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Author Topic: Iron Spikes  (Read 120 times)


Iron Spikes
« on: June 17, 2010, 07:46:35 pm »
Well i just got an order for 400 iron spikes from two people that are moving their house on west, Woohoo!!

Well until I found out it takes 2 iron ingot to do 1 iron spike, and not a stack.. one single iron spike. And those spikes don't stack either.

So could the recipe be lowered because 2 ingots to make a single spike seems a bit extreme.


Re: Iron Spikes
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2010, 08:39:49 pm »
For the simple reason that it wouldn't be fair to everyone else who has had to scrape together all the time and resources to meet the the material requirements for moving their homes, I'm going to say "no".  

Don't consider it as 2 ingots for a single nail.  It's more like getting a box of framing nails from the hardware store.

Iron spikes are only used in a few recipes and not in any significant quantities, and I don't think they're particularly popular recipes either.  Yes, they take a lot of resources, but that's by design and a balancing factor for house moves, in that the resource requirements are high to make sure that people who want to move their house doors are serious and dedicated about it and not just asking on a whim.

