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Author Topic: Mail boxes/Post boxes  (Read 98 times)


Mail boxes/Post boxes
« on: March 07, 2007, 01:58:05 am »
I may have suggested something similar before, or someone has already suggested it...(I've did a quick search on the forums and couldn't find anything).

What about the idea of mail boxes? Players are able to send letters and items to each other within game.

Any players can access their mail from any mail box. (For example, accessing these forums from any computer with an internet access.)

The letter boxes can be placed outside inns in cities/towns/villages.

Players will have to pay x amount to send mail or a parcel, and you could have a time limit to send...for example 30 minutes for a parcel to arrive to the mail box. Whilst letters can have like a 10 minute delivery.

If it's trading, you could do a "Cash on Delivery" service, I.E I send to another player two platinum ores each costing 1,000 coins each, and the recieveing player can only open the mail if they pay the fee first, and the fee of 2,000 coins is sent back to the original player.

Or instead of mail boxes, you could have a post office instead -- But were they around in the times were RPing with now?

Problem with this is that same-players can easily maul items to other characters probably without being traced. Also I have a slight feeling it may abolish the whole LORE-message-in-game idea.



Re: Mail boxes/Post boxes
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2007, 06:40:38 am »
We used to have two systems.

A bulletin board system that worked pretty well but after the newness wore off it was rarely ever used. We ripped it out.

A mailbox/postman system that was buggy...but did work to a degree...but again it was buggy. We couldn't get to the fix and it was so rarely used that we ripped it out.

These are not easy/quick solutions and take a lot of manpower to create. I like the idea, and I support the idea of in-game communication (but not a delivery service through "mail"). I do support a delivery service in the way that you pay for the service via IC and RP ways....bug again, this is not really an easy (or quick) thing to create.