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Author Topic: AFK Teleport Lounge  (Read 92 times)

Mr. Tee

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    AFK Teleport Lounge
    « on: August 07, 2005, 12:16:00 pm »
    Here's an interesting idea I read about once that a few PW's have implemented.

    You have a special recall item in your inventory. When you use it, it teleports you to an "AFK Lounge" which is basically a large room with chairs, books with the server rules and stuff. There is also a portal to bring you back to the last location you were.

    The idea here is that when a player is going to be away from keyboard (AFK) for only about 5 or 10 minutes, instead of logging out or leaving their PC be in a zombie like state, you can just use the item, teleport yourself to the "AFK Lounge" and leave your PC there until you are ready to return.

    You could also have a tiny PVM/PVP (Player VS Monster/Player VS Player) arena where players can test out new powers/abilities on simple monsters or on each other just for practice. Any XP/items/powers/levels gained or health lost would be removed when the player returned to the real world.

    Now obviously the usual restrictions would come into play, such as don't teleport there to prevent death, etc... basically the same as the logging in/out rules. Also the "soul returning after death" time should stand still while in the AFK Lounge to prevent people from mindlessly leaving their PC there to recover while they are AFK.

    At first I wasn't very impressed this feature... until my dog was just about to pee on the carpet and I used it (on a PW which I used to play on a while back) thereby preventing quite a mess :) After that I found it very useful. What do you all think?

    EDIT: Spelling


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      RE: AFK Teleport Lounge
      « Reply #1 on: August 07, 2005, 01:02:00 pm »
      I would find that very usefull. Because of real life reasons I often have to go afk for short or not so short spells. In a way this reminds me off the good old boss key.

       :)  :)  :)  :)


