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Author Topic: Proposing Changes Devastating and Overwhelming Criticals Feats to Account for Archers  (Read 687 times)


I would like to propose changes to two feats. The Arcane Archer Lore page lists these two Epic feats Devastating Critical and Overwhelming Critical but they don't make any sense from an archer perspective and I think they should especially since they are listed as "Arcane Archer" Feats.

Devastating Critical (longbow, shortbow)
Overwhelming Critical (longbow, shortbow)

The problem is that they require amazing Strength, Cleave feat, and Great Cleave feat, that there is no reason an epic archer would have.

I feel that this is just probably an oversight. The Devastating Critical; Overwhelming Critical were created for general combat characters but somehow it translated for only the mele bashers leaving other combatants out i.e. archers.

I am hoping this was an oversight because archers are capable of critical hits, and improved critical hits and if SehKy holds his bow just so, and places the arrow through an eye socket just right, I would think that SehKy would be able to produce a Devastating Critical or Overwhelming critical hit.

Specific details of the proposal:

Proposed Changes for Overwhelming Critical (longbow, shortbow)
(1) Change Str 23 to Str 23 or Dex 23 required
(2) Change Cleave to Cleave or Called Shot required
(3) Remove Great Cleave requirement
(4) Remove Power Attack requirement

Proposed Changes for Devastating Critical (longbow, shortbow)
(1) Change Str 30 to Str 30 or Dex 30 required
(2) Remove Cleave requirement(**redundant)
(3) Remove Great Cleave requirement
(4) Remove Power Attack requirement
(5) Remove Level 21 requirement((**redundant)
(6) Remove Improved Critical requirement ((**redundant)

**redundant requirements are already required for  Overwhelming Critical feat


Re: Proposing Changes Devastating and Overwhelming Criticals Fea
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2011, 03:38:54 am »
I totally get get what you are going for but getting to base 30 dex with a elf is a whole lot easier then getting to base 30 str and has a whole lot more value as well. Maybe a half orc gives from a stat POV the same advantage in terms of str but the half orc has all kinds of disadvantages. Removing any reqs without replacing them with feats that are very similar would make it too easy to get to the single most powerful feat in the game. Called shot is not a replacement for Cleave since it does not have a feat req, meaning that cleave costs two feats to have (power attack and cleave) called shot costs one feat (itself).

An archer that wants to get to dev crit would need to build for it right from the start with a singular focus and high level of sacrifice just like any other fighter class that wants to get it. I am sure someone else will go into just how overpowered dev crit in the hands of a arcane archer would be. Just think about hail of arrows LOL.

As you have it above a arcane archer can hit dev crit by about 25th to 27th level where a fighter building for it with a singular focus cant make it until about 32nd level at the best.


Re: Proposing Changes Devastating and Overwhelming Criticals Fea
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2011, 04:43:39 am »
Just a few notes:

  • Due to the way Bioware set up the Feat system, "or" isn't an option for attribute prerequisites.  (You can check it out in feats.2da!)
  • The level requirement is an artifact of setting the "Epic Required" flag in feats.2da - which, in turn, is necessary for the feat system to handle epic feats properly.  So it's not actually redundant, in Bioware's eyes, at least.
  • Because only three absolutely required feats can be set, and only two are set for Dev Critical (Great Cleave and Overwhelming Critical), I suspect that the other "required" feats are a result of prerequisite chaining, and not something a designer has control over.

Personally, I'd object to changing the prerequisite to DEX because I have a character who is into archery but through WIS and Zen Archery, not DEX.  Called Shot also has no prerequisites in and of itself, while Cleave requires Power Attack.

Also, it should be pointed out that shuriken, darts, slings, both crossbows, and handaxes would also have to be considered.

I'm also a little leery of changing the prerequisites for Devastating Critical, already an overpowered feat, given Hail of Arrows as an Arcane Archer ability.

Anyway, moving this thread to NWN suggestions, rather than Grievances.


Re: Proposing Changes Devastating and Overwhelming Criticals Fea
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2011, 10:40:07 am »
Why not simply take the feats out of the Arcane archer lists then? And put something that would be more inline with what an archer would actually aim for. Maybe new custom feat.

