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Author Topic: Hlint  (Read 1826 times)


Re: Hlint
« Reply #40 on: December 08, 2009, 10:11:33 am »
Well, if you're looking for a high-traffic area to set in and wait for others to pass by or stop to RP, I suggest that the best spot on the West server as it stands right now is outside the walls of Port Hempstead, by the little pond there.  One reason for this is due to how the roads run in Mistone.  You can't get to points like Spellgard, Fort Llast, Fort Wayfare, Krandor, Leringard, and even Hlint from Port Hempstead or Fort Vehl on foot without passing through that spot.  That's why whenever I have a PC out to 'set up shop' and sell things (like I used to do with Lyle and his poems), I usually choose that spot there at the 'T' in the road.
 So, perhaps what's needed to bring back some of that Hlintish feel are only a couple more benches by the pond, but positioned on the side nearest the road?  Or better still, a couple benches on either side of the road, facing each-other as those in Hlint do.  People like to face each other when conversing, after all.  Granted, folks can still decide to just take a seat in the grass there with the 'sit' emote if they don't mind getting bits of grass and/or dirt on their clothes.  Though personally I'd like to see a couple benches added myself, and maybe even a lamp-post or two to light that intersection and road up to the gates at night too.
 I'm rambling now, so I'll quit.  Still, it's what I'd probably do if I were re-designing the area a bit.


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    Re: Hlint
    « Reply #41 on: December 08, 2009, 10:07:24 pm »
    Obviously as a casual player/lurker I don't know enough to comment on traffic, but if you remember my suggestions from the "what Layonara needs" thread, I really think a lot more thought needs to go into the new player experience.

    No offense, but I don't get the thinking behind the current layout at all.  It's extremely sparse and spread out across the two cities, with no guide to tell you where to go, and with extremely dangerous areas waiting if you don't guess the right path.  The starting quests are kind of tucked away and, really, not all that useful considering the high XP curve; but at the same time there's such little low-level activity it's tough (if not often impossible) to find some reliable friends to party up with.  I know, "get help from established players", but really, what can a level 15 or 20 do to help someone who's level 4 in the long term?  

    I don't see a fix without a lot of work...  UNLESS you simply let new characters start at level 7 or so.  Eliminate the need for a starting area altogether and let new characters be able to take an active role in the world.  Considering the stringent character approval process you have (and which can be used to account for those early levels) I think it's a fair suggestion.  Heck, it might make it easier to write those applications, since you don't have to make, say, your wizard a clueless neophyte who only knows a few cantrips.  

    This might also encourage more new characters from established players, since they'll be able to hit the ground running instead of spending weeks grinding to get anywhere.