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Author Topic: The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels  (Read 2246 times)


The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels
« on: September 17, 2009, 05:47:36 am »

The White Lily Proudly Presents:

Night of Duels


I am happy to announce you the Night of Duels, a competition among fighters and those who think they can stand a fight in range of a melee weapon. Everyone is welcome for this even, may it be to attend as a fighter and prove ones skill with a weapon, or just to watch the combatants fight.

Food and drinks will be served. All you need is to leave 500 True at the reception and you don’t have to pay for single drinks and food.

The Night of Duels will be held in the arena in Fort Vehl on Tunar, Febra 10, 1455.

There won’t be any prices, other than the honor and fame, but every fair fighter should honor especially these. The Night of Duels is not about treasure, but to come together, fighting duels, have the one or other drink and a lovely meal among friends.

Please send your application to Phyress Sylphide who is going to organize the whole event. She will be also responsible for the course of events and the single duels. Miss Sylphide will announce the combatants of each fight.

There is going to be a surprise at the end of the whole event, so stay tuned and enjoy it. It’ll be really worth it. Please come and join us at the Arena in Vehl for a night of breathtaking duels and fun.

Rules of the Night of Duels

  • In the arena combatants won’t be able to cast any spell or use a spell-like ability.
  • Combatants must not leave the area to cast spells.
  • Combatants must not alter their appearance //Any form of shape changing or polymorph
  • Combatants must not cast weapon enchantments. //GMW, Imbue, Blade Thirst, Darkfire, etc.
  • Combatants must not knock anyone down. //Knockdown
  • Combatants must not leap into their opponents to knock one down. //Acrobatic Attack
  • Combatants must not hide in plain sight. //HiPS
  • Combatants must not make use of items which store the Al’Noth.
  • Combatants must not wear any items that trigger if it hits or one is being hit.
  • Combatants must not heal themselves, may it be potions or divine magic.
  • Combatants must not call for help of others //Familiars, Animal Companions, Summons
  • Combatants must not sing one to death, stun them or whatever.
  • Combatants must not start performing any actions, such as singing, before the fight was started.
  • Combatants must rest before any duel.
  • Combatants may take a defense stance. //Expertise
  • Combatants may perform more powerful attacks. //Power Attack
  • Combatants may leap into the air and spin around. //Whirlwind Attack
  • Combatants may enter rage.
  • Combatants may use any melee weapon, or perform martial arts.
  • Combatants may use a single weapon, a shield, two weapons or whatever.
  • Combatants may use gear which holds magical properties, although not being casted.
  • Combatants may change their gear between fights to suit their opponent.
  • Combatants may sing a song to encourage oneself in a duel.
  • A duel lasts over three rounds whereas the winner only needs two rounds to win a battle.
  • Every single duel will be counted down from "3 ... 2 ... 1 ... GO!" before it starts.
  • The winners of each duel will face each other until only one combatant remains and will be declared as the champion of this competition.

//And now for some OOC clarification which pretty much covers the rules for dead-magic areas...

- Allowed -
  • Items that enhance stats, skills and/or saving throws that are worn or equipped (clothing, jewelry, accessories) and that provide a "permanent" benefit to one's attributes and bonuses.
  • Permanent weapon and armor enhancements, such as elemental enhancements, silver and titanium coatings and elemental resistances.
  • As mentioned above, the key here is that these things do not rely upon the Al'Noth to sustain or maintain them, having received all their energy from either the casting itself or the energies inherent in the application of the enhancement.
- Not Allowed –
  • Ioun Stones. It does not matter whether or not these are activated prior to entering the dead magic zone or not, they are simply not permitted to be in use in dead all. They rely upon the Al'Noth to keep them circling around the character, and in its absence, they will fall to the ground. Bioware does not enforce this mechanically, but we will enforce it administratively.
  • Active magical and supernatural abilities that would draw upon the Al'Noth in some way, whether divine, arcane or natural. They may possibly persist when moving into a dead magic zone, but should not be activated or used from within a dead magic zone. These may include, but are limited to:

Racially-granted feats and abilities (i.e. Darkness)
  • Class-based feats, abilities and powers (i.e. Divine Might, Divine Shield, Bless Weapon, Holy Sword, Deafening Clang, Blade Thirst). This also includes the abilities of Spellswords and Arcane Archers to imbue their weapons and/or ammo with special enhancements.
  • Spells in general, may they be arcane, divine or of whatever nature.
  • Epic spells. (i.e. Epic Warding, Epic Mage Armor, Hellball)
  • Summons of any kind
  • Items with On-Hit-Properties

Food and drinks will be provided by the well renowned Leringard Arms & Inn! So expect delicious snacks, slices of pie, and the one and other great tasting ale and wine!

We look forward to seeing your sign-ups!

