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Author Topic: Cave near Rodez  (Read 115 times)


Cave near Rodez
« on: April 18, 2006, 09:24:57 am »
[SIZE=16]Notice to all travellers in the Kingdom of Roldem[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=13]Many will know of the cave near Rodez, famous for unusual chests.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=13]It is with all seriousness that I request, for the time being, no-one attempt to explore this cave under ANY circumstances.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=13]Events are in motion that affect the lives of many here on Layonara, and the Planes beyond. Unauthorised expeditions into these caves puts these lives at very great risk. I assure you I do not make this request lightly. Recent journeys there may haved already caused great suffering and death.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]I beg of you all. DO NOT VENTURE THERE! [/SIZE][/FONT][/i]
[SIZE=13]A further notice will be posted when the situation is resolved[/SIZE]
Signed in Aeridin's Light  
[SIZE=16]Elladan Peters [/SIZE]
Paladin of the Lifegiver