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Author Topic: A Notice  (Read 424 times)


A Notice
« on: October 28, 2007, 01:01:10 am »

Lalaith Va'lash

Re: A Notice
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2008, 08:17:21 am »
*Between feeding the hungry from the The Leringard Arms own stock in the kitchen, making runs to the temple to bring fresh water which Lance has brought in from nearby town's and streams, and generally gathering supplies to help with the relief of the destruction of Leringard, a very tired Kali starts to dig in the bottom drawer of a desk in the lobby at the arms.  On finding the old notice she unfolds it and takes a glance at the name.*

*Pulling on a dark blue cloak she sets out to find the one who penned the notice so long ago.*

(//If she finds him, this is in person.... otherwise, consider it a letter)

*In her haste she makes little effort not to interrupt the comings and goings of the day, but with her palm to the table slaps the notice onto the surface and slides it across to him.  A plea in her tone..*


Leringard is..

Leringard is the home to so many of us who were called by the golden dragon to fight in the war against bloodstone, a town that bore heroes for the war, but heroes to the town as well.  A town what later in life and before untimely death those such as Cole Norseman and Derrick Loadson, called home. A place with docks favored in The Lady of the seas winds, and sailors from around the world have made port at one time or another. A place where two Inn's warm lights invites sailors, merchants, town folk, adventurers heroes, the hungry, the tired, and even royalty to their doorstep with little discrimination.  A town with an orphanage and a mistress so kind to serve abandoned and lost children when hope is so desperately needed in their lives and A town where the militia and guard are known for their deeds, and a town so deeply routed in so many of history and heart.

and it has been attacked, devastated.  Many of lives lost leaving more orphaned, many homes destroyed leaving homeless, the docks burnt, leaving sailors to find other ports.. and thereby crippling the parts of town that have survived.  

The one who seeks a worthy cause to put there true too, may think they have found it... but for ages I have watched to see what may come of this?  and so far it is nothing.  Unless in the silence I am mistaken it is still in progress or at rest...  But, what good are plans if they are never brought to bare fruit.  The best laid plans are utterly useless if they are not brought into action! this, THIS, is the worthwhile cause, and the time to make it happen is now.

It is not enough to rebuild what was there, but to rebuild with a stronger foundation, deeper rooted buildings of brick and morter that withstand the fired breath of those who might seek to harm us.  We rebuild to continue a way of life, but we also rebuild to give hope to those when there is none.  Whatever caused this, and I know not what yet, is undoubtedly the work of some that call themselves adventurer, and it will be the adventurers that help to pick up the pieces of a broken city.  We come to the aid of our neighbors and friends.  We come to the aid of our home, and I'm asking you.. begging you and whomever aloquated this coin, to come to our aid now...

Whatever plans may have been laid, keep them.  But build them in Leringard... Build a crafthall so that materials may be worked to rebuild the town within the town, instead of traveling for distances, build more docks and ships, so that trade may be expanded to Vehl and other cities, so that supplies in short may be brought, expand the orphanage to hire teachers and more caregivers for the children, rebuild the homes and stores.... not later though,   and not as soon as possible, its not good enough... no, build them now.  For waiting for the future silently does little but put coin and and whatever legacy to waste.[/INDENT][/INDENT]

*The gypsy takes a deep breath, her stark emerald eyes looking back to him.*


Re: A Notice
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2008, 01:40:51 pm »
*reads the notice grunting considering an interview*

G'orks cause always good.

*walks off grinning*