IN the past there's been the use of many different type of arrows. Blunts one would be aim to incapacitate, knock down of horses, knock out the target without necessarily killing them. So maybe an epic feat set to a good number of Dex which would act like the knock down feat, for the same durations.

The feat could required called shot, knock down and epic weapon focus.

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Proposing Changes Devastating and Overwhelming Criticals Fea
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2011, 10:54:04 am »
I think this has much potential.  Yes, this subject has been tapped before and I'm seeing the same replies.  Usually negative, but why not make more constructive and possible suggestions.  We all know this is not going to fit all "Archer Types".  For instance, the 30 Dex vs the Zen Archery Feat that   Darkstorme mentioned.  This feat (in my opinion) was made to allow other classes to be more proficient in archery which is a Dex based mode of combat.

I see the point in making these changes, and its alot harder rolling a critical than many of your other standard weapons.  There are a few feats that can be taken to expand the crit numbers, while with a bow ... its 20 only.

Ok, Cleave just doesn't really work in this equation.  It takes a couple feats to get it as well.  So, if its to be removed, why not replace it with other archery feats? After collecting say 3 replacement feats, you would be close to epic status, why should archers be allowed a wider damage spread via the eye socket shot or heart shot? Or better yet, add in a level requirement.

Devastating Hail of Arrows? Yes, for the archer.  Unfortunately, using this in a multi creature area will bring all the creatures to the archer, been there, done that.  Not a happy ending.

And what about the other ranged weapons?  Well, yeah, I see the problem in that unless there is some kind of tag that can be used that targets "Ranged" weapons in the code.

Mainly I guess what I'm am trying to say/do is make reasonable suggestions or ideas to make this work.  Jil is all archer.  Yes, She is a wizard as well, but she only uses defensive protective spells (with a rare magic missle if her arrows can not touch the target).  She carries only a bow for a weapon.  Most folk that have traveled with her would tell you that.  So instead of saying what doesn't work, how about some ideas that might work?  Just my 2 True.


Re: Proposing Changes Devastating and Overwhelming Criticals Fea
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2011, 12:15:28 pm »
Quote from: Jilseponie Wyndon
I think this has much potential.  Yes, this subject has been tapped before and I'm seeing the same replies.  Usually negative, but why not make more constructive and possible suggestions.  We all know this is not going to fit all "Archer Types".  For instance, the 30 Dex vs the Zen Archery Feat that   Darkstorme mentioned.  This feat (in my opinion) was made to allow other classes to be more proficient in archery which is a Dex based mode of combat.

I see the point in making these changes, and its alot harder rolling a critical than many of your other standard weapons.  There are a few feats that can be taken to expand the crit numbers, while with a bow ... its 20 only.

Ok, Cleave just doesn't really work in this equation.  It takes a couple feats to get it as well.  So, if its to be removed, why not replace it with other archery feats? After collecting say 3 replacement feats, you would be close to epic status, why should archers be allowed a wider damage spread via the eye socket shot or heart shot? Or better yet, add in a level requirement.

Devastating Hail of Arrows? Yes, for the archer.  Unfortunately, using this in a multi creature area will bring all the creatures to the archer, been there, done that.  Not a happy ending.

And what about the other ranged weapons?  Well, yeah, I see the problem in that unless there is some kind of tag that can be used that targets "Ranged" weapons in the code.

Mainly I guess what I'm am trying to say/do is make reasonable suggestions or ideas to make this work.  Jil is all archer.  Yes, She is a wizard as well, but she only uses defensive protective spells (with a rare magic missle if her arrows can not touch the target).  She carries only a bow for a weapon.  Most folk that have traveled with her would tell you that.  So instead of saying what doesn't work, how about some ideas that might work?  Just my 2 True.

Same here with Tyillaan. I haven't used any offensive spell with her, since her first levels. And even then.