The White Lily[/SIZE]


//Please let me know either by PM or leave a message here.
//More details about the event itself you’ll find here!
The following users thanked this post: Hellblazer


Re: The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2009, 09:29:26 am »
//// Not that I'll be able to make the duel, since I will be at work while it's going on, but...
as long as it is not about taking advantage of the Al'Noth

... means people won't be using magical gear, correct?

Or do you mean, no "temporary" use of the Al'Noth (spells vs. items)? ////


Re: The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2009, 09:38:46 am »
// Such a shame this is on the 24th, a weekend would be so much better, I mean Fenrir is afterall the reigning champ from PnP's tournament. But I encourage everyone to participate, it's a cool event to be part of, no matter your level or build.//


Re: The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2009, 09:49:10 am »
Quote from: miltonyorkcastle
... means people won't be using magical gear, correct?

Or do you mean, no "temporary" use of the Al'Noth (spells vs. items)? ////

//It means no spells or items that buff you up, aka no scrolls, no ion stones, no wands, no use of the Silver Foil and whatever. I mean no active use of the Al'Noth. If you have a ring which has regen on itself, you can still use it. I could have simply said no buffing at all ^^ I will update my posts.

Quote from: s0ulz
// Such a shame this is on the 24th, a weekend would be so much better, I mean Fenrir is afterall the reigning champ from PnP's tournament. But I encourage everyone to participate, it's a cool event to be part of, no matter your level or build.//

//Sadly my weekends are pretty much limited these days. It might change at some point. If all goes well I will organize the event again on a weekend in october. That's a promise ;)


Re: The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2009, 09:51:44 am »
/// Ah, so that means you could mix and match magical gear to suit the opponent, yes? AKA, gear-buffing instead of spell-buffing?///


Re: The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2009, 09:53:55 am »
Quote from: miltonyorkcastle
/// Ah, so that means you could mix and match magical gear to suit the opponent, yes? ///

Quote from: Weeping Lily
There won’t be any preparing before battle, Al’Noth-wise. You just fight with your current equipped gear. Of course you may change your gear before a battle or after.

//Yes, changing gear is allowed :)


Re: The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2009, 09:58:47 am »
//'No spell buffing' would include divine spells as well, yes?


Re: The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2009, 01:30:41 pm »
What about the Bard/Scald's: will they be able to use their abilities, spells, or wails?

What about Barbarians: will they be able to enter their various forms of rage?

What about Rogue/Shadowdancer: will they be allowed to use HIPS?

If you say "ONLY equipment changes will be allowed and nothing more PERIOD", then that might make it more clear...

Just some thoughts I had


Re: The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2009, 01:52:07 pm »
*Amanda smiles a little to herself as she begins to read the poster. Then the smile slowly fades into a frown. Those near by can hear her mumbling.*

Fort Vehl??  Could she have it anywhere but there?



Re: The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2009, 03:03:09 pm »
Quote from: Cinnabar
   //'No spell buffing' would include divine spells as well, yes?

Spell is spell, at least for this event, may it be arcane or divine ;) This includes like all spells. It does not matter if one casts a simple Cat's Grace or a Hammer of Gods, Battletide, ...

Quote from: davidhoff
What about the Bard/Scald's: will they be able to use their abilities, spells, or wails?

Spell is spell, it does not matter what class one took. As for songs, I don't mind. For the skald's wailing ability. Common sense please: We want to compete with weapons like swords, not to see who can sing one to death.

Quote from: davidhoff
What about Barbarians: will they be able to enter their various forms of rage?

Yes, they may. Please note the Night of Duels is an event primary for fighters, although everyone can attend.

Quote from: davidhoff
What about Rogue/Shadowdancer: will they be allowed to use HIPS?

Short answer: Yes.


I will probably try to get hold of a GM and alter the arena for the time being to a no-magic area. Period. This should answer all spell-related questions. ;)


Re: The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2009, 02:51:10 pm »
then druids can shape change


Re: The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2009, 03:34:12 am »
Quote from: Falonthas
then druids can shape change

I somehow doubt they are able to change in forms in dead-magic areas, like in the Thunderpeaks or the Rift. Therefore, no.


Re: The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2009, 10:24:44 am »
//There are some rules for dead magic areas that are not mechanically enforced by the dead magicness. I think wild shaping is like that - I'm positive that they can maintain form in a dead magic area. So the question is are you going by what is allowed by the server rules, or what a character can and can't do in a dead magic area by NWN enforcement.

In addition, I would suggest that you restrict the use of knockdown - it tends to become a "who has higher discipline" contest otherwise. (I don't think I'll be able to come, so no self-interest here)


Re: The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2009, 12:05:12 pm »
//Druid shape shifting.  It takes a spark of magic to initiate the transformation.  So one can not transform in a magic dead area.  Once in a form it requires no magic, in fact to leave form it requires a spark of magic.  So whatever form a druid is in is their form until magic is applied.  For instance you can mordikains disjunct them all day... it won't matter, they are not using magic to retain whatever form that are in, be it bear, elf, human or otherwise.

