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Author Topic: Emergency in Hurm  (Read 289 times)


Emergency in Hurm
« on: November 04, 2006, 04:41:59 pm »
It is the early hours of the morning. Leilon seems  buttoned up tight against the constant snows and chill.
At first glance all the city seems asleep but if you were to stroll past the back of the Leilon Arms you would see light streaming from the kitchen...inside Jharl is working furiously emptying food from storage and packing it in preparation for a sea voyage..

Jharl scrawls a sign and hands it to Toby as he says:  "See if'n ye can find Freldo at the harbor. He fancies himself a sailor now and I heard he may even have a ship in port. We need to get this stuff to Hurm as fast as we can and he just may be able to pull it off. If ye can't find Freldo, look for some clerics of Aeridin, they are at the harbor arranging a charter as well "

"Oh and put this sign on the door on yer way out.  Thanks."

The sign reads :

The situation in Hurm is dire. Reliable sources tell of plague and  starvation. The Leilon Arms will be open to accept donations of food, medicine, and clothing. We will see that it gets to Hurm where it is needed.

//Collections at various times to be posted.

First one: 11/5 7-9 AM EST


Emergency in Hurm
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2006, 06:08:13 pm »
Toby scruffs a hand through his hair nods to Jharl. "Aye...worth it to see Freldo with a turquoise sailor's hat made out of paper perched on his pretty head. Don't tell 'Cacea about the priests--one came by yesterday and she made my ears wilt 'til they bleedin' fell right off, she did. Better practice the dash between chatty breaths with them around, else you'll need a new pair yourself--these just don't fit the sides of my head the same!"   He chuckles to himself and gives a sharp whistle to Sinthar on the way out, who clambers to his large feet and follows after.   After adjusting the letters somewhat on the sign, he hangs it in front where it can't be missed. "Come on, Sinthar... put on the concerned charitable face and we'll see if there are any ladies in need of a coat while we're out near the harbor."    The situation in Hurm is dire. Reliable sources tell of plague and starvation. The Leilon Arms will be open to accept donations of food, medicine, and clothing. We will see that it gets to Hurm where it is needed.[/SIZE]  11/6 7-9 PM EST

