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Author Topic: Redirects and How They're Handled  (Read 481 times)


Redirects and How They're Handled
« on: January 11, 2008, 01:26:22 am »
Our LORE is a Wiki-type encyclopedia, which has within it categorized much of the information that a player could ever need. It has a great deal of our custom content, and many hundreds and hundreds (at an extremely conservative estimate) of pages.

Many of these link directly, offering no more difficulty than [lore]Pyyran[/lore] on the forums. One click, and you're there.

On the pages themselves, virtually all contextual links, such as in [lore]Cleric[/lore], are direct, as well. However, the second one tries to go to "Linking Pages" or "Recently Visited," or even the "Skip To" dropdowns, one is redirected first to a redirecting page, and then, after a given number of seconds (admittably scalable down to one second in the user preferences), redirected to the page one is trying to get to.

For example, Welcome in the dropdown, as you can see by clicking through, directs to a redirecting page, rather than the page itself.

I propose to remove this. I don't know if it originally served a purpose, or what that purpose could have been (if there was one), but I don't feel that it's doing much to help. It adds a few extra seconds between pages, which may not seem like much... But when one is on a slow connection, or one is navigating a large number of pages, it can quickly become frustrating, and is certainly unproductive.


On a second note, I propose the inclusion of a feature similar to Wikipedia's.

Wikipedia has an auto-redirect feature from misspelled pages, or pages whose name is directly synonymous with the article sporting the "proper" name. For example, Soccer redirects to an article on Association Football (which is apparently the proper name for what is commonly called simply "Football" or "Soccer").

The interesting thing to note, however, is the little tag at the top. "Redirected from: Soccer."

Is there any way to include this, for pages that simply point at others, such as [lore]Drow[/lore]?

Also, is there any way to include support for redirection of misspelled words, such as Dorw (which I've now typed four times in this post)?


Re: Redirects and How They're Handled
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2008, 01:31:34 am »
From what I understand, that would involve a complete overhaul of the LORE system.  This is orth and OneSt8's domain, and they tend to be pretty swamped.  Even so, your suggestion has merit.


Re: Redirects and How They're Handled
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2008, 01:44:08 am »
That's what I gathered from my questioning in IRC - I woke up the AlteredST8, even!

But I was asked to post a thread with more explanation into what I was suggesting, and a few examples.

Should I also start a thread for apparent quirks in the LORE markup?