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Author Topic: New bard system  (Read 180 times)


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    New bard system
    « on: August 23, 2005, 08:39:00 am »
    I suggest that bards be allowed to write books, and they be sold in-game.  
    Clicky to the bard poll.

    Books are in the engine and easy to create, simply cut and paste the text, set a price and a name - done.

    Bard level 6  - Can write a 2 page book (200 words)
    Bard level 8  - 3 page
    Bard level 10 - 4 page
    Bard level 12 - 5 page
    Bard level 14 - 6 page
    Bard level 16 - 7 page
    Bard level 18 - 8 page
    Bard level 20 - 10 page

    This will:

    Let the players get their stories into the game
    Promote creative in-character stories
    Enhances bards with a new ability
    Soak up gold, reducing the amount floating in the economy
    Let DMs pass on information via books if desired
    Flesh out the custom History skill
    Causes no lag
    Devs - 30 minutes to set-up, 10 minutes/month upkeep
    Adds another reason to go to the world capital

    But wait, there's more...
    I suggest that an area of the forum be made, only viewable by a new group - Bards.  Surely there are a few long-time veterans that play bards, allow them access to promote to the bard group/admin for that area.  From there they can police themselves, deciding what is worthy to be printed, what needs to be reworked, etc. Basically they'll police themselves and can simply post finished products for each month in a separate thread. They can even limit the number of books out there to X amount of titles, so the vendors don't get overloaded in a year.

    After that, it should take minimum amount of time to add a book to the module.

    How do the players get the books?  Put a librarian/antiquarian/bookseller in Hampshire.  For pricing, I suggest this:

    1 page X 1000 gp X number printed = cost to submit
    1 page X 500 gp / number printed = cost to purchase

    Each page = 100 words
    Number printed = how many the vendor holds, 10 being unlimited.

    Example: Dork the Orc wants his exploits against the dragon 'Claw' written up.  He finds a mediocre bard (level 12, 5 page max) and wants everyone in the world to be able to read it (unlimited copies).So 5 pages X 1000 gp X 10 copies (unlimited) = 50,000 gp to print. The orc pays, the bard pays - who cares, that's up to them.The cost set for a player to purchase that book would be:5 pages X 500 gp / 10 copies = 250gp.It's actually an easy system, and could even be made into a short little auto-program in a few minutes by someone who knows C++.

    Another benefit is that pricing system does is completely balanced.  The larger the book, the more it costs to print (we're talking scribes here, not printing presses).  The more copies printed, the more the printing costs are - yet the more copies printed, the more that are available so that price drops for the buyers, and they will be more common on the server. An additional benefit of using a set amount books on the vendor is that they will run out in-between resets. If a player is to use their 'History' skill, this can even modify it.  Say Leaf the genious and gorgeous mage wants to search for Conan's sword.  The DM laughs, and says sure thing - if his history is a 52.  Leaf whips out the Scrolls of Skellos and gets a bonus for searching for that particular info, or asks the DM to check the bookcase in his house to see how many titles he has that might apply, giving a possible bonus to his check.Say a DM wants to be sneaky about a quest, and have an entrance exam for it.  They write a book (or add slight edits to one being published) that drops clues about who to see/talk to/what to do/where & when to meet a DM at.

    An optional system would be to have a bookseller vendor that has a conversation tweaked so that it will only sell to bards and at a lower price - allowing them to sell at whatever markup they think will work and affecting how common/rare some books will be.  Or, change the printing prices. Or perhaps multiple booksellers with the other locations having a limit as to how many of each they can carry (say max of 3), it can be tweaked in lots of ways. It's not a bad idea for a rough draft - post suggestions, poke holes in it, point out the flaws, and play with it. The only possible stumbling block I see as it is now is that you might not be able to limit forum admin rights to one particular area.


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      RE: New bard system
      « Reply #1 on: August 23, 2005, 09:33:00 am »
      Love it?
      Like it?
      Hate it?


      RE: New bard system
      « Reply #2 on: August 23, 2005, 09:58:00 am »
      I like parts of it, like the book merchant.
        What I don't like is the bard level restrictions on text.
        Also, there are already books in game which GMs use to pass on info :) About the bard forum group, that's not going to work; writing by group is difficult. Besides that, if people want to put a book in game, they can already request that (for example, the people who have epics can write or have somebody else write a tale of their epic), if it's good enough it'll go in.
        Finally, I suggest all bards to read up on The Ineffable Chord.
        EDIT: Oh, and asking within an hour for feedback is a bit optimistic ;)

      Talan Va'lash

      RE: New bard system
      « Reply #3 on: August 23, 2005, 02:30:00 pm »
      Also, there is no history skill.

      I think allowing people to add stories to their weapons and items should come first if we only get to choose one of them.



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        RE: New bard system
        « Reply #4 on: August 23, 2005, 07:26:00 pm »
        I was at work at the time, my apologies.  'Gather information' skill.

        Adding a unique description to an item means you must create a new item resref for each story - with books you need only do it once.

        But I did not know a system was already in place for books, now I do.