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Author Topic: The Kingdom of Roldem: Calishan Island  (Read 565 times)


The Kingdom of Roldem: Calishan Island
« on: March 22, 2005, 02:28:00 pm »
One of three key islands to the southeast of Dregar, Calishan, together with Talimar, makes up the Kingdom of Roldem. It is also home to Roldem’s capital, Tibum.
  The Kingdom is currently under the rule of King Shun-Han of the Third Ascendant of the House of Zhan. With his court, which resides in Tibum, he rules the kingdom with wisdom and is very considerate for the people, as is demanded from him by his duty. Many high-level officials in his court are also naval officers in the Roldemian Navy, which further increases the influence of the navy on the kingdom.
  The Navy keeps the Kingdom safe and so is deeply rooted in the Roldemian culture.
  This has also caused one of the most respected jobs in Roldemian society to be that of a sailor. Basic seamanship is taught to all boys at an early age.
  The Roldemians possess strong family values, and several generations of a family may live in one huge house. Family and military leaders both take their responsibilities very seriously – if one fails disastrously, one often choses the option of suicide.
  Calishan is also the palce where the first katana was forged, which has become the weapon of choice for most warriors from the islands. There are many skilled blacksmiths that specifically craft katana. There are even legends of a katana that is sharp enough to cut through solid rock.