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Author Topic: On Offering : Arms Opening Feb 10  (Read 168 times)


On Offering : Arms Opening Feb 10
« on: December 21, 2005, 09:22:00 pm »
*[SIZE=16]Katrien opens a large trunk and begins to sort through the items inside. As she does so she writes an inventory list. It reads:*[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16] [/SIZE][SIZE=16]Leatherwork Tiger Boots  Lesser Ogre Gloves  Gloves of Fury Lion Leather gloves Belt of the Crag Cat Belt of Cunning  Panther Cape Cloak of Azatta Standard Rogue Leather Lesser Mage’s armor Lesser Monk’s Armor Panther Leather Armor Lion Leather Armor  Lion Hide Armor Jaguar Leather Armor[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16] [/SIZE][SIZE=16]Metal Armor Platinum Reinforced Clothing  Adamantium Reinforced Clothing Iron Half Plate Iron Chainmail Iron Chain Shirt [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]   [SIZE=16]Jewelery Ring of Cat’s Grace I  Ring of Fox’s Cunning I  Ring of Owl’s Wisdom I  Ring of Bear’s Endurance I Ring of Bull Strength I Amulet of Bull Strength I Amulet of Fox Cunning I Exceptional Amethyst set in Copper Amulet Exceptional Aventurine set in Copper Amulet[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]   [SIZE=16]Weapons  Defender’s Sword Swashbuckler’s Sword Iron Greatsword Iron Longsword Iron Warhammer Iron Dwarven WaxAxe  Mahogany Longbow Mahogany Shortbow Oak Long Bow Oak Shortbow Oak Quarterstaff[/SIZE][SIZE=16] Mahogany Quarterstaff [/SIZE]
  A Selection of fine Oak arrows , many different fletchings available
[SIZE=16]   [SIZE=16]*Katrien looks over the page, satisfied.* “There, that should please a wide range of customers. I do hope some think to bring supplies such as silk, aloe and gems for barter”[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16] /// Please do not post here. All above items will be available on a first come basis at the Leilon Arms Fri Feb10 starting at 8pm AST (12midnight GMT, 4pm PST) Prices to be negotiated through roleplaying. [/SIZE]


RE: On Offering : Arms Opening Feb 3
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2006, 11:51:33 am »
Kat revises her inventory


RE: On Offering : Arms Opening Feb 3
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2006, 05:52:33 pm »
*Kat sighs and gives her head a shake. How could I forget that Freas was busy already.*
  // Kat's creations will also take a break this Fri. See you Feb 10 at the usual times.


RE: On Offering : Arms Opening Feb 10
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2006, 10:11:05 pm »
*Kat dusts off her inventory sheet for the next opening*