{edit it out as i've been told it was a bit to hot to post .. maybe}


Re: Proposing Changes Devastating and Overwhelming Criticals Fea
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2011, 01:05:23 pm »
Quote from: Hellblazer
It's truly one of my pet peeves over there years, and I think this is probably one of the reason why it's so hard to see changes because there's too much "oh but my class don't get this and that". Zen archery is great, but it's a choice to go a path that might not give you all the benefits that someone made his char for archery in the beginning would have. Just the same way that a rogue will not get all the benefits of taking combat feat that are more geared for fighters due to the str limitation as the rogue is also based on dexterity for most of their feats. So if we could focus on making this better for what it is, and not in line of well my char who uses this can't get it so I'm not okay with it. It might make things more enjoyable for people. Just my thought, but anyhow.

Isn't that basically what's being asked about here?  I don't mean that in any way as a counter-argument to the original suggestion or to in any way invalidate what is being said here. However, the very question of changing archer feats is somewhat centered around the idea that these two feats are outside of what can normally be obtained by a character who devotes oneself to a focused archery track (i.e. DEX-heavy) without sacrifices. Though in this case it's not "my class doesn't have this" but "my path doesn't make this likely".  Personally, I don't have a problem with it.

Going more specific, whether a Zen-based archer or a DEX-based archer, does it really matter?  If an archer has a high WIS versus a high DEX, he's just as good of an archer either way, mechanically speaking.

Regardless, the question is not "can this be changed?" I think darkstorme outlined that pretty well as far as what can and can't be done on a technical level.

The real questions here is:

Taking the larger balance picture into account, is this even appropriate? The dedicated archer is quite different than a dedicated melee fighter.  No offense to Arcane Archers, but it's quite easy to achieve the prerequisites to become an Arcane Archer, mechanically speaking, and it is entirely possible that a character builds himself to take Arcane Archer levels as a supplement to melee ability, but that would be at the expense of some of the character's archery ability. The list of Epic feats for the Arcane Archer class are simply those which can be taken by an Arcane Archer, meaning they aren't explicitly excluded. But it would take sacrifice.  As has been discussed in other threads about Dev. Crit., it takes a very dedicated and purposeful build of stats to obtain Dev. Crit.  Given their prerequisites, these feats are melee-oriented, so that an archer would need to sacrifice to obtain them is pretty logical to my mind.

Another question would be whether or not something similar to Overwhelming Crit/Dev. Crit. could be designed for the an archery-oriented class rather than trying to force a melee feat into a ranged situation.

These are the sorts of things I look at when considering changes, and which were most likely reviewed when the Arcane Archer class was designed.

So on that note, keep discussing with the bigger picture in mind. :)

As Jil said, let's focus on realistic possibilities rather than simply why it won't work or why we might think it has to change.


Re: Proposing Changes Devastating and Overwhelming Criticals Fea
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2011, 01:36:01 pm »
I personally don't see dev crit being something to see for archers anyway. I squint at seeing a ranger with his favored enemies, bane weapon get dev crit  :D

But Maybe instead of doing a massive damage feat, something that would have a lasting effect would be more inline, imo. I was speaking with Jil about it earlier. Something in the line of crippling strike but for archer and without having to do a sneak attack to work could be one of many possible ideas.

Quote from: Dorganath
Isn't that basically what's being asked about here?  I don't mean that in any way as a counter-argument to the original suggestion or to in any way invalidate what is being said here. However, the very question of changing archer feats is somewhat centered around the idea that these two feats are outside of what can normally be obtained by a character who devotes oneself to a focused archery track (i.e. DEX-heavy) without sacrifices. Though in this case it's not "my class doesn't have this" but "my path doesn't make this likely".  Personally, I don't have a problem with it.

I can't claim to read madhattan mind ;)  but to me it read more like; why do we have this in our feat list since archers don't go down the road of str, kind of thing.


Re: Proposing Changes Devastating and Overwhelming Criticals Fea
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2011, 02:26:52 pm »
If this discussion has opened up to what feats could be created in lieu of dev crit for fighters, I think it should be something like an AoE root or an increase in DPS via faster attack speed (more attacks per round). This makes sense to me because many archer feats seem to focus on the speed of the archer (rapid reload and rapid shot) or the amount of arrows fired (hail of arrows). Thus, something like:

Volley - The archer fires several arrows in an attempt to pin down a target. On successful hit, root lasts for x amount of rounds, allowing the archer to plunk away at a safe distance.


