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Author Topic: Silver Crescent attacks crushed  (Read 89 times)


Silver Crescent attacks crushed
« on: July 26, 2008, 07:28:47 am »
Various rumours flood the world verified over a relatively short time by sailors and merchants who ply trade across the oceans of an extensive plot to overwhelm a number of surface cities and plunge many populations into slavery.

It seems amazing to consider but it seems to be true. There have been organised raids co-ordinated with extreme precision and ingenuity in the kingdoms of Trelania, Co'rys, Boyer and Liwich with one goal in mind.

Subjugation of the populations by a combined host of Silver Crescent slavers, dark elves, deep dwarves, Chokrl (mindflayers) and beholders from The Deep. As leaders of the various nations and cities come forward a bigger picture has begun to emerge.

It seems within four to six hours of each other small forces on the surface have moved to capture and hold key locations waiting for hosts of enemy forces gathered beneath the earth to surface and sweep over any opposition.

Fort Hurix in Trelania was the first place hit with a force of Silver Crescent slaver vessels capturing the port and blockading the city from the sea. Mercenaries within the fort overwhelmed the guards and opened the dock gates to the city. They held the gates for several hours before Mounted infantry of the Queens 23rd Regiment under the direct command of Captain KorDoblin worked with mobilised militia to recapture the gates and gain access to the dock walls catapults. Once the Forts catapults sank several slaver ships the remaining slaver vessels fled out to sea abandoning their attack.

In the Boyer Kingdom things did not go so well for the defenders. Bitterridge was struck by a maurauding force of mercenaries and deep dwarves with pitched running battles through the streets with local milita as the invaders attempted to gain control of the graineries and guardposts around the city. When the local merchants released their own hired guards to bolster the militia the tide turned against the invaders and they were slain almost to the last man. Some that escaped were pursued to several Silver Crescent slaver ships on the coast bearing Boyer colours where they were overwhelmed and captured.

In Liwich, the normally peaceful city of Wymere, south of Hurm, awoke to the sounds of fighting in the streets of the city as armed maurauders comprised of dark elves and human slavers attempted to secure the old stone barracks in the southern quarter of the city. The local milita offices were set alight and many of the militia slain before The Sabres, 2nd Redarm Guards swept into the city having completed a forced march from Hurm with secret intelligence suggesting an attack was imminent. The Regiment of Redarms smashed the maurauders and brought the old stone building down on their heads crushing those remaining inside. The fires were quickly extinguished and order re-established.

The final location was the Co'rys kingdom in southern Mistone. A large fleet of Slaver vessels flying Trelania colours swept into the Gulf of Co'yrs and sailed all the way to the coast off Mesgard and the Gloomwood.

Unfortunately for the slavers the Mayor of Mesgard had been forewarned weeks previous about a potential plot. The Co'rys Advisory members of Fort Vehl echoed Nesor Kezed Gran'dherm's decision to send several divisions of soldiers to wait at the edge of the Gloom Woods. Its said that in a battle involving the Slavers and the Neror's soldiers there were many undead serving the side of the Nesor. When the slavers dead fell and rose again to fight against them they broke and fled back to the sea leaving many empty vessels on the shore in the Gulf.

The co-ordinated attacks have caused a shockwave of fear through a number of kingdoms with intelligence revealing that vast armies were prepared to enter the surface lands from The Deep. Reports are even now filtering through that one of those mainly responsible for the collapse of the invasions, a man called Lord Reaver, in service to Admiral Red Bear of Hurm, has now surfaced from The Deep and is expected at a banquet in his honour in the Sabres citadel.

Perhaps consistant with this is a number of refugees emerging from tunnels and caves beneath the earth in places talking of a series of extensive battles going on between a large clan of deep dwarves and a powerful dark elf family as well as rebel beholders assaulting their city...and more.

More news as it comes to hand.

If the scale of what was to occur is anything to go by, many people and nations owe their peace and citizens safety to this man.

// Results of the effects from Sallaron Tempests efforts in his WLQD ~ others involved were: Muireann, Shamur Reator, Arkolio de'Averlain, Tegan


Re: Silver Crescent attacks crushed
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2008, 08:21:02 pm »
As an addendum to this the latest word in!

In this groundbreaking news it appears The Queen of Trelania has dispatched two naval vessels, the Queens Hammer and the Sea Eagle; The High Boyer from the Boyer Kingdom has dispatched a small fleet of fast attack naval vessels and The Sabre of Liwich has sent forth a large naval fleet headed by Admiral Red Bears own massive warship, Blood Bear, to join together in the biggest joint naval venture in recent history.

Their goal is to sweep through the oceans and seas that lie between western Dreger and eastern Mistone with the goal of eradicating any remnant of Silver Crescent Slaver fleets or at the very least driving them back past Boyers Northern limits where they came from initially.

A notable exception in this co-operative naval force was the Nesor of Co'rys, who was on record as commenting that he has no care nor regard for anything beyond his own borders. Unless the Silver Crescent either attack again or ask for shelter within his lands he wants nothing more to do with it.

The High Boyer, the Queen of Trelania, and The Sabre, have all agreed to allow the Admiral full control over the ships participating in the operation.