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Author Topic: Ladies Night Out  (Read 92 times)


Ladies Night Out
« on: September 06, 2006, 06:24:05 pm »
*A note is hung in the Arms*

Hello Ladies!  

I would like to invite you all to go adventuring, just us gals.  Perhaps we might even pick one of the lesser sex *smiles* to accompany us each week for the unmarried amoungst us.  There shall be no set agenda, we will decide as a group where to go based on who would like to come and what they need to accomplish.  Hopefully we can get to know eachother a bit better and gets some things done at the same time. Please leave a note if interested.


Tyrian Dallorius

//please sign up on the forums or leave a note if interested, I would like to make this weekly on Sunday eves, as nothing really seems to go on then//


Re: Ladies Night Out
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2006, 06:55:51 pm »
*grins widely when she sees this* yea!!!

*posts a quick note*
I think I shall make a showing, it should be quite fun