get infected afterwards… or the lives of others when I will move from Hurm again…please inform us “the unknown” if there is a risk.
Exact and precise information are needed. Please

*not signed*


Re: Help for Hurm
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2006, 02:36:32 pm »
*those gathered in the inn include a couple of merchants recently arrived from the Port city of Hurm.*

"Tis a surly business there, things aint what they seem none. Since them folks sent Broegar packin' *chuckles* people's is none too happy." The merchant who he ws speaking to nods in agreement.

"Aye yer right, I was talkin' to tha harbour master and he figures people are right annoyed bout that. Seems ta be a bit o' grumbling goin on up there. Troubles a brewing I say." After that they finish their tankards, stand and bid each other good day.

