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Author Topic: V3 Spell Suggestion : Cleric & Paladin Spell : Level Two : Abjuration : Shield Other  (Read 253 times)


From the bible itself :)
  Shield Other
  Abjuration Level: Clr 2, Pal 2, Protection 2 Componants: V,S,F Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Close (25ft + 5ft/2 levels) Target: One Creature Duration: 1 Hour/Level (D) Saving Throw: Will Negates (Harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless) Focus: A pair of platinum rings (worth at least 50gp each) worn by both you and the warded creature
  This spell wards the subject and creates a mystic connection between you and the subject so that some of its wounds are transferred to you. The subject gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC and a +1 resistance bonus on saves. Additionally, the subject takes only half damage from all wounds and attacks (including that dealt by special abilities) that deal hit point damage. The amount of damage not taken by the warded creature is taken by you. Forms of harm that do not involve hit points, such as charm effects, temporary ability damage, level draining, and death effects, are not affected. If the subject suffers a reduction of hit points from a lowered Consititution score, the reduction is not shared by you because it is not hit point damage. When the spell ends, subsequent damage is no longer divided between the subject and you, but damage already split is not reassigned to the subject.  If you and the subject move out of range of each other, the spell ends.
  Of course I've seen this spell at work in NWN2 and it struck me that this would be a nice spell to have in V3if it were possible to script. The reason is that this is really an RP spell that also has obvious practical applications. Its not a good spell for powergaming clerics (would they volunteer to takeextra damage) but would be good for all those clerics who are along just to heal and protect the other adventurers in a party. I think the idea of using a pair of platinum rings is a good one as long as they could be bought and were non comsumable (I expect they'd be expensive :))


Re: V3 Spell Suggestion : Cleric & Paladin Spell : Level Two : A
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2006, 12:29:51 pm »
Oh, dear... If it's implemented, it's probably better to name it "Stupify Cleric". ;)

But it's otherwise a very neat spell if it can be implemented (a maybe here... though... the lag, if it's possible, might be something to consider).


Re: V3 Spell Suggestion : Cleric & Paladin Spell : Level Two : A
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2006, 01:31:55 pm »
This would be really cool. But extremely hard to code in NWN1. In NWN2, the engine was improved to handle a totally new type of effect -- "Share Damage" effects. Obsidian then used this effect for several new things, like the Neverwinter Nine "Guarding The Lord" ability and the "Shield Other" spell you mention.

This, like Natural Spell and Spontaneous Casting for druids, is one of the changes made to the core engine (not the scripts).

Maybe one of the gurus here can figure out how to do it in NWN1?

What would be easier to code and perhaps work out as an acceptable alternative would be a low level heal spell that did considerable more healing than the "Cure xxx Wounds" spell for that level, but that transfered some (all?) of the damage to the caster.

