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Author Topic: While Derrick is away... the Gypsy does play...  (Read 105 times)

Lalaith Va'lash

While Derrick is away... the Gypsy does play...
« on: February 15, 2006, 09:55:27 am »
*The sound of somthing very heavy being dragged across the hard wooden floors, resonates through the empty tavern of the Leilon Arms*
  *Inside the inn, Kali huffs slighlty and she pulls forecfully on a heavy large crate. Halfway between the merchant area and the stage she takes a break leaning her arms on the crate, she smiles a bit curiously talking to herself*
  "I suppose it may have been easier to move the crate BEFORE it was full..." *She gigglesa bit*"Well.. almost there. Come now Kali.."
  *she smirks slightly seemingly encourgaing herself she sings lightly as she continues to pull the crate across the floor*
  *When she finally reaches the stage, she pushes the large crate into position* "There!" *she smiles and looks at it with a satisifed look, dusting her hands off on her lavender skirt and then placing her hands on her hips*
  *giggles a bit, smiling playfully* "Now... to get some signs posted for our little auction of Derrick's things"
  *Kali smiles rogueish smile and then heads off to the office*
  [SIZE=10]// This is for the Leilon Arms live auction, stay tuned for more information to come. :)[/SIZE]