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Author Topic: The Hlint Horrorshow  (Read 134 times)


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    The Hlint Horrorshow
    « on: September 09, 2006, 08:50:21 am »
    Throughout Hlint a swarm of handwritten fliers are appearing, showcasing a new play to be performed by the citizens of Hlint for the people of Hlint. As you grab a flier, it reads:
      Welcome all to Valenor Fennalds first public performance, The Hlint Horrorshow. This performance has been written and will be directed by Valenor Fennald. A variety of workers are needed for this shows success, including:
      -Actors of any age or gender, veteran or amateur
      -A Magician to cast a variety of non-violent visual effects
      -A tailor to create costumes
      -Bodyguards to ensure crowd safety
      All employees of the Horrorshow will be paid accordingly, in proportion to the success of the show. Auditions start now! Come for fun, come for fame!


    RE: The Hlint Horrorshow
    « Reply #1 on: September 09, 2006, 08:58:23 am »
    *Karn picks up a flyer and with a bumused grin walks with it towards the Arms. There he places a small notice, hoping to attract the attention of the creator of the flyer.*
      To whomever is organising this performance, I, Karn would like to offer my services. Preferably in the role of an actor, however I also have some small casting talent, and may be able to help with such visual wanders also.
      Seek me out in Hlint, I am usually found singing, prancing and generally annoying those around me, or on rare occasions having my ear licked by an elderly looking elven man.

    gilshem ironstone

    Re: The Hlint Horrorshow
    « Reply #2 on: September 12, 2006, 05:45:53 am »
    *Gel'larian sees the notice and his eyes light up.  He quickly takes out his quill and scribbles a reply*

    I, Gel'larian Windsbreath would like to offer my services as a musician, caster of minor spells and tailor.  Seek me out in Hlint or send me a bird.


    Re: The Hlint Horrorshow
    « Reply #3 on: September 12, 2006, 06:25:02 am »
    *Max looks at the flyer*#
    Umm this better not conflic with the public exicountion,
    But I to Maximaon Deago Rimiraz Lober the 2ed offer my small skill to the players pit


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      Re: The Hlint Horrorshow
      « Reply #4 on: September 12, 2006, 08:52:12 am »
      Any and all interested in working in the show, in any of the listed roles (or if you have your own idea of a role in which you would like to propose to me) meet me in the Wild Surge Inn on Thursday the 14th of Seplar (September.. Hey, dont blame me, its the dates according to the Layo guide) at 9 PM (EST, -4 GMT). Please attend this meeting, and should you not be able to attend or did not see this message before the time of the meeting please come find me, Valenor Fennald as soon as possible! The script has been created and we will begin working on the show very soon. Thank you for your time,  -Valenor Fennald

