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Author Topic: Brecht mountains  (Read 135 times)


Brecht mountains
« on: April 01, 2007, 03:28:07 am »
So, I was just with a group who got clobbered in the Brecht mountains. I'm not putting this in the bugs forum for overpoweredness, because even though it's close to the starting area, I think the lack of road and general atmosphere should be a bit of a warning that this is not an area for low-level characters. That said, how about a "danger, treacherous mountains" sign? Or maybe some flavor text upon entering: "the mountain chill begins to seep in to your bones, and you can hear the distant punding of large feet" type of thing?


Re: Brecht mountains
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2007, 05:38:50 am »
I'm not sure if it will still be that way after the update with the whole encounter overhaul thing; that said, I'm not totally against things being not quite low level enough near a starting area, as long as there IS plenty of warning and talk about it, ensuring that a new character with no interaction with another PC or forum-reading would know that is a nasty area before setting out.

I think it will probably be made more starting area-ish, but just in general practice I agree that it's possible to make things a little over the ideal if it's made clear, just to avoid the frustration. If it's a surprise, THAT gets really old. hehe.


Re: Brecht mountains
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2007, 08:46:13 am »
The mountains have been decreased in power (for a few areas in there) and I believe pankoki plans to put a sign near the transition in to the mountains that talks about the dangers of the mountains in an atmospheric way.
 This will be on the next version.