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Author Topic: would it be possible to...  (Read 357 times)


would it be possible to...
« on: December 15, 2006, 04:47:43 pm »
Make food and drink give different charges based on the size of the consumer?

One possible suggestion I thought of was to create three different types of beverages.

Tiny - usable only by the races with a 'small' stature.

Normal - usable only by 'medium' races.

Economy - hehe I realize thats not a good name, but this is for the large and huge folks.

Anyhow, just a thought.


Talan Va'lash

Re: would it be possible to...
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2006, 11:02:00 pm »
Each type of food and drink already has different numbers of charges that also are more or less quenching or filling depending on the type.

And theres no reason a large crature couldn't eat 7 halfling meals heh.

Seems like this is adding an unneccessary layer of complexity to reach a goal that could be accomplished just by making larger/smaller races get hungry/thirsty faster/slower.


Re: would it be possible to...
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2006, 10:05:42 am »
Talan Va'lash - 12/16/2006  12:02 AM

Each type of food and drink already has different numbers of charges that also are more or less quenching or filling depending on the type.

And theres no reason a large crature couldn't eat 7 halfling meals heh.

Seems like this is adding an unneccessary layer of complexity to reach a goal that could be accomplished just by making larger/smaller races get hungry/thirsty faster/slower.

That, itself is an additional, unnecessary layer of complexity. More to the point though that any of the things that we have for flavor, or atmosphere aren't really 'must have'. The point I was getting at was that in my mind it seems as though a brownie character should be able to get at least triple the doses from the same bottle I buy of a beverage, plus the sheer scale of the item. *shrugs* If my half-orc gave a Brownie his canteen it would be pinned beneath its weight.

I agree though that theres no reason a large creature couldn't eat 10x more of a smaller portioned meal, if you want to sit around and eat for 15 minutes.



RE: would it be possible to...
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2006, 10:54:51 am »
Well I think the idea of adding different portion sizes to consumable food and drink would definitely be the wrong way to go about it. On top of the charge system we already have for food, adding variations for existing foods and drinks is a huge, HUGE effort.
  What would be more likely is for the hunger/thirst system to take into account the PC's size when he/she is eating or drinking, thereby giving more of an effect to smaller creatures and less of an effect to larger ones. This at least would be centralized and would snap fit quite nicely into the current system.
  That said, I'm not sure this would make much sense, as a creature of a given size is going to buy and consume food and drink in portion sizes that are appropriate to the character. A full meal for a brownie is less than a snack for a half-giant. I know that brings us back to your idea, but then we run into effort/reward issues. It's one of those things where game mechanics kind of forces some compromises.


Re: would it be possible to...
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2006, 01:45:12 pm »
heh Game mechanics does little else but force compromise when you hammer a PW out of something that was never meant to do that. Like making a car out of 4 motorcycles.

Regardless, I have no idea whats possible, feasible or restrictively complex withing the system we have got, so I'll keep floating 'em out there if I get an idea.
