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Author Topic: Description editing in LORE?  (Read 970 times)


Description editing in LORE?
« on: March 21, 2006, 05:06:52 am »
I was wondering...

We can see all our character's stuff in LORE - and that includes a DB query to gather their description - wouldn't it be nice to be able to edit the description?

It would allow folks to fix up their description whenever their characters change, not to mention it would allow the players to elaborate more on the description that, seemingly, a lot didn't do when they created the characters ("let me skip over this thing and get to the game already").

I'm fine with Freldo's current description but it lacks some more flair but I don't want to bother the database GMs with such a small request and it would be a VERY nice thing to have, one that shouldn't bother the GMs to much.


Re: Description editing in LORE?
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2006, 08:13:43 am »
Seconded, though I believe the last thing said about this was a mysterious and intriguing "Patience."


RE: Description editing in LORE?
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2006, 08:55:31 am »
Editing the description is not going to happen for security related purposes. The description may be stored on the LORE db but your character's actual description is stored on their .bic file itself.

These live servervault .bic files (in California) are synchronized with the LORE server (in Montreal). The .bic files are then examined and any new updates to the PC are added to their PC Page on LORE. These binary .bic files travel only one way.... Servervault -> LORE. Not the other way around.

This is absolutely for security and cheat-prevention purposes. Sure it wouldn't be insanely difficult to modify .bic files and send them back to the live servervault but it's just not going to happen. I for one do not trust automated systems with something as valuable as a player character. Being that the tools we use to read the .bic files are hand-crafted hacks not actually supported or endorsed by Bioware at all kinda says something.

The potential problems are far more than I care to deal with at this time.

Short Answer: Think carefully when creating your next character.


Re: Description editing in LORE?
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2006, 11:53:43 am »
Thanks OneST8, I thought the descriptions were stored in the DB.


Re: Description editing in LORE?
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2006, 02:31:27 pm »
Nope, the descriptions you see in-game are stored in the binary files and LORE simply pulls it out and stuffs it into the website.

We have been considering a feature that would let you set a "LORE Description" for your PC. It would supercede the in-game ones on the website but would not be found anywhere in-game. Not a "win-win" solution but more of a peace offering type thing which I'm not too fond of.

If it can't be done "right" and the alternative isn't up to par... what's the point? I'd rather code up some other feature that is far more helpful on all aspects.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not ranting towards anyone specifically but more-or-less just whining about the NwN game engine's lack of a grander vision (ie: Bioware never really intended the game to be used how we're using it).

