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Author Topic: Automatic server reboot  (Read 303 times)


Automatic server reboot
« on: December 19, 2009, 02:42:21 pm »
I'm not sure if such a thing exists. But could an automatic server reboot be made, so that when the server reaches 100 hours they are automatically rebooted. It would be good if a GM of course had a way to stop it so it doesn't affect their quest preparations and ongoing quests. And also a warning message being sent in the server message chat, warning that the server will reboot in 2 hours, 1 hours, 30 minutes, 15 minutes, 5 minutes, 2 minutes and rebooting.

This I think would help greatly with the lag that people feels when the server passes the 100 hours mark. Like today, a party is being forced to leave the great spire, because the lag is affecting them.
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Re: Automatic server reboot
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2009, 03:05:08 pm »
This is possible through a NWNX plugin: NWNx Reset Plugin.

Making it so a GM can postpone the process is a bit trickier, but doable.  I don't know if it's worth the work, though - possibly just making sure the folks who can restart the server are usually readily available would be a simpler fix.


Re: Automatic server reboot
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2009, 03:18:16 pm »
Probably, but then again when you look at the 167 hours now, the 287 hours the last time the server was rebooted, you can't always expect the persons with those privilege to be there and available to do so. This would at least fix that.


Re: Automatic server reboot
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2009, 04:37:28 pm »
I just need to get back in the habit of doing weekly reboots.   I usually tried to get them done on Fridays so that we had the servers fresh for the weekends, but the holidays and some busy weekends have sort of disrupted that. My apologies for the lapse.

I actually prefer to keep it a manual process, and I'll consider any requests to restart the server if it's reasonable to do so and I am available. Going by total numbers of hours is not the best metric.  I've seen perfectly stable and relatively lag-less servers that have been up 200+ hours, and I've seen them be chunky after 12.  It matters less how long the server has been up and more what happens during those hours. Lag caused by network issues (which happen now and then) cannot be alleviated by reboots, regular or not. Automation, giving GMs some control over the process and trying to integrate it with two NWN servers running on one physical box seems like it would cause more problems than it solves.  

168 hours is one week of continuous run time, and given the general server stability, load and population has typically been a good interval.

Besides me, there are a couple other GMs who have access and knowledge to do this. Make use of the forum.  That's why it's there.  I know we don't always respond immediately, but it is not ignored.

