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Author Topic: Reconstruction of the Ovdear site.  (Read 83 times)


Reconstruction of the Ovdear site.
« on: January 18, 2009, 10:13:02 am »
As most Elves know, as well as those well informed.

The old Ovdear site is being cleared and set for construction. This project is of great importance to Voltrex. It heals old wounds and allows focus on the future. It can be of greater success with our help.

I realize that we have a war effort on our hands. And that those in need will not have those needs cease due to other projects arrising. But I do ask that those that can, dig deeper and contribute. That those that wish to contribute, to make a differance, contribute what they can to this huge undertaking. Continue to send gold and weapons to the war effort. Continue to send food and gold to those in need. But for those of us that can, please take the time to make a lasting differance in a constructive area.

I believe all things happen in balance and their is cycle to life and Layonora. Let this building for the future balance the war and destrution that is on our doorstep. Let the new arrise from the ashes of the old and the cycle turn once again.

For anyone wishing to make a contribution, please send it to the comittee in charge of rebuilding the Ovdear sight. Or contact myself and I will see it to the proper representatives as I have already contacted them about contributions.

Specifically seeking materials for construction and true to purchase such materials. But any and all constructive contributions will be accepted.

151 Port Hempstead Fields