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Author Topic: "Tavern Status" pages  (Read 601 times)

Pen N Popper

"Tavern Status" pages
« on: April 26, 2006, 12:34:12 pm »
Below is an IRC conversation discussing the idea of having a Tavern Status page. I envision a page whose format is the same as the current server status page. Instead of the servers, though, the world's taverns would be listed along with their occupants. (Something like this would need the approval of Leanthar.)
  The pros:
  • Players not online could see where groups of players-ready-to-play-with were congregated. Hopefully this would encourage them to login and head to the tavern for some RP and adventure.
  • The same would benefit players already online, assuming they could check the server status page while in NWN (alt-tab, windowed mode, etc.).
  • By showing the players by name (just like the server status page), players could also see where their friends and acquaintances are. This would make coordinating the meeting of PCs easier.
 The cons:
  • Some players may have PCs that would not want to be spotted in a tavern. (I find this argument weak, as the status pages are entirely OOC.)
 Design spec suggestions:
  • All of the taverns across all of the servers would be candidates for listing. In addition, player-run taverns could "opt in" to be on the list.
  • Each tavern would have a listing exactly like the current server status page.
  • For brevity, empty taverns could be left off of the list. (Though having a list of them available somewhere on LORE for reference would be nice. "Meet me at the Flying Monkey Alehouse on the Dragon Isles.")
  • On the premise that something is better than nothing, a minimalist design is welcome.
 The conversation:
[INDENT]  [14:26] * Weeblie mutters about the lack of GPS system in Layo... [14:35] that's not a bad idea... perhaps a server status entry for the various taverns [14:35] it would show who was in the tavern [14:35] this would encourage players looking for players to party up with to visit the tavern [14:35] * Reventage has quit IRC ("Education is a sexual disease, it makes you unsuitable for a lot of jobs and then you have the urge to pass it on.") [14:36] * Weeblie snickers. [14:36] seriously, that's a good idea [14:36] Are you Freelancer's PR manager? :P [14:36] i supposed the hlint benches could be added as well if they -must- [14:36] bunch of water-drinkers there, though *rolls eyes* [14:37] Well, they are more popular than the Inns... [14:37] come on, though, that's a good idea [14:37] Mmm... well, it's not a bad one... [14:38] you're trying to decide if you should login or not... check the server status page and see five PCs in the wild surge [14:38] But, I don't think the position is stored in RT... [14:38] you know three are RPers, you jump on and get your fix [14:38] i'm sure it is saved with each "save" [14:38] It's probably only stored when you are using the orb... [14:38] that's a rest or remembering orb [14:38] Yes, or that... [14:38] so players would know to punch the button when they get into the inn [14:39] sure it would be off by a couple of newbies, but they'd figure it out eventually [14:39] * Weeblie snickers. [14:40] i'm now waiting for orth or OneST8 to say, "it is in the works already" [14:40] they do that with all my self-proclaimed brilliant ideas [14:41] * OneST8 is back (gone 66:21:53) [14:41] not a bad idea actually.... [14:41] Heh! [14:41] well here's what's in store but will probably end up being an NWN2 thing [14:41] we of course have location available to GMs, but a filter could be applied [14:41] That's a long away, OneST8... :) [14:41] wait 'till you hear [14:41] so everyone who is logged in could see Tavern only locations [14:42] And death void... *nods* [14:42] :P [14:42] Alright, won't disturb you anymore with my weird sense of humor... Hm... See you later! :) [14:43] * Weeblie has quit IRC ("Home...") [14:43] the plan is to integrate a sort of google maps page into LORE where your PC is flagged on the map (but with no indicators of who's who or anything like "in a tavern", just a dot on a high-view map)... now... [14:45] if you're logged in to LORE... that's a totally different story... you will get to A) zoom in down to the relative area-level and B) everyone that's marked you friendly (and vice versa) will get a little hover-over tooltip with info and their pins on the map would be a different colour [14:46] pretty fancy [14:46] now, we were also pondering the scope of one more layer of coolness...... when you're logged into the game and to LORE at the same time you'd get to see more info about the people in your current area [14:46] the "tavern status" page sounds simpler... what's the chance of getting that? [14:47] I really can't say [14:47] * OneST8 glances to vgn [14:49] i'd offer to help but... i'm really just an ideas man [14:49] I'm personally swamped but something like that (with approval from Leanthar) wouldn't be difficult to setup [14:49] :-) [14:50] problem is of the 5 in the wild surge, maybe two are in a room smooching and don't want it known where they are [14:50] then they would use remembering orb outside [14:51] no  [14:51] it's a heartbeat check [14:51] or maybe it's a specific area inside the tavern map? [14:51] the player tracking is independant of the saving [14:52] we're not going to map co-ords between external and internal maps... way to complex for little pay-out [14:53] i don't know... if the couple wanted that much privacy they'd go to a more secluded location [14:53] even knowing they're both in the tavern doesn't mean they are sharing a room [14:53] Why not just do it the analog way and walk into the Inn? I see your point about stimulating some RP but I see very little activity in the Inns. Most people sit on the benches in Hlint to RP. [14:53] i'm looking for ways to encourage people to go in Regnus [14:53] the point is to attract more people to the inns before people even login [14:54] exactly [14:54] sort of advertising [14:54] which I totally respect [14:54] a simple LORE page for a listing of the inns is doable but requires approval and that's a sticky-type policy so it'd need a lot of support from the community... precisely for the player privacy reasons [14:54] or even, something as simple as an addition to the server status page "X people in Leilon Arms"... no specifics [14:55] but solicit approval through a feature request for it as I can't make that call [14:58] you want it on the LORE request forum, or the NWN ideas, or where? [14:59] would be cool to go into the north point tavern, sit down for an ale (on the floor as there are no chairs :-), and then see a few other folks show up [15:00] like right now, i just reflected for two hours in north point and didn't see a soul come by [15:01] with this i could check the tavern status page, see a group of "idle" adventurers that my pc perhaps knew, and send them a lore bird [15:01] LORE request but ask for Leanthar's approval [15:01] birds don't work underground or in buildings though [15:02] lol... i guess i'd still be waiting then [15:02] * OneST8 nods with asmile [15:03] err a smile *sighs*
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Lalaith Va'lash

RE: "Tavern Status" pages
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2006, 02:51:34 pm »
"[14:54] or even, something as simple as an addition to the server status page "X people in Leilon Arms"... no specifics"
  I kinda like the no specifics thing MUCHbetter, It still tells you what you need to know, without getting into character and player privacy issues ;) --and, Icould list more than one con if your really interested... (just a little tired now and in need of napping first)

Pen N Popper

RE: "Tavern Status" pages
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2006, 07:23:29 pm »
Cons are certainly welcome. Pros too.
  • Some players would not want the attention that their presence would draw. A tavern with the epics Ozy and Plen in it might result in an OOC migration of players there. Even the epics need a quiet night of dining at their favorite restaurant.


Re: "Tavern Status" pages
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2006, 09:46:13 pm »
I support the "X Players at Tavern Y" idea, for the same reasons given then.

Lalaith Va'lash

Re: "Tavern Status" pages
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2008, 08:24:52 am »
Doing some digging in old threads this morning.

A system like this (x # players currently in y tavern) would be neat to have in the MMO.


Re: "Tavern Status" pages
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2008, 09:01:20 am »
I like this idea a lot. This is the sort of thing that encourages RP and I like that. If we do this (IE we are very limited on time and resources) it will be done in the way of: "X Players at Tavern Y" at the bottom of each server listing (or top).
 I am not sure we can do this for NwN (reasons listed above) but I do think it would be nice for the MMO, at the very least.