Improved and Epic Rapid Shot - The archer gains 1 more extra attack at a further penalty to all attack rolls that round; the archer gains 1 extra attack from improved rapid shot at no penalty, or at least no further penalty, to attack rolls.

seems appropriate.

If these were added for Arcane Archer, I'd suggest replacing the Point Blank Shot  requirement for Arcane Archer with Rapid Shot (which has PBS as a pre-req anyway).

Throw the dex requirement on improved rapid shot at say 23 and epic rapid shot at around 32-3.

In other words, you've got two ways you can increase DPS. One way, the fighter way, is to increase dps by doing more damage in the same amount of attacks. I'm proposing that the archer increase DPS by doing the same amount of damage with more chances to attack. It should be noted that an archer with 4 attacks and then Rapid Shot is role playing the ability to fire an arrow every 1.2 seconds, so perhaps giving more attacks isn't the answer as that already seems like an impossibility.

That said, I'm not really qualified to talk about this kind of thing. My archer, not even an arcane archer, is level 6. Needless to say, I am more concerned with how it will affect future archer builds rather than providing feats for existing archers to take.


Re: Proposing Changes Devastating and Overwhelming Criticals Fea
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2011, 01:15:19 pm »
I have heard nothing to dissuade me from my theory that Devastating Critical and Overwhelming Critical were created for general combat characters and that for some unintended reason translated for only the melee bashers.  I still feel that the feats can and should work for archers or any general combat characters that pursue the line of training that would achieve critical hits.  The fact that we cannot find analogous feats for Cleave and Great Cleave only seems to demonstrate the weakness of the feat choices for archers as opposed to melee.  

To address concerns, I now propose the following four new feats:

New Feat: Improved Called Shot
Specifics: Replaces Called Shot Feat; Grants the ability to make a potentially disabling attack against an opponents arms or legs. Improved Called shots are made at a -4 penalty, and must overcome the targets Discipline skill check. A successful called shot against the legs reduces the opponents movement rate by 30% and gives them a -3 cumulative penalty to their Dexterity. A successful called shot against the arms applies a cumulative -3 penalty to the creatures Attack Rolls. Successful called shots last for six rounds.

(1)    Called Shot required

New Feat: Overwhelming Called Shot
Specifics: Replaces Improved Called Shot Feat; Grants the ability to make a potentially disabling attack against an opponents arms or legs. Improved Called shots are made at a -4 penalty, and must overcome the targets Discipline skill check. A successful called shot against the legs reduces the opponents movement rate by 40% and gives them a -4 cumulative penalty to their Dexterity. A successful called shot against the arms applies a cumulative -4 penalty to the creatures Attack Rolls. Successful called shots last for eight rounds.

(1)    Improved Called Shot required

New Feat: Overwhelming Critical Shot (long bow, short bow)
Specifics: When using the weapon chosen, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapons critical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6.

(1) Dex 23 required
(2) Improved Called Shot required
(3) Level 21 required
(4) Improved Critical (chosen weapon long bow or short bow)

New Feat: Devastating Critical Shot (long bow, short bow)
Specifics: Whenever you inflict a critical hit against an opponent he has to make a Fortitude save or die instantly.  This shot is analogous to a shot through the very hard to hit weak points in armor to the brain, throat, or spine. Difficulty Class: 9 + ½ Character level + Strength modifier

(1) Dex 30 required
(2) Level 25 Required
(3) Overwhelming Called Shot required
(3) Overwhelming Critical Shot Required (chosen weapon long bow or short bow)


Re: Proposing Changes Devastating and Overwhelming Criticals Fea
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2011, 03:31:13 am »
Ouch...this would be nasty.  
The only problem is it doesn't seem that you're making a sacrifice to get something great.  All abilities and feats work with the class anyway.  
I think the AA is a fantastic class already.  The AB and +dam every odd level makes it one of the best hitting and damage characters already in the game, not to mention against dam resistant monsters.
What I'd like to see for AA's is fixing hail of arrows.  Also featls to increase arrow of death and hail of arrows to more per day like stunning fist, bard song..etc.  Also Stunning shot would be cool or the potential to change the element type for explosive arrow.  These things all make the class more interesting.

