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Author Topic: Posters going up around various cities  (Read 63 times)


Posters going up around various cities
« on: December 04, 2007, 02:41:21 pm »
The below listed people as asked to report to the authorities in Port Hempstead. There are some questions about the disappearance of Baron Ram Larks and his family.

Val Dragonheart
Randi Tyne

This note is posted below:

The authorities are looking for any information about what happened at Baron Ram Larks hunting lodge up the Brech mountains. A supply delivery merchant found the lodge doors smashed and inside there were bodies of wolves and humans and other things everywhere. The bodies of Lady Kina Larks and young Master Roland Larks were found also found were the bodies of most of their house guard and that of Bob Morst the Baron's chamberlain. Missing are the Baron, his daughter Rachel, and the family bard Calear. There were signs of a great fight in the lodge and it is clear that there were mages and warriors present.

As the Baron was of the Hempstead area this will be conducted by the Hempstead authorities. They are sending a mage who will try to determine who was there and what happened. If anyone has information on this tragedy please come forth at once.

//OOC I will set a calendar event for this. PM me with questions.


Re: Posters going up around various cities
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2007, 04:14:52 pm »
Being held for questioning in connection with the events at the Baron Larks lodge is one Berak of the angels guild. Others are still wanted for questioning.


Re: Posters going up around various cities
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2007, 06:15:47 pm »
Berak has been released after giving information to the investigators. He is now under house arrest in the Angels guild house


Re: Posters going up around various cities
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2007, 01:44:56 pm »
*For some reason...Capt Trent has been recently bombarded during his rounds by Seagulls with bad digestion...

His armor being colored in off an white/ greenish color witha foul smell as he attends to his rounds... :o

Seems the birds got into some bad fish and took it out on the fair and just local magistrate. O.o


Re: Posters going up around various cities
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2007, 01:49:26 am »
The birds who have been harassing Capt Trent on his daily rounds, and the mice who loved his boots seem to have mysteriously stopped bothering him. :\\

Except forth occasional seagull who still does it because he thinks its funny. :D