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Author Topic: A snowy night in Leilon....  (Read 85 times)

Lalaith Va'lash

A snowy night in Leilon....
« on: October 31, 2006, 05:53:07 pm »
*The setting sun over Leilon, throws rays of yellow, red, and gold.
Many workers head to their homes as night falls, and it begins to snow.
In the distance not far from the docks a light song is heard dancing through the cold winter air.
To those who knew the Inn in it's old days, it was a familiar favorite to someone there*
*If you enter inside the Leilon Arms a roaring fire crackles and heats the small tavern inside.
Filtering through the closed kitchen door lingers the smell of fresh baked breads and apple pie.
Then as you enter further, the jukebox welcomes you in song.
Continuing as it plays alone, #120, “The Gypsy of Leilon”*
*Just then, from the stage, quietly at first, a lone violin joins in the song.
Louder and louder it cries through the air, a melody that’s been missingfar too long.
The notes lift in a warming way making those who knew it before smile.
There is only one elf that plays it that way,but she has been gone for a while*
*And then, a sweet scent fills the air, if you step closer near the stage.
The scent of roses and spices from lands very distant and oh so, far away.
If you round the corner then you see her, dancing behind candlelight with violin in her hand.
Leilon’s Gypsy is finally back, from where she has traveledthrough outthe land*