FYI - I had a Bard/RDD/AA on another server once upon a time.  The extra strength from RDD, plus focusing all feats and abilites to get the dev crit made me almost 1 shot anything.  It was quite funny watching things disintegrate all over the place.  Very powerful.


Quote from: MadHattan
I have heard nothing to dissuade me from my theory that Devastating Critical and Overwhelming Critical were created for general combat characters and that for some unintended reason translated for only the melee bashers.  I still feel that the feats can and should work for archers or any general combat characters that pursue the line of training that would achieve critical hits.  The fact that we cannot find analogous feats for Cleave and Great Cleave only seems to demonstrate the weakness of the feat choices for archers as opposed to melee.  

To address concerns, I now propose the following four new feats:

New Feat: Improved Called Shot
Specifics: Replaces Called Shot Feat; Grants the ability to make a potentially disabling attack against an opponents arms or legs. Improved Called shots are made at a -4 penalty, and must overcome the targets Discipline skill check. A successful called shot against the legs reduces the opponents movement rate by 30% and gives them a -3 cumulative penalty to their Dexterity. A successful called shot against the arms applies a cumulative -3 penalty to the creatures Attack Rolls. Successful called shots last for six rounds.

(1)    Called Shot required

New Feat: Overwhelming Called Shot
Specifics: Replaces Improved Called Shot Feat; Grants the ability to make a potentially disabling attack against an opponents arms or legs. Improved Called shots are made at a -4 penalty, and must overcome the targets Discipline skill check. A successful called shot against the legs reduces the opponents movement rate by 40% and gives them a -4 cumulative penalty to their Dexterity. A successful called shot against the arms applies a cumulative -4 penalty to the creatures Attack Rolls. Successful called shots last for eight rounds.

(1)    Improved Called Shot required

New Feat: Overwhelming Critical Shot (long bow, short bow)
Specifics: When using the weapon chosen, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapons critical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6.

(1) Dex 23 required
(2) Improved Called Shot required
(3) Level 21 required
(4) Improved Critical (chosen weapon long bow or short bow)

New Feat: Devastating Critical Shot (long bow, short bow)
Specifics: Whenever you inflict a critical hit against an opponent he has to make a Fortitude save or die instantly.  This shot is analogous to a shot through the very hard to hit weak points in armor to the brain, throat, or spine. Difficulty Class: 9 + ½ Character level + Strength modifier

(1) Dex 30 required
(2) Level 25 Required
(3) Overwhelming Called Shot required
(3) Overwhelming Critical Shot Required (chosen weapon long bow or short bow)


Re: Proposing Changes Devastating and Overwhelming Criticals Fea
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2011, 08:20:32 am »
I am completely against increasing the kill potential for archers. To simplify it, I consider that the STR based melee character have two main points. ~Damage (not effective damage, effective damage is when you actually land a hit) and the ability to tank. Archers have Range. Arcane Archers have Range, high AB and enchantment bonus to arrows.

If you go ~30 AA you can easily end up with 38 in base dexterity that coupled with ~+15 enhancement bonus you got crazy AB, good damage and the best damage penetration in the game. If we disregard the STR base for dev then Dev crit is all about AB. Once you land within the critical range you want really high ab to complete the critical hit. Like mentioned before, arcane archer has plenty of AB.

I have not done any math for it, but I am guessing Arcane Archer has higher DPS than weapon master


Re: Proposing Changes Devastating and Overwhelming Criticals Fea
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2011, 09:21:13 am »
I am completely against increasing the kill potential for archers. To simplify it, I consider that the STR based melee character have two main points. ~Damage (not effective damage, effective damage is when you actually land a hit) and the ability to tank. Archers have Range. Arcane Archers have Range, high AB and enchantment bonus to arrows.

If you go ~30 AA you can easily end up with 38 in base dexterity that coupled with ~+15 enhancement bonus you got crazy AB, good damage and the best damage penetration in the game. If we disregard the STR base for dev then Dev crit is all about AB. Once you land within the critical range you want really high ab to complete the critical hit. Like mentioned before, arcane archer has plenty of AB.

I have not done any math for it, but I am guessing Arcane Archer has higher DPS than weapon master