So its more of a matter of to you wish to include or exclude Druids as fighters.  As its Lily's event its her call.


Re: The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2009, 12:44:35 pm »
Quote from: Aerimor
So its more of a matter of to you wish to include or exclude Druids as fighters.  As its Lily's event its her call.

// Or maybe it's, "Let's see what you can do," rather than, "Let's see what your magic can enhance you to do."  If a druid wants to see what she can do without changing into a bear or dragon or whatever, here's an opportunity.  If a druid has strong beliefs about his various forms and won't fight without assuming one, this probably isn't the event for him, at least by my understanding of what Weeping Lily has said.


Re: The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2009, 02:59:31 pm »
//Differing interpertations.  Maybe I'd like to fight with a short sword or a long sword which I can not as a druid.  Maybe I take pride ripping people open with claws.  Fists are allowed, maybe my fists are just better?  As I said if you don't want us, that is fine, just say so.  

Just as a monk could host and say no weapons, its all what the hoster desires.  We don't have to worry about making anything fair artificially because its a PC hosted event with PC rules.

I do take exception to the _you_ comment, that is actually what it is to be a shifter.  To use your best shape for the job, like a good fighter would use the right weapon for the foe.  We just have an arsenal most are not comfortable with or use to.

In fact maybe its overdo for Aerimor to host a meditation-off.  =)


Re: The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2009, 05:27:00 pm »
// The "you" wasn't intended to be offensive.  It's an example of both an IC point of view and an OOC mechanical perspective.  From certain IC points of view, if a person changes into something else, that isn't the person anymore but the something else.  Clearly, not every character feels that way.  From a mechanical perspective, a druid changing shape is really no different than a wizard polymorphing, and it's all technically magic.

Generally, I was only saying that it isn't really an anti-druid stance.  While many, maybe even most, druids probably rely on changing shape to do their most effective fighting, that doesn't mean forbidding shapechanging is automatically going to exclude druids.  Anyone willing to abide by the established rules would be welcome, probably, regardless of class.

I agree we are saying the same thing overall.  Not every event is right for every character.


Re: The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2009, 07:22:22 pm »
//OOC - I'm just surprised a druid would even want to participate in such an event...  I don't see how it further's the maintenance of the balance in nature that druids are supposed to be most concerned with... I mean, aren't they supposed to be tending their groves and balancing eco-systems? *mischievous wink*
 I could see druids having a secret set of duels amongst themselves in order to determine who gets assigned to protect whichever area...  wouldn't want a cream-puff tending the rougher spots in the world after all, and a total uber-druid ought not to be wasted tending the apple orchard in the safest town in Mistone (unless of course the town is the safest merely because of the uber-druid's presence there).


Re: The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2009, 07:28:09 pm »
//Shapechange and shifting are VERY differant.  One is a spell the other is an inate power akin to a sorcerer's or what Shadow Dancer's were before they were changed.

One is dispelled upon entering non magic areas, I beleive.  Or in any case dispellable.  The other is not.

One is a magical artifical state.   The other is not artificial.

In my opinion a Shifter is a Fighting Druid as opposed to a Caster druid.  Since everything we have discussed has been out of play I have been giving my out of play interpertations.  If you tell a Druid you can't shape change but you can come fight, it is the same to me as if you tell a rogue ...we know your BAB isn't as good and you can't wear plate mail and use a shield BUT you can come fight with us... but no hiding and no sneak attacks.  

So I stick by my guns on this. OOP it is definatly saying, no we do not want Druids to compete in this event.  They bring unsual and hard to compensate for abilities.  And I agree, they do.  And as I have said repeatedly, I have no problem with it, PC's can be baised as they want.  But on an OOP level do not fool yourself, if you disclude shapechanging for a Druid you are excluding Druids from competing.

Might as well say Jenerra can compete BUT she has to use a Bastard sword and wear leather armor or better, this is a sword fight event.  Then on an OOP level we would be saying we do not want Monks to compete.  Your still welcome to come play by our rules.  And once again that's fine, its a PC driven event.  But you just made it so a Monk can not seriously compete.  

If a PC wants to say only one armed people that use a two handed sword can compete, they said it.  And I am sure their Giant is going to win...but is doesn't mean anything more than what you let it mean to you.

To Frank, it is not our job to judge what other characters hold in high regard.  Or to place restraints on others.  They play their character's, we play ours.  As for Aerimor I believe his stance is well known.  He is zero and one in the arena by forfeit.  =)


Re: The White Lily proudly presents: Night of Duels
« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2009, 09:57:50 pm »
//For the sake of the thread...  can you move the discussion to the "General Discussion" forums?